Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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i trust him more than CNN

You have to look at this deeper from Mark's positon. Look at who he's sitting next to. His open criticism of the films not only, in his mind, hurts Disney's profits, but it also adversely effects his colleagues. So he's probably thinking that he may have been being selfish when he aired his grievances publicly.

Lol I love how he says a bunch of stuff of how it was wrong then ends with how he shouldn’t have said anything in the first place. Daisy looks uncomfortable, and also *acknowledges* the hate, saying maybe people will like it more in time. They know! :thud:

My response:

Lol I love how he says a bunch of stuff of how it was wrong then ends with how he shouldn’t have said anything in the first place. Daisy looks uncomfortable, and also *acknowledges* the hate, saying maybe people will like it more in time. They know! :thud:

My response:


Once again thanks for the detailed breakdown and context TaliBane. I think that people keep focusing on TFA and RO's numbers as if they were somehow normal when in fact they were *both* anomalies. Obviously TFA was off the charts for reasons already mentioned but once again RO doing the numbers it did with a cast of no-names who die was equally crazy. I think the one-two punch of RO being as good as it was while segueing *directly* into the great ANH itself made for a combo that blew away financial expectations.

Obviously these movies can't be mindblowing anomalies each and every time and now we're simply seeing TLJ be a more common blockbuster that earns an incredibly impressive and respectable profit more in line with other fan favorite franchises that share the accelerated "new movie every year" release schedule like the MCU.

RO "should" have made more like $300m domestic and $700m worldwide based on what it was. The better outcome is all down to Gareth (and his status as a fan who gets it.) When he spoke about SW done cinema verite war-movie style back in 2010, who would have thought he could nail it?:horror

The issue with TLJ's performance is that even though it is majorly profitable in a "normal blockbuster" sense (it's about what an average Pirates movies did,) it still left something approaching a half billion on the table at a time when Disney is majorly needing cash due to the whole impending Netlfix war (stock price under pressure.)

You have to remember that half a billion is (or exceeds) what "Oz the Great and Powerful" and "Tron Legacy" - huge movies Disney spent lavishly on - earned worldwide. Half a billion is a huge amount for Disney right now.

More importantly is that TLJ does appear to have left a bad taste in a sizable minority of fans' mouths at a time just when franchise fatigue is settling in - and with Solo just months away. They have to be worried about the TLJ multiplier, and that collapse in China is a weird and unsettling thing.
:lol :lol :lol

What are they actually talking about in the original version of that anyway?

He worked for a restaurant and was asked by his boss to wash some frying pans in the ocean, but he left them there over night, and when he went to pick them up the next day, the tide had risen, and he only found one, and they were stuck with a bunch of bags of rice and the boss was upset.
Movies just need to be profitable not make 2.3 billion every single time you’re crazy if you think over 2 billion is the norm hell even 1.5 and above is not the norm when you consider how many movies are made.

No one here is arguing for 2 billion as a "norm" for films in general. That's a strawman argument you fabricated because you can't respond to the one actually made.

People here trying to school Disney on their long term box office goals with SW is like me trying to school Oppenheimer on splitting the atom or Fisher and Kasparov on playing chess lol.

Competent investment analysis is done by thousands of people every day. Comparing them to epochal geniuses or G.O.A.T. performers is simply ignorant.

Oppenheimer is a really self-deating example. For as brilliant as he was, he generally is viewed as ignorant or callously unconcerned with radiation's health dangers.

It is telling you follow up a fallacy with a personal attack.

Hey Khev is this what you meant when you criticized dismissively laughing at TLJ critics to cover up anger?
He worked for a restaurant and was asked by his boss to wash some frying pans in the ocean, but he left them there over night, and when went to pick them up the next day, the tide had risen, and he only found one, and they were stuck with a bunch of bags of rice and the boss was upset.

i dont think the boss told him to put them in the ocean lol. i think he did that himself to save time. (the boss just told him to wash it)
Guys; you all know the board rules, or at least you should, about discussing politics. Keep the discussion on topic, regardless of whether you're praising TLJ or bashing it, or I will close this thread.

I um... sent you a PM about board rules. A couple actually. Hint-hint.:stick
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