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    • T8OO
      T8OO replied to the thread Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon.
      Did you not see it in the extended R rated versions?
    • T8OO
      T8OO replied to the thread Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon.
      I don't understand how this joke relates to what I said.
    • T8OO
      T8OO replied to the thread Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon.
      No comment on what I said about directors' cuts? Nobody would watch a 4 hour movie or your version of "nobody"?
    • T8OO
      T8OO replied to the thread Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon.
      He actively promoted WW84 during ZSJL. Considering the deal he made with Netflix, it would be rather irresponsible of him to wash his...
    • T8OO
      T8OO replied to the thread Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon.
      The first version IS the director's cut. Typically the director's cut is the first cut made after the assembly cut just once filming has...
    • T8OO
      T8OO reacted to Alatar's post in the thread Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon with Like Like.
      The thing about the standard approach to analysis for the PG13 cuts is if it misses the following context, I’m not sure if it’s really...
    • T8OO
      T8OO replied to the thread Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon.
      A valid point on the video vs the eyeforfilm review. That being said I have no interest in watching "So and so movie/show/game sucks" on...
    • T8OO
      T8OO replied to the thread Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon.
      This is not only a sequel but a film absolutely dependent upon you having seen its predecessor. The skimpy introduction serves to remind...
    • T8OO
      T8OO replied to the thread Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon.
      He loves his own cut.
    • T8OO
      T8OO replied to the thread Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon.
      Nope, it was the 90's the last time I saw them.
    • T8OO
      T8OO replied to the thread Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon.
      It's been decades since I've seen either of the Short Circuits. Would you say it's nature Johnny finds interesting and not people?
    • T8OO
      T8OO replied to the thread Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon.
      • GMA8Bd1WcAApERM.jpeg
    • T8OO
      T8OO replied to the thread Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon.
      I see Patrick Tatopoulos has been asked to get on board if Part 3 happens. Terrio is the one I want back the most. Also, I'd like him to...
    • T8OO
      T8OO reacted to Alatar's post in the thread Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon with Like Like.
      Re-posting this from another forum, in answer to some complaints about the PG13 cuts: For the novelizations we only have Part 1 as yet...
    • T8OO
      T8OO replied to the thread Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon.
      The context helps this a lot. Other than ideas for Snyder's scripts, which I think are valid isn't the other point really obvious?
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