Who wants a Gray Hulk statue?

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Put me on the list of those people that think you should do with it whatever the heck serves you best. Don't be bullied or pruessured by the selfishness of others.

Jesseawilson said:
Put me on the list of those people that think you should do with it whatever the heck serves you best. Don't be bullied or pruessured by the selfishness of others.

Just as people were assuming too much about the ebay auction, don't trivialize people's feelings and just label them "selfish" for wanting it. As I mentioned, I don't want to be on the list; however, that's no judgment on the motives of the other people who DO want to be put in the lottery.

With that said, put me in the lottery. If I win, I choose NOT to exercise my opportunity to purchase the item...I can tell LOTRSWfan is gonna jack me on the shipping charges...I heard it was $700.00 =)

As much as I admire LOTRSWFan for putting up the statue for lottery--and I'd certainly understand if he pulls it--I'd be that much more impressed if he followed through on it. Course, Im' crossing my fingers that the person who does win will sell it and give him the proceeds.

Lastly, I didn't respond to you in another thread because I didn't want to escalate the tension in there, but you need to "grow up" and learn not to trivialize other people's comments.
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BTW - Where is Lotrswfan???

No responces.:confused:

Well good for him! He must have skipped town with his Grey Hulk order form and changed his name. :rolleyes:
I knew he would make the right choice!!!

Hello everyone. My how this thread has been busy, lol.

First and most important, I want to thank all of you who would sell the statue to get me the funds. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. BUT, the point of this was not to get any money or any reward, it was to be fair to my follow collectors who were not as lucky as I was. Please PLEASE PLEASE keep the statue for yourself if you win it.

Second, someone mentioned not allowing newbies to win. This drawing was opened up here and to members of the statue fourm. B/c of this, I know some of them joined the board to enter there name here.

This is the part when I ask for your help. Please make sure that the people in teh drawing are actually from these two boards. If a lurker has registered who does not post here or there, please let me know and they will not be able to win.

I will post a list of all the people entered later, or maybe even tomorrow mid dayish. I am actually feeling pretty sick right now, so I am not really up to reading all the post right now, lol.

And, thank you all some much for the kind words and thoughtfulness. It really means a lot to me.

BTW, if you can not tell, the statue is STILL going to be raffled off.
daelith said:
Just as people were assuming too much about the ebay auction, don't trivialize people's feelings and just label them "selfish" for wanting it. As I mentioned, I don't want to be on the list; however, that's no judgment on the motives of the other people who DO want to be put in the lottery.

First off I never mentioned you but for those people (and you know who you are) that bullied this guy into pulling his auction out of some "moral objection" just to turn around and try to get it from him, well I think that it is redicules and selfish. That to me is the very definition of selfishness.

daelith said:
With that said, LOTRSWfan, put me in the lottery. If I win, I choose NOT to exercise my opportunity to purchase the item...sorry man, you're going to have to sell it yourself ;).

After all he has gone through I really don't think he would risk the wrath of the board yet again......

daelith said:
Lastly, I didn't respond to you in another thread because I didn't want to escalate the tension in there, but you need to "grow up" and learn not to trivialize other people's comments.

Trivialize I did not, if that's how you took it then that's your deal. If you assumed I meant it towards you then thats your deal and maybe a guilty consence. You didn't get the statue I assume from what I have read over the past 24 hours or so, I get it really I do. I feel bad for you, ok well I did until I read your first post on the issue.

The subsequent threads have been more then out of line as well for example the "So...how bout an Anti-Sideshow page?" in which you said "We could call it "The Anti-Sideshow Page: Addiction Prevention" and list all of Sideshow's goofs, missteps, and possibly unkept promises"

So you start your page and do your thing, maybe all this negativity will be welcomed there.

I noticed that daelith is replying right now, so he wont see this, but can this continue in another thread? I dont mind you guys talking, but I also dont want the thread to be clogged.

Thanks guys!
I'm new to both this and the statueforum site, I just joined up on Thursday at stauteforum and then got the link to this site and entered. Am I too new to be in the running?
I won't enter the lottery, I'm just responding to support a few of the other posters: just flip it man :D - the extra cash is always helpful when you are just starting out after finishing college :cool:
Oh man! I'm another European who was sleeping when this awesome piece went on-line.

Count me in on the list please.

Re: Who wants a Gay Hulk statue

Dont put me on any list. LOTRSWfan keep it and enjoy it, you got something very limited & if times are hard in the future pass it on to another collector at the market value at that time.

Anyway its your item to do with as ya please, good luck with all this
Was gone for the weekend. Awesome of you to offer it up to the people that didn't have a chance or was not around to get one. Therefore by all means please enter me in.
Hello everyone, sorry for not being around longer today. I have been in bed a little more then under the weather.

First and most importnantly, I would like to apologize to all the people who do not win the raffle. I know you are holding onto that last hope, but unfortuanatly I can only give away one.

So without further ado, the winner of the raffle for the Gray Hulk is.....

mlarsen!! :banana :banana :banana

Congrats mlarsen and I am sorry to everyone who did not win. Hopefully you all will somehow manage to get this statue.

mlarsen, I will PM you now.
Thanks for at least the opportunnity to be in the lottery. It was awsome of you. Congrats to MLarsen. enjoy the piece. :D
Thank you for the great contest LOTRSWFan, and congratulations to MLarsen!

I'm sure this is you right now:

:blissy :blissy :blissy :blissy :blissy
:blissy :blissy :blissy :blissy :blissy
