Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Interesting trivia:

That Hamill Tweet was posted only 7 hours after his now-infamous "I regret voicing my doubts & insecurities in public..." Tweet that firmly (though in some circles, not convincingly) backtracked on everything he had been both hinting at and directly stating up to that point. Something that was a quite... curious... situation.

That timing - the SAME DAY - is pretty critical wouldn't you agree?

I take Mark as being 100% honest every step of the way. I *do* believe that he had major issues with how his character was presented (as he stated point blank) and I *do* believe that he didn't think that Rian's Luke matched up with the Luke in his own personal head canon. And he may have even butted heads with Rian every step of the way. But that can be very good! God knows George needed people to butt heads with. We know how famously Ford declared "You can write this **** George but you can't say it." A principal star badmouthing the dialogue of one of the absolute greatest films of all time!

But in the end Hamill was a professional and gave it his all and to his credit never remotely sabotaged a single scene that he was in whether he approved of it or not. And then after the film was released and he heard some loud fans echoing some of his sentiments I think that that probably released the floodgates of all of his own insecurities and all he could think of was "see??? this is exactly why I didn't know if I should come back, I should have been done after ROTJ, and now I'm another part of 'SW going wrong' just like the prequels, argggh!" But I think in the end he realized that it was a knee jerk response to his fear of being a part of another "PT" and he saw his own over-reaction for what it was after digesting the fully released film and hearing why so many people (critics and fans alike) really *did* like his character arc. It really looks like he had a coming to his senses/what have I done moment. Which is fine, especially since he owned up to it.

Now my impression of Hamill is that he wears his heart on his sleeve and tends to put his mouth before his brain but is still cool enough that if anyone met him at a future convention (and man do I hope to have an opportunity to chat with him about how cool I think his performance/character arc were) that he would probably side with whatever opinion was being thrown at him. I bet fans that come up to him and say "man that movie failed you!" he'd probably say "thanks, yeah it was different than how I pictured the story would go too" while others like me who might say "great performance and what a brave, daring, and ultimately incredibly fulfilling arc you had" I bet he'd go "I know what you mean." Obviously this is all my own assumptions but I just doubt he has a "me vs. them" mindset against either side of fans. He probably sees common ground with both.

I do think what makes it unclear is that Luke doesn't die in the Hamill footage - the way it's shot, he seems to actually be recovering. Then he dies, somewhat oddly, in a wide CGI shot. I mean... wouldn't you show the life leaving Luke's face? that's what stuck out as weird to me in the movie, which was before I heard this theory about him not knowing.

Well I just figured that they were going for closure with him literally fading into the sunset to tie in with the suns that began his journey 40 years ago. I did interpret him as initially trying to power through the physical toll that the Force projection took on him before quickly realizing that his time was at an end. So he mustered up one last bit of strength to straighten up and accept his fate. Just my take anyway.
Leia and Chewie's hug in TLJ felt like damage control. :lol

Yup. That felt like a clearly reactionary inclusion. The hug is pretty pointless at this stage too.

So after being separated across the galaxy and not knowing if loved ones are alive and then suddenly coming face to face again:

1. Poe embracing BB-8: Good
2. Finn hugging Rey: Good
3. Chewie hugging Leia: Damage Control/Bad

Got it, lol. ;)
Nobody complained about Poe not hugging BB8 in TFA or Finn not hugging Rey in some TFA moment. They have to have some self awareness about how some of these scenes are going to be perceived.
That Poe hugging BB-8 scene was awkward as hell. Almost all of the resistance just got killed & he’s petting his little droid like a puppy. AWKWARD.
Man i’m so not needed Khev just pwning TLJ hate debunking on his own.

I don’t see any damage caused to SW post TLJ either because the ones claiming said damages are salivating in the Solo thread waiting for a trailer lol.

Yeah some damage. :lol
Nobody complained about Poe not hugging BB8 in TFA or Finn not hugging Rey in some TFA moment. They have to have some self awareness about how some of these scenes are going to be perceived.

I'm sure they were self-aware when shooting the Chewie/Leia hug in TLJ. But it 1. gave fans what they wanted in the previous film and 2. fit with the current story so I fail to see how it was "wrong" to include in movie.
Man i’m so not needed Khev just pwning TLJ hate debunking on his own.

I don’t see any damage caused to SW post TLJ either because the ones claiming said damages are salivating in the Solo thread waiting for a trailer lol.

