Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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I don’t care what those numbers say TLJ is a masterpiece when compared to JL.

We can all agree that the CGI needs to end. Practical needs to come back, probably way more cheaper than paying studios a bulk amount of money

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Also the whole resistance plot that basically boiled down to watching an old lady with a walker hobble slowly away from an apathetic policeman for 2 hours was downright embarrassing.


This thread is 20Xs more entertaining than TLJ. :lol
We can all agree that the CGI needs to end. Practical needs to come back, probably way more cheaper than paying studios a bulk amount of money

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Sorry Ropen but with all due respect I do not want a new Star Wars movie or IW with 1970s effects lol

5.3 user score on metacritic as well.. the disconnect between the 'critics' and audience is huge!

Yeah that's special.

I can’t believe you guys put stock into any review/rating sites. :lol

I can't speak on this film, but there's nothing but truth in this statement. Between paid off critics, and normies that eat anything up. I don't know whats worse.
We can all agree that the CGI needs to end. Practical needs to come back, probably way more cheaper than paying studios a bulk amount of money

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That practical Yoda puppeteering lacked big time compared to the OT version.

I'm not going to rehash what everyone has said so far. I will just say I was confused leaving the theatre and became more and more disappointed as I began to think about what I just watched. Such a swing and a miss.

Now hopefully this means Rian Johnson will get his trilogy taken away.
Sorry Ropen but with all due respect I do not want a new Star Wars movie or IW with 1970s effects lol

No need, stop motion hot toys videos are higher quality than the cgi, even then the available tech back then is nothing comparable to now...

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Luke being a complete grumpy wuss, and what was up with that alien milking scene. Embarrassing !!!! To see one of the most iconic heroes in movie history go out this was is pretty sad.

If they release the sea-cow-giraffe in 1/6th scale, I'll buy TLJ Luke.
Since they didn’t screw up with Luke and Leia....


Luke Skywalker was served up to Johnson on a platter and THIS is what he does with him. Made him a POINTLESS character that can't even put up a REAL fight and has to resort to astral projection to face his apprentice. What. The. Fuuuuuuuuuuu**.

This version of Luke Skywalker never should have been filmed. I completely agree with Hamill's complaints. Awful treatment of an icon. Just awful.

And don't even get me started on gravity defying/space flying Leia. I cringed horrifically.
Regardless of intention, they were never purely kids films. At least not the OT. They hit that magic spot of being universally appealing, and were able to be appreciated by the same people that watched them as kids as they grew up.

To say that star wars is not for grown fans but belongs to a new generation is frankly stupid. Star wars belongs to everyone. New and old fans alike. To say that we as older fans have been left behind by the series and that is ok is incredibly insulting.

And how old were you when the OT came out? All I'm saying is that it's George Lucas story and his target audience was kids as he has repeated that several times, this comes from the creators mouth not my opinion. If that offends you take it up with George.. I'm not saying older fans have been left behind, I'm saying "Hardcore" older fans act like they've been left behind because the newer movies were not made the way they had envisioned in their minds. Most older fans hated the prequels but kids loved them even Jar Jar.

Luke Skywalker was served up to Johnson on a platter and THIS is what he does with him. Made him a POINTLESS character that can't even put up a REAL fight and has to resort to astral projection to face his apprentice. What. The. Fuuuuuuuuuuu**.

This version of Luke Skywalker never should have been filmed. I completely agree with Hamill's complaints. Awful treatment of an icon. Just awful.

And don't even get me started on gravity defying/space flying Leia. I cringed horrifically.

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Luke Skywalker was served up to Johnson on a platter and THIS is what he does with him. Made him a POINTLESS character that can't even put up a REAL fight and has to resort to astral projection to face his apprentice. What. The. Fuuuuuuuuuuu**.

This version of Luke Skywalker never should have been filmed. I completely agree with Hamill's complaints. Awful treatment of an icon. Just awful.

And don't even get me started on gravity defying/space flying Leia. I cringed horrifically.

Can you post those complaints Hamill Made? The only complaint I remember was that he only had a 10 second scene when he read the script for TFA, but he also said when he was told the overall story arc he was fine with it.
Can you post those complaints Hamill Made? The only complaint I remember was that he only had a 10 second scene when he read the script for TFA, but he also said when he was told the overall story arc he was fine with it.

Someone posted a bunch of Hamill interviews several pages back.
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