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This is my opinion...
I don't need to watch Soap Operas to know they are crap...
I don't need to watch Twilight to know it's a cheesy teenage drama...I already saw that in the trailer... I know you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover but
it doesn't appeal to me...
. I also didn't call anyone a pedophile for liking Twilight or Harry Potter, other then I don't like books or movies that center around children. I'm a grown adult that would like a more mature story. I am not trying to identify with children or teenagers so those films do nothing for me. I do share in most of the same beliefs people have on this board, I collect certain collectibles which I use in my theater room. Everyone is allowed to throw their oppinion around and some you may not agree with but don't try to make me out to be something I'm not or put words in my mouth. Anyways if you want to get into it just send me a pm and we can chat. :)
Uh, yea you posted this a couple pages ago. "I don't know how a man could even like those movies unless they have a child fetish or something because the movie is boring as all hell". I don't know what your definition of child fetish is, but I know what it brings to my mind. ANd no I don't want to "get into it", I had enough of that during the election. Now I just want to peruse the forums with fellow like minded individuals.
Just got back from seeing this flick. Never read the books, but I feel I got my moneys worth.

Wish we could of seen some female tit but whatever. I guess the vampire's golden nipples will do.
Emo -



Stupid Vampire thing -

Although it was probably the stupid kids LOLTXT ing each other...(this is what I call texting when it annoys me, LOLTXT)
Just got back from seeing this flick. Never read the books, but I feel I got my moneys worth.

Wish we could of seen some female tit but whatever. I guess the vampire's golden nipples will do.

See it's not bad. People are just judging because they are dumb.
Nope not bad at all.

I only heard one girl say " OMFG!" when Edward the Vampire first made his appearance, but I quickly told El Roranous to shut up and keep it down.

Yeah you have to keep him in line. Otherwise his politics and views on male sex organs get in the way. :lol
I'll be waiting for rental. I really, really, REALLY tried to read the book. Really. I just couldn't do it. Not only was it Harlequin Romance/Barbara Cartland, the writing was a mash of simplistic, tired cliche-ridden, angsty glop. I find nothing wrong with focus on kids or from a kid's POV (aside from the obvious HP series, how's about The Lord of the Flies, To Kill a Mockingbird, Lassie, Black Beauty, Ann of Green Gables, or Shane?) or even that it's a fantasy/romance, but there's got to be something fresh/engaging or well written for me to immerse myself in. So, since I'd prefer to see other movies in a theater, I can wait for rental on this one. (and I hope my negativity will be proven wrong)
I'll be waiting for rental. I really, really, REALLY tried to read the book. Really. I just couldn't do it. Not only was it Harlequin Romance/Barbara Cartland, the writing was a mash of simplistic, tired cliche-ridden, angsty glop. I find nothing wrong with focus on kids or from a kid's POV (aside from the obvious HP series, how's about The Lord of the Flies, To Kill a Mockingbird, Lassie, Black Beauty, Ann of Green Gables, or Shane?) or even that it's a fantasy/romance, but there's got to be something fresh/engaging or well written for me to immerse myself in. So, since I'd prefer to see other movies in a theater, I can wait for rental on this one. (and I hope my negativity will be proven wrong)

Seriously - the movie is better than the book. Much of the girly insecurity and longing has been excised.

And as for the fanbase - TwilightMoms forum has nearly 18,000 members - and they require their members to be over 25, married or a mother. So there must be some appeal to those besides teen girls.

I would agree that it probably won't have the longetivity of Potter but she does get better and the supernatural world created by the 4th novel is very engaging. It will never be as engaging as Potter or Buffy - but there is some merit to it.
I will however, say to Irish:

Arent you the same person that went ape ^^^^ on people that downed the latest Indy movie before the saw it? Yep! You are. So unless you know what you are talking about it might be best to reserve judgement. :D

:confused: WTF? Unlike others, I haven't bashed the movie itself, called it "ghey" and all that other stuff. I haven't seen it. No interest. I will, however, admit to being mystified by this whole TWILIGHT phenomenon. Because I live with it (well, at least every-other weekend). You see, my 14 year old daughter and almost all of her 14-15 year old friends are just obsessed with these books and the movie in ways I never even witnessed when I was a SW fan and hanging around those crazies. Even one ounce of criticism over it (or the cast) brings out claws the likes of which I've never seen. Which brings me to your ironic post...

If you're going to be this defensive over something like TWILIGHT you'd do better to drop this whole "You guys are all losers who should get outside more often" act you've been running with lately. :lecture

And as for the fanbase - TwilightMoms forum has nearly 18,000 members - and they require their members to be over 25, married or a mother. So there must be some appeal to those besides teen girls.

Maybe, but I personally know of at least 4 girls under 18 who read and post on those boards. Apparently, moms go on and create (and sometimes observe) the accounts, but make no mistake... there are lots of tweener girls posting on there.
Even Harry Potter and it's simplistic good vs evil, hero's journey story is told with creativity, wit and charm. Twilight is brain bleach. It saddens me that there is nothing much else out there of quality with a female protagonist that appeals to that demographic. They're so starved for stuff that appeals to them that they'll lap up any derivative crap that's churned out.

In your opinion, it's brain bleach. In my opinion, it's not. And I'm sure there are people out there who feel the same about many comic book films, scif/fantasy tv shows and movies that people here love and worship. I think the prequels were crap that fans lapped up because they had the SW name attached to them. But that's obviously my opinion and not everyone will share it.

I can appreciate different kinds of female characters and have no problem with Bella Swan.
In your opinion, it's brain bleach. In my opinion, it's not. And I'm sure there are people out there who feel the same about many comic book films, scif/fantasy tv shows and movies that people here love and worship. I think the prequels were crap that fans lapped up because they had the SW name attached to them. But that's obviously my opinion and not everyone will share it.

I can appreciate different kinds of female characters and have no problem with Bella Swan.


Just because something is poorly made and of shoddy quality doesn't mean one cannot find it entertaining.
Lots of people think Britney Spears is a great artist also. :huh To each their own.