Yeah some damage. :lol

:lol :lol

I'm sure some of them are truly at war with themselves. Do they write off Solo to prove how much SW is ruined because of TLJ? Or do they embrace Solo as the "correct" way to do a new SW film compared to TLJ? Which one to choose?? :panic: :gah:

If Mark Hamill knew his character was gonna die in TLJ, why did he state in interviews (as seen in youtube videos) that he was happy with his meetings with Colin Trevorrow (before he got axed) and that they were on the same page and he was excited as to where Luke's character was going in EP9??

So I guess Mark was excited to either, A not be in it at all since he knew Luke was dead, or B, be a force ghost for maybe 1 or 2 scenes and have a total screen time of maybe 10 minutes (after expressing his unhappiness with not being in TLJ till the last 10 seconds)? ... ...

Yeah, one of those must have been the direction that he was so happy and excited with what Trevorrow had planed for Luke in EP9. Sorry. All his comments are damage control. Kennedy & Disney put the smack down on him. They had enough of his outbursts as his voice was being heard load and clear by the fans. It amazes me how easily people can take to recanted social comments. Social Media at it's best. You believe the statements that reinforce your belief, yet easily dismiss those that don't. Some people get a pass, while others are raked over the coals.

The problem here is in the ending itself. His death is literally a scene that was shot and could have easily gone either way. The camera fades away with him still sitting there, or they CGI a shot of him fading away and his cloak (only?) blowing in the wind... Choose your own truth, cause we will never know...

The most perplexing is knowing Carrie Fischer died and can't continue into EP9, why would they also kill off Luke when it would've been so easy to change the ending and carry Luke instead into EP9 since there is NO written outline or script yet??
:lol :lol

I'm sure some of them are truly at war with themselves. Do they write off Solo to prove how much SW is ruined because of TLJ? Or do they embrace Solo as the "correct" way to do a new SW film compared to TLJ? Which one to choose?? :panic: :gah:


The best part is that you and I never claimed TLJ to be perfect so when I see people trying to chip away at every little thing I just laugh because the movie already found a resting spot for me between RO and TFA so they can keep chiseling away i’m content with TLJ being better than TFA but not as good as RO.

I think since Solo will have the RO feels that movie has a better shot at being liked.
Man i’m so not needed Khev just pwning TLJ hate debunking on his own.

I don’t see any damage caused to SW post TLJ either because the ones claiming said damages are salivating in the Solo thread waiting for a trailer lol.

Yeah some damage. :lol

did attack of the clones did any damage to the sw brand back then?

did green lantern did any damage to DC

did the new mummy did ant damage to universal?

did x men origins wolverine did any damage to fox and the x men franchise?

did they ? did they?

did spiderman 3 did any damage?

did the matrix reloaded did any damage?

did alien resurrection did any damage?

did it? did it?

did the x files sequel movie do any damage?

did it did it?
Of course they did because all those movies you mentioned were not as good as what had come before it in their respective series.

Since TLJ is better than TFA why would it cause any damage, the movie improved upon its predecessor.

Just ignore Wor-Gar he’s a Tarkin whore.
The best part is that you and I never claimed TLJ to be perfect so when I see people trying to chip away at every little thing I just laugh because the movie already found a resting spot for me between RO and TFA so they can keep chiseling away i’m content with TLJ being better than TFA but not as good as RO.

Yep you've got Top Tier perfection in ESB/SW/RO and then the "awesome but not perfect" grouping of TLJ/TFA/ROTJ. You and I both said before TLJ that if it sucked that we'd always have the OT and RO but that if Luke was awesome we wouldn't care about Rose and Porgs or whatever. And at the end of the day Rose and the Porgs weren't even bad.

Sweet sig, btw! :rock
did attack of the clones did any damage to the sw brand back then?

did green lantern did any damage to DC

did the new mummy did ant damage to universal?

did x men origins wolverine did any damage to fox and the x men franchise?

did they ? did they?

did spiderman 3 did any damage?

did the matrix reloaded did any damage?

did alien resurrection did any damage?

did it? did it?

did the x files sequel movie do any damage?

did it did it?

Long term damage, no. But there's short term/temporary damage.
I'm starting to believe that Jye & Khev are indeed the same person. It's as if sometimes they are the only 2 people in the room having a private conversation amongst themselves.. :lol

You guys need to share digits with each other and become real flesh and blood friends and stop all this internet back and forth stuff. You can then see TLJ together while sharing a popcorn and soda while holding hands.. :)
Of course they did because all those movies you mentioned were not as good as what had come before it in their respective series.

And pretty much every movie he listed prompted an immediate reboot of the entire franchise, lol. And of course SW wasn't rebooted after AOTC because George didn't care and was writing the checks himself.
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