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I got the Femme fatale pack but for some reason my Sakura doesn't have the cool shorts and tee-shirt costume :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2

You should try championship mode mate... you'll love it! Just be ready to face a shoto character every other game :banghead:banghead

gamer, it's costume #10 for sakura.

as for fuerte match not too sure since i hardly come across a good fuerte player.

I got the Femme fatale pack but for some reason my Sakura doesn't have the cool shorts and tee-shirt costume :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2

You should try championship mode mate... you'll love it! Just be ready to face a shoto character every other game :banghead:banghead

haha... I caved and tried it. I actually thought it would be a traditional tournament style thing where you would be locked into a set number of matches, so I was pleasantly surprised to see they matched by the last position you were at. :D

I actually went against some Blankas, Zangiefs, Kens, Akumas, 1 Ryu, and 1 Chun-Li. I think I have 2 tourney wins under my belt right now. I only lost to that Ryu (I really hate that dragon punch ex cancel into super/ultra juggle)
haha... I caved and tried it. I actually thought it would be a traditional tournament style thing where you would be locked into a set number of matches, so I was pleasantly surprised to see they matched by the last position you were at. :D

I actually went against some Blankas, Zangiefs, Kens, Akumas, 1 Ryu, and 1 Chun-Li. I think I have 2 tourney wins under my belt right now. I only lost to that Ryu (I really hate that dragon punch ex cancel into super/ultra juggle)

That's the main reason why I chose to use Ryu for more serious play than Ken. I actually like Ken better with his kara throw, but Ryu's dp + ultra set up is too tasty to deny. Ken's ultra is way too unreliable.
That's the main reason why I chose to use Ryu for more serious play than Ken. I actually like Ken better with his kara throw, but Ryu's dp + ultra set up is too tasty to deny. Ken's ultra is way too unreliable.

I'd probably use Ryu more if I were better at EX canceling (I'm so bad at it with the PS3 controller). I just can't get used to hitting MP+MK fast enough with my thumb. I suppose I could map it to one of the shoulder buttons, but at the same time, I don't want to rely on it like that...

I need a stick >_<
I'd probably use Ryu more if I were better at EX canceling (I'm so bad at it with the PS3 controller). I just can't get used to hitting MP+MK fast enough with my thumb. I suppose I could map it to one of the shoulder buttons, but at the same time, I don't want to rely on it like that...

I need a stick >_<

damn bro, i could only last 1 week with the dualshock...i couldnt take it anymore knowing that it really affected my level of play significantly. I tried mapping them to the trigger buttons but i found that the responsiveness of those buttons SUCK BALLS compared to the normal ones. half the time it wouldnt register the focus attack command.

Are you planning to get a stick eventually?
I'd probably use Ryu more if I were better at EX canceling (I'm so bad at it with the PS3 controller). I just can't get used to hitting MP+MK fast enough with my thumb. I suppose I could map it to one of the shoulder buttons, but at the same time, I don't want to rely on it like that...

I need a stick >_<

I don't think mapping to shoulder buttons would help much unless you are used to that sort of config? I can tell you are a great player and I pity the fools that play you when you get that shiny new joystick! :horror:horror

Hopefully I wont be one of them :naughty:naughty

I'm terrible with both Ryu and Ken :banghead:banghead:banghead

I just can't use them... I've tried... if you've ever had difficulty getting into a particular character you'll know what I mean. 4 tournies, far too many runner-up spots and 850+ points later and I'm off to bed; I've got a lot of improving to do in SFIV. My last win was particularly refreshing... against 'gief. Nice to know that Ken doesn't always make the finals.

Nash, good sir, I recant everything I said about 'gief not been a tough character. You were right, and I was wrong. :duh:duh
Are you planning to get a stick eventually?

I want to, but money's tight right now (recently quit my FT job to go back to school) and I don't want to pay the inflated secondary market prices. If I can afford to splurge when the new shipment of TE sticks or the MvC fightsticks come out, I'll probably get one. I know it'll vastly improve my game, especially for fireball motions, which I suck at on the controller. (and for some reason, backward fireball motions are 5 times as hard for me on the controller... some kind of mental block is going on there) :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

The bad thing about alternative controllers (IMO) is that your game is hindered when playing at a friend's place if they only have standard console controller. I was SO good at SFIII on the Dreamcast with the DC sticks. I entered a tournament at my college thinking I could use my stick, but it was standard DC controllers only. Needless to say, I was shamefully eliminated in the first round. :lol
I'm terrible with both Ryu and Ken :banghead:banghead:banghead

I just can't use them... I've tried... if you've ever had difficulty getting into a particular character you'll know what I mean.

Hahah. I do. I really wanted to get good with C. Viper, but as stated in my last post, I'm horrible with fireball motions and even worse when they're reversed. Add in the fact that she feels like a King of Fighters character (SNK games have never been my thing) and she's almost unusable to me.

