9" TLOU 2 Joel statue help

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Feb 25, 2023
Reaction score
New Jersey, USA
Hi! So, a few weeks ago, I bought me one of those Dark Horse statues of Joel, but not the limited edition one, of course, from Amazon, through a 3rd-party seller (who is really friendly and nice, by the way). I was so excited to get it, but looking at it, it kinda appears a bit different than other images of it I've seen. Like, much moreso than those 'stock' ones that are more common for it online.
I've watched other people's YouTube I boxing videos and looked at Ebay postings to check, and some of them look close to mine, some (to me) don't seem to. The kicker is I haven't even seen mine out of the box, but I'm convinced something is up. I dunno. So I was wondering if any of you guys could help either determine if I'm making a mountain out of a molehill (highly likely, but...), maybe recommend action if it turns out to be necessary... If you have one, I'd love to see it and find out where you got it and compare it to mine. I know it's not open, but the face is mostly visible and that's the part I'm concerned about.
Thank you in advance if you decide to humor me lol. If not, I don't particularly blame you.
I now realize this is probably in the wrong place and I can't figure out how to delete it.
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