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I really hope this season turns out better than season 3 did. I also hope the Ghost Facers return.
Yeah, you might want to do that before the next episode. It may spoil one of the later episodes of S3 for you.
Great show last night. Thought it was kick ass that Sam was using his powers.
That, my friends, is how you open a season! Greatest season opener ever! I loved every aspect of this episode. There's not one thing I didn't like about it or that I'd change.

Sam using his demon powers and Dean being pulled outta hell by and angel was amazing. This was of major epic proportions. Hell of a way to start off the season.

I think this might be the best season yet. I'm glad they went back to it being dark with a little bit of humor,like seasons 1&2. Season 3 was too humorous for me.
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Man, last nights episode was the ^^^^!!!! I liked that the Angel almost had a Constantine look to him. Very, very cool!! I just wonder why Dean is so important?

And I hope it doesn't get too regliousy. That could be a serious turnoff to me. I like the good vs. evil theme, not God vs. the Devil.
Man, last nights episode was the ^^^^!!!! I liked that the Angel almost had a Constantine look to him. Very, very cool!! I just wonder why Dean is so important?

And I hope it doesn't get too regliousy. That could be a serious turnoff to me. I like the good vs. evil theme, not God vs. the Devil.

Well, then you probably won't like what's to come. Total Armageddon and war between heaven and hell is rumored to be coming.
Man, last nights episode was the ^^^^!!!! I liked that the Angel almost had a Constantine look to him. Very, very cool!! I just wonder why Dean is so important?

And I hope it doesn't get too regliousy. That could be a serious turnoff to me. I like the good vs. evil theme, not God vs. the Devil.

For the first few seasons Sam is the "important" brother in the yellow eye demon scheme. Now, Sam obviously has some sort of demonic power. So I have a feeling that now they want to give Dean a special meaning of his own. What meaning is obviously unclear, and even though this guy claims to be an angel (and can survive the knife), its not exactly certain at this point.

I would tend to agree with you that they shouldnt go religious and it might turn me off too. I would also argue though, that if demons and hell exist, it would follow suit that God and angels exist. No matter what faith you look at, one thing that almost all have in common is a force of good and a force of evil exist in some sort of turmoil and balance.

I wonder if this season is going to culminate in a brother vs. brother battle. Sam (demonic powers) and Dean (angelic powers).
Well, then you probably won't like what's to come. Total Armageddon and war between heaven and hell is rumored to be coming.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind that, I just do not want it to get preachy religious. I've understood since the beginning of the show it's been going that way. I just don't want it to get to the point where I feel like they are shoving religion down peoples throats, that's all.

Hulksmashed, yeah, the knife to his chest was way cool! Dean's look was just great too, like oh damn, I'm in trouble! lol

Yeah, if Dean gets powers, that would be pretty cool. But I am still skeptical about that guy being an angel or good even. Yeah, so the knife can't hurt him, but why didn't the demons that Sam & Dean confronted in the Diner just tell them it was an angel? Wouldn't have really hurt their position and then they still didn't say anything when Sam went back to kill them. That's got me thinking that he is not good at all, especially with the way they were scared of him.

Either way, I do like the way the story is going. Very, very good first episode!! Can't wait for more!!
Oh, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind that, I just do not want it to get preachy religious. I've understood since the beginning of the show it's been going that way. I just don't want it to get to the point where I feel like they are shoving religion down peoples throats, that's all.

Hulksmashed, yeah, the knife to his chest was way cool! Dean's look was just great too, like oh damn, I'm in trouble! lol

Yeah, if Dean gets powers, that would be pretty cool. But I am still skeptical about that guy being an angel or good even. Yeah, so the knife can't hurt him, but why didn't the demons that Sam & Dean confronted in the Diner just tell them it was an angel? Wouldn't have really hurt their position and then they still didn't say anything when Sam went back to kill them. That's got me thinking that he is not good at all, especially with the way they were scared of him.

Either way, I do like the way the story is going. Very, very good first episode!! Can't wait for more!!

I agree, he might be some delusional demon, or something. Though the demons being afraid would make sense if an angel that powerful had decided to fight for good. Why wouldnt he have killed or sent them back to hell then though?
And you guys shouldn't forget that Lilith is trying to bring back Lucifer this season. And we all know that Lucifer is a deciever and portrays himself as good. So this guy could be Lucifer and that would explain everything as to why the demons were afraid of him and as to why the knife and trapping spells didn't work on him. He could be Lucifer doing what he does best DECIEVE!

And Dean is the obviously the dumber of the two brothers and would easily fall for this trap befor Sam would. What if this "angel" is Lucifer and is acting good towards Dean to get close to Sam and get Sam on his side to lead the army. A thousand things could happen and we won't know what's coming until it happens.

And I agree,I don't want it getting too religious either. But I like how they're touching up on the heavenly side of things to add more of a dynamic to the show.

If that is an angel then I don't see how hell is supposed to even attempt to win if one angel can do all of that.
And you guys shouldn't forget that Lilith is trying to bring back Lucifer this season. And we all know that Lucifer is a deciever and portrays himself as good. So this guy could be Lucifer and that would explain everything as to why the demons were afraid of him and as to why the knife and trapping spells didn't work on him. He could be Lucifer doing what he does best DECIEVE!

And Dean is the obviously the dumber of the two brothers and would easily fall for this trap befor Sam would. What if this "angel" is Lucifer and is acting good towards Dean to get close to Sam and get Sam on his side to lead the army. A thousand things could happen and we won't know what's coming until it happens.

And I agree,I don't want it getting too religious either. But I like how they're touching up on the heavenly side of things to add more of a dynamic to the show.

If that is an angel then I don't see how hell is supposed to even attempt to win if one angel can do all of that.

Man, you hit on lots of my thoughts! Yeah, if this is just one angel, then Hell could ever win. He's just way to powerful.

I'm with you on either it being Lucifer or another "angel" that got sent down to hell, maybe Lucifer's right hand dude. So I am with him being an angel, but still undecided to which side he is playing on.
Man, you hit on lots of my thoughts! Yeah, if this is just one angel, then Hell could ever win. He's just way to powerful.

I'm with you on either it being Lucifer or another "angel" that got sent down to hell, maybe Lucifer's right hand dude. So I am with him being an angel, but still undecided to which side he is playing on.

Exactly. I'll go with the idea that he's an angel,but I am not trusting him at all until I get some good proof that he really is good.
Exactly. I'll go with the idea that he's an angel,but I am not trusting him at all until I get some good proof that he really is good.

IF its one thing that Supernatural does, its blurr the line between good and evil. Makes them into relative terms. He can be a real angel. Fighting on the side of God and still be what most people would consider evil.

For example, take a look at the story of Noah and his Ark. That story is played out by every kindergarden sunday school class in America. Stop and think about what exactly happened there, and its not cute or fun, or childish at all. As the story goes (and Im not religious and dont believe it to be fact) God decided man was corrupt, so he sent a flood that caused every human being and animal not on the ark to drown in a horrific sea of hoplessness! In other words, even if this is a real angel. And he really is sent by God. It doesnt mean the outcome would be any less evil in the minds of man then the most horrific of demons! And what better way to eradicate the loosed souls from hell then to destroy every living being on the planet and take away thier vessles!