Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Well we definitely keep having the same talks...

I think Disney is trying to show an evolution of the ships.....which is fine...

What we need is some new stuff as speeder bikes in ROTJ ....

Maybe those desert ships attacking the AT-AT look pretty unique....

I also say those walkers have a surprise in store for us...I think those weird legs were designed to cut tow cables.....and we may see a huge failure from the rebels trying the old Hoth tie up...

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See the ESB Command bridge...

I do like this base though. Perhaps it should have been all gold though... :)
Still would have loved to see. Hobbled together fleet, Star destroyers patch together Frankenstein like with parts from other ships

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Yes, that would have been much more unique and interesting.

However, at 38 miles long, you'd likely never see the make-shift nature of the rebuild on this thing.

I do wonder why they continue to make ships in space look like they could fly in the atmosphere? I mean, why a 'wing' design? There's a billion and one great ideas for asymmetrical shapes that would be awesome.... like the Falcon.
I wonder if any us would dare act in a SW film......

The brutality of Nerds is savage....

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I wonder if any us would dare act in a SW film......

The brutality of Nerds is savage....

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Sure but while a SW actor who is being savagely bashed by nerds they laugh all the way to the bank while said nerds sit in their mom's basement raging against the machine. :lol
Yep all the marketing for TFA made it look like Finn was going to be the primary hero and look how that turned out so Rose might be a non-issue.

All I want is for it to:

1. Not suck
2. Not ruin a major OT character
3. Have cool new ships, aliens and "pew pew" moments

If It simply does those three things I know I'll like it. If it does those things PLUS gives Luke an epic moment then I'll straight up love it.

I already love the monster new sabertooth tiger looking Walkers. I don't mind that they're bigger than normal AT-AT's at all. ESB showed us a new Star Destroyer that dwarfed those from the previous movie so it's all good.

I'm more excited for TLJ than I am IW.


BUT ONLY because OT actors/characters are involved.

No Luke/Leia then IW > TLJ

Its hard to miss something thats 38 miles. I would hate being that stormtrooper going one end to another patrolling that ship. No wonder Finn left.

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Well we definitely keep having the same talks...

I think Disney is trying to show an evolution of the ships.....which is fine...

What we need is some new stuff as speeder bikes in ROTJ ....

Maybe those desert ships attacking the AT-AT look pretty unique....

I also say those walkers have a surprise in store for us...I think those weird legs were designed to cut tow cables.....and we may see a huge failure from the rebels trying the old Hoth tie up...

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Nope those desert skimmers look like B-Wing's on their sides lol

But you are 100% right regarding the functionality of their new legs.
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Sure but while a SW actor who is being savagely bashed by nerds they laugh all the way to the bank while said nerds sit in their mom's basement raging against the machine. :lol

Yeah, and those same actors being bashed can relish in the time they sit at conventions and watch the line-up out the door of those same nerd bashers lining up for their autograph.
Snoopy is right though Jackie Chan's younger brother will earn in 4 months what will take 90% of people 5 plus years to earn and i'm being generous to "the people".

She will do ok in the convention circuit as well lol
Yeah, and those same actors being bashed can relish in the time they sit at conventions and watch the line-up out the door of those same nerd bashers lining up for their autograph.

And continue to laugh all the way to the bank. :rotfl

Snoopy is right though Jackie Chan's younger brother will earn in 4 months what will take 90% of people 5 plus years to earn and i'm being generous to "the people".

She will do ok in the convention circuit as well lol

:lol :lol :lol It's funny because it's true.


Ha Ha! I beat Jye's edit of his post! :lol
according to IMDB TFA was written by Kasdan, Abrams, and Arnadt, but TLJ was written by the director, so is this the second part of a larger story or are they just making it up as they go?
Figures! As long as there ar no cute creatures that are used fight the enemy I'm ok.
Just like Lucas did with our precious OT they are making it up as they go lol

Yep a while back Johnson said he was really working to come up with a good reason Luke was on that island. I was all "say WHAT, Abrams didn't plan that out??" :duh :lol

Abrams also had BB-8 accompanying Rey in the Falcon but changed it to R2 at Johnson's request. Each director really does get to do what they want independent of the other episodes (with the blessing of Kennedy obviously.) One one of the reasons I'm nervous about Trevorrow's Episode IX.
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