Its a shame, because based on the vids I've seen and the one or two Vipers who beat me online, she can be a dangerous character.
I want to, but money's tight right now (recently quit my FT job to go back to school) and I don't want to pay the inflated secondary market prices. If I can afford to splurge when the new shipment of TE sticks or the MvC fightsticks come out, I'll probably get one. I know it'll vastly improve my game, especially for fireball motions, which I suck at on the controller. (and for some reason, backward fireball motions are 5 times as hard for me on the controller... some kind of mental block is going on there) :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

The bad thing about alternative controllers (IMO) is that your game is hindered when playing at a friend's place if they only have standard console controller. I was SO good at SFIII on the Dreamcast with the DC sticks. I entered a tournament at my college thinking I could use my stick, but it was standard DC controllers only. Needless to say, I was shamefully eliminated in the first round. :lol

Welcome to the club matey :naughty:naughty:grouphug:elefant:elefant

I was always terrible with a pad... well actually I could only ever get so good. I love the 360 joystick and perhaps like you I should get a TE stick!! :lol
#$*%#&$%#$%*(@#$!!!!! So if someone disconnects during the final round and messes up the point distribution after you win, you DON'T GET AWARDED ANYTHING!?!?!?! AND you have to start from the first round again. That's messed up.
Has SFIV been disconnecting people like crazy recently on PSN? It is hard to get a game in. I thought it was just people being jerks, but I doubt they are disconnecting after they win and before it saves. :confused:
Has SFIV been disconnecting people like crazy recently on PSN? It is hard to get a game in. I thought it was just people being jerks, but I doubt they are disconnecting after they win and before it saves. :confused:

I havent had any disconnects since the Championship patch... the guy who disconnected on me had a 3% DC percentage, which is why I think he did it purposely...
faced another vega tonight with my Ryu. All this vega did was spam flying barcelona attacks and i could not for the life of me do anything! I tried jumping back with HK but the reach of his claws always hit me and my kick was useless. it was between that and being air-grabbed when we were close enough. ridiculous man...
faced another vega tonight with my Ryu. All this vega did was spam flying barcelona attacks and i could not for the life of me do anything! I tried jumping back with HK but the reach of his claws always hit me and my kick was useless. it was between that and being air-grabbed when we were close enough. ridiculous man...

:lecture :lecture

This Vega... he/she wont happen to be named fluffybunny would they? Faced one tonight. A real fiend! :horror:horror

I took a round off them but boy did I have to work hard! Precisely the same tactic as the one you faced. The backwards jump + HK works sometimes but most of the time Vega'll connect... :monkey2:monkey2

Seriously does anyone have any solid counter advice to that move? I know for a fact the EX tiger knee knocks him out of it, but he's so blinding fast... even when you are expecting the move.

Anyway this guy sent me a msg saying I used too many Tiger-Knees. Righhht... like he'll win any awards for mixing up his game. :rolleyes:

Did you try medium canon-spiking him just before he connects?
You can try to focus attack his barcelona slash. Chances are most Vega players won't try to Izuna Drop you unless you're in the air or if they perceive that you're blocking a lot. Vega's recovery after a blocked barcelona is pretty bad, so take advantage of that.

I don't know. backwards aerial attack works fine for me. (playing as Abel or Fuerte).
:lecture :lecture

This Vega... he/she wont happen to be named fluffybunny would they? Faced one tonight. A real fiend! :horror:horror

I took a round off them but boy did I have to work hard! Precisely the same tactic as the one you faced. The backwards jump + HK works sometimes but most of the time Vega'll connect...

Seriously does anyone have any solid counter advice to that move? I know for a fact the EX tiger knee knocks him out of it, but he's so blinding fast... even when you are expecting the move.

Anyway this guy sent me a msg saying I used too many Tiger-Knees. Righhht... like he'll win any awards for mixing up his game.

Did you try medium canon-spiking him just before he connects?

i forgot his psn id but i dont think it was fluffybunny. I was using ryu, i usually use cammy for casual play, but since im trying to rank up to G2 i just use ryu for his overall more balanced stats.

time to search srk forum for some advice, im tired of losing to vegas who spam Barcelona all day.
On a happier note, I'm now in G2-E. You get there once you hit 2,000 points (hope I didnt spoil it for anyone). I've got 12 tourneys under mybelt, and 11 runner-ups.

How are you guys faring?

About 50% of my games tonight were against Akuma, Nash your tactic against Akuma worked like a charm! I've disciplined myself to block, rather than attempt doding the flurry of fireballs, and it's now a lot easier for me to catch him once he comes out his ashurya warp.. still I'm always tense when i face him!
how does the CP distribution work? I always only seem to have a little more than 1000 or so before I hit the final match, but I sometimes see players with 2k+...

I have 8 wins and 3 runner-ups if that makes any difference. C3-B rank (~800GP?) I think.
how does the CP distribution work? I always only seem to have a little more than 1000 or so before I hit the final match, but I sometimes see players with 2k+...

I have 8 wins and 3 runner-ups if that makes any difference. C3-B rank (~800GP?) I think.

Here's my understanding of how it works, anyone please correct me if there's any bit wrong:

All players start off with 0 championship points (CP), each time you start a fresh tournament. Let's say at this point you've played a few tourments already and so have 500 GP.

If your first match is against a player that has 1,500 GP (because he's played and/or won more games than you) and you win that match, you then have 1,500 + 0 CP = 1,500 CP.

The loosing player remains at 0 CP but gets 1 GP (He'll now have 1,501 GP). At this point, your GP will still be 500.

If in your semi-final you play a player with 800 CP and 1,400 GP, and you win that match, then you'll have 1,500 + 800 + 1,400 = 3,700 CP.

I'm not sure how the semi-final loser will have his BP calculated, is there anyone that knows!?!

You'll now enter the final with 3,700 CP. Say the other finalist has 2,300 CP, and you win the finals, then you'll have 3,700 CP + 2,300 CP = 6,000 CP. Your BP will now be 6,000 but the million dollar question is how your CP are calculated from this final BP?

Would love to know the answers to the questions in bold!
For people buying SFIV for PC, you can look forward to 3 new graphics filters: Brushstroke, Watercolor, and Poster.

Original (for comparison):




More pics of the filters here (and in higher res):