What to do if there is Zombie Apocalypse? Please share and discuss here...

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I will say that if they're the running zombies, I'm done for.

Running zombies is a whole different strategy. It's more serious and not as fun as taking out "Walker" type zombies I imagine. Stay quiet and cover the windows and all light, Morgan style. Guns are way more useful than melee for "Runners".

Sadly (well, thankfully really) NO BABIES. Babies make noise and have a hard time understanding what, "Shut the ____ up!" means.
Babies in a zombie apocalypse = Death.
Well, at least its not the Marvel's Zombies. Dracula and all those other vampires will have some serious competition. They'll starve to death. Good luck blade.

Anyway, I think we should have some animal zombies too. LOLz Cat zombies and doggies too.
@Mr Green
yeah imagine, which one do u want to fight the most? human zombie or lion zombie? dog zombie in resident evil is already fearful enough
eh don't think we're counting those fast resident evil dog zombies otherwise there wouldn't be much meat on me left to be convert into a zombie.

I can only assume them dog be slower as zombies, LOL.
I will throw Dr. M to a bunch zombie so he will get bit by zombie and as soon as he turn into zombie i ____ing blow his brain :monkey3 sorry too tired from work.
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i hate zombie dog/cat
I hate cat the most, even real cat (no offense to those cat lover) *peace*

Uh hmm....those pet becomes absolete once them zombiefied. Even unzombiefied during zompocalypse, they're useless. They'll probably give u away to them zombies, especially those stupid barking one. Now them cats, or LOLZ Cats as some would prefer, are mostly quiet. Maybe you can straps ammo on em like a mule. But I am thinking they're less loyal too, LOLz.
I say bring it. I've got plenty of ammo stored up for my pistols, and slowly building up my rifle assortment. Several pistols in a variety of caliber sizes with at least 1k rounds for each. Same for my AR 15 and Ak 47. I will be inheriting a shotgun from my dad the next time I go home to visit so I'll need to get some 12 gauge ammo for it.

I feel that I am well on my way to being prepared for this possibility.

At the very least, if the Nation fails and I am left to defend my family against marauders, I am getting there.

I disagree about melee weapons, though, as they cause blood to spatter...and we all know the zombie virus can be caught by coming into contact with their blood.

You have to reach out and touch them long-distance style. So a dependable sniper rifle with a hell of a supply of ammo will be your first line of defense. .50 would be preferable, but anything down to .243 should suffice.

Some may get through if the horde is large so you need to be able to take many out quickly at a closer range. .223 is not a good choice as it will hurt them, but mindless zombies won't be completely deterred by a pencil-sized hole in their chest so discount the ARs.

A good throw-back .45 Thompson with 100-round drums for magazines and hydra-shok rounds should do nicely.

Then, when those pesky luck-driven few get too close...nothing says "No Avon today. Thank you" like a trust 1911 with the same hydra-shok rounds. Truthfully, any full-sized .45 should do, but stay away from the concealable sub-compacts as your accuracy will suffer and you still want to hit them as far away as possible.

If you let a zombie get close enough to necessitate engaging him/her with a melee weapon...they are close enough to get in a lucky bite.

Keep them outside of "blood-spray" range.

Again, these are TWD zombies. We already have the virus and turn, regardless of being bit or not upon expiration. So the blood doesn't do anything but make us stink. But you go right ahead and keep shooting and drawing them away from me and toward you, while I take my meelee weapons and make a clean, silent getaway. :nana:

:lol He's gotta good strategy Nam.

Does he? Find NAM to shoot Nam first. Get ambushed from behind and shot in back by Voorhees for trying to kill his meal-ticket. :wink1: :lol
update for thread rules in post#1
but from now on, we can discuss any other zombie, not limited to TWD zombies anymore, but pls specify which situation are we in.

Happy Discuss,