The Joker Life Size Bust

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glad I didnt PO this & waited. not sure if I want this now
Attempting to get worked up over this.....

Nope. Not happening.

Doesn't affect my decision to purchase this in the least.

Im guessing you have never seen just how amazingly realistic acrylic eyes are in person compared to hand painted ones, because if you had then i can assure you that you would be worked up over this BS move by Sideshow.
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Im guessing you have never seen just how amazingly realistic acrylic eyes are in person compared to hand painted ones then, because if you had then i can assure you that you would be worked up over this BS move by Sideshow.

Yep, I is like night and day....this move by SS is very annoying.
People who doesn't know the effect of acrylic eyes...u ll be suprised to see one in person. I modded my arnold bust with acrylic eyes and it turns out so real.

Check this link...what happens if u have plastic eyes replacing acrylics...Imagine what painted eyes vs acrylics nw

And this is the video
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Originally Posted by Atheris View Post
I recall reading on the SS product page when I ordered this bust that it would come with acrylic eyes. This was a very big reason why I ordered the bust. If they have now been replaced with painted eyes I'll be calling tomorrow to cancel my order and ask for my NRD back.

I really can't stand the bait and switch tactics.

Here is the original advertising info when I placed the order. It CLEARLY states it will come with acrylic eyes.


Prototypes are always subject to change as stated on all product pages. Since this has had a change the blog post referenced has been updated to give an accurate description of the product. The product page never made a mention of the eye specifics on the item, so there was no necessary update needed.

I'm very sorry for the disappointment that many of you have over this news. If you do wish to cancel your order, please do contact customer service and they will most definitely help to facilitate that for you and anyone else that wishes to cancel
No necessary update needed to the customers??? Sideshow u deserve "F you Sideshow..u can suck my d"...just like famous Ted once said.
Just talked to customer service and cancelled my order.

The rep confirmed with the development team that they did indeed advertise it to have acrylic eyes but has since been scraped. They agreed to refund my NRD.

SS response is...disappointing.

sure everything is open to change, I guess. But why even mention something so specific (such as acrylic eyes) on a link titled "a closer look at the Joker Life-Size Bust" unless it is 100% confirmed?

Hopefully SS learns from this. At least they changed it now so that potential new customers are not misinformed.
It's hard not to be cynical when you see something from SDCC going forwards. I think people that really want something can deal with price increases if you deliver quality. Sideshow has plenty of time to R&D these sculpts before they come up for preorder. Making such a significant change this late in the game? After you offer a second Batman bust to sort of go this piece? Yeah, not good...

You should have eaten whatever the price difference was for the acrylic eyes Sideshow. You seem to be expanding your business but you can't eat this one for the fans? Here is an idea: close the ES down immediately, only make a few of these to minimize your "loses" and give fans what they fell in love with at SDCC. No? Yeah, I forgot that large ES trumps any possible solution as a Sideshow business model nowadays...
They may even try to save even more money and use decals for the eyes just like they did on the Predator LSB's.
Just talked to customer service and cancelled my order.

The rep confirmed with the development team that they did indeed advertise it to have acrylic eyes but has since been scraped. They agreed to refund my NRD.


Funny, I just called and can't seem to get my NRD Back. They are investigating.
Lol..teach em lesson they are hurting cos losing money
PCS was able to make the Sub-zero bust with "movable" acrylic eyes for $200 less than this. If SS wants to cheap out last minute they should adjust the price to reflect that.

This move was a shady cash grab. If no one thought to ask the question on SF when were they going to tell us?...when they showed up at our front doors?....surprise!

You're the type or customer SS is fishing for. They appreciate your business.


Wow, the view must be pretty sweet from up there on your high horse. :lol

First off, let's drop the "apples-to-oranges", shall we?
Just because someone does something comparable for a lower price point, it doesn't establish an "industry standard" everyone must follow; especially when there's plenty of factors that determine an item's pricing, not the least of which - in this case - would be PCS paying considerably less for the 'Mortal Kombat' license than Sideshow paid for the DC Universe.
From a licensing and marketing standpoint, it's not even a case of "differing area codes". We're talking worlds apart here.
By your logic, Porsche needs to stop being an uppity pricemongerer because Toyota can make a Prius with four tires, a frame and an engine as well and just look what they charge for it! :slap

Now then, in terms of being the "type of customer SS is fishing for", I'm going to gloss over the 'sucker' inference you're getting at with that condescending little tone of yours and say, damn right, I am the type of customer SS wants.

Y'know why that is?

I'm the "type" of customer who buys from Sideshow because - and pay close attention here because this is the important part - I LIKE WHAT I SEE.

- Got the life-size Batman bust. Why? 'Cause it's friggin' Batman. No acrylic eyes and I could not care less.

- Got the Superman life-size bust. Why? 'Cause it's friggin' Superman. No acrylic eyes and I could not care less.

- Pre-ordered the Green Lantern bust when it went live. Why? 'Cause it's friggin' Green Lantern. No acrylic eyes and I could not care less.

Seeing a pattern? I know it's kinda subtle and I'm trying hard not to be deliberately vague here. :lol

Now the Joker's coming in at $20 higher than Bats and Supes were, was supposed to have acrylic eyes and now doesn't. So what? As I said earlier, I tried to find a %#$@ to give over it and just couldn't.


'Cause it's the friggin' Joker.

By all means, feel free to proceed full steam ahead with your moral fury and righteous indignation but to pitch quite the hissy-fit over such a trivial part of the whole (aka 'cutting off the 'eyes' to spite the face') seems utterly absurd to me; especially in light of what'd happen if whatever was holding those eyes in place failed and you, quite literally, had to 'bust' (Hyuk!) this thing open just to retrieve and repair.

Oh, and please let's not break out the "for the money we pay, I expect..." trope. My money's just as green as everyone else's and it's not about 'settling'. It's about appreciating art as a whole and not nitpicking the tinier, irrelevant things to the point of making tiny veins throb on the side of your head.

I will thank you, however. For every one of you guys who goes ballistic over something like this ("That's it, I'm cancelling!!"), the ES goes down and, as a collector, it just turns into pure win for me should I need to pursue the secondary market. (With only 250 made, it's absolutely insane what I could get for my DF life-size Alex Ross Iron Man bust. Koo-koopants prices. :panic: )

So, I'll get the Joker when he's released and display him proudly next to Batman and I can guarantee you that anyone who comes over and sees them will never say "Y'know what would make that Joker look better? Acrylic eyes, dude".

(No, for me, the conversation always starts "You paid how much?!" :horror)
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