Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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That clown has one of the best Hot Toy figures ever made. Life is not fair. :lol
That clown has one of the best Hot Toy figures ever made. Life is not fair. :lol

It truly is near unforgivable what they did to the Mandarin in IM3. Kingsley was badass in the first few Mandarin clips shown throughout the movie but then they turned him into a punchline. He could have been Marvel's equivalent of Ledger's Joker.

The Mandarin in the IM3 trailers is actually what got me into liking Marvel movies. :lol
Kingsley was badass in the first few Mandarin clips shown throughout the movie but then they turned him into a punchline.

It's subversive! The movie deconstructs the racist caricature that is the comicbook super villain "Mandarin".

It was fresh, bold and daring.
CHINA fires the Final blow that kills this movie

On popular review aggregator Douban, the new film is rated a fairly weak 7.3, based on over 43,000 reviews. The most upvoted review complains that “the whole film really insults the IQ of its audience,” and demands to know how the universe could possibly be ruled by such an incompetent Galactic Empire. “In Star Wars, it seems only Darth Vader had a brain — it’s such a shame he’s already dead,” the reviewer concludes.
>Other factors, according to Chen, include Chinese audiences’ preference for physically attractive protagonists and stories rooted in reality. He points out that, for example, superhero films from Marvel — a Disney cash cow that has enjoyed great success in China — feature recognizable settings, such as New York and even China, and are filled with larger-than-life leads who meet the public’s aesthetic standards. The Star Wars characters, meanwhile, look ordinary by comparison.
>“These actors aren’t very beautiful, which may deter a lot of Chinese from seeing the recent films,” said Chen
That's a very peculiar approach :lol

It's so funny that they are concerned to such an extent with what actors look like. Obviously a big part of Hollywood is about how you look, but still looks aren't everything. Lots of big stars aren't particularly good looking and even in the MCU, you have quite a few people in prominent roles with 'unimpressive' facial features.

In France a lot of famous/successful actors are either quite ugly or just very common. Lots of 5's and 4's (or lower) :lol
That's a very peculiar approach :lol

It's so funny that they are concerned to such an extent with what actors look like. Obviously a big part of Hollywood is about how you look, but still looks aren't everything. Lots of big stars aren't particularly good looking and even in the MCU, you have quite a few people in prominent roles with 'unimpressive' facial features.

In France a lot of famous/successful actors are either quite ugly or just very common. Lots of 5's and 4's (or lower) :lol

I called it like 2 weeks before it was released

I literally told xipotec and wor gar that they would reject the movie based on rose's looks
I called it like 2 weeks before it was released

I literally told xipotec and wor gar that they would reject the movie based on rose's looks

He did, I remember that. And if crows remembers, I said he was correct even then.

You think America is shallow and racist, then you ain't been to China.
I totally remember those posts as well, that's when I brought up that they talked about overweight people in public when they see them in the street because they aren't used to it :lol
He did, I remember that. And if crows remembers, I said he was correct even then.

You think America is shallow and racist, then you ain't been to China.

I even asked xipoc what the difference was between rose and the girl from iron man 3

Speaking only about the looks, compare to OT and PT cast. Sequel is the worst

Carrie Fisher (Leia) - Harrison Ford (Solo) - Mark Hamill (Luke) though not that good looking, and others

Padme (Natalie Portman) - Ewan McGregor (Obiwan) - Hayden Christensen (Anakin), legendary badass motherfker Samuel L.Jackson (Mace Windu), and others

Sequel ?

Pfff... you already knew
I think I said it in a sandbox thread but I firmly believe the diversity casting hasn't just been about gender and race but....degrees of physical attractiveness, size diversity and so on. They won't be inclined to actually talk about that like they do gender and race because..well, telling an actor that they were specifically looking for someone who got hit by the ugly tree would be terribly insulting.

I'm speaking as a straight man, but there's a lot of good looking black actors out there and I wouldn't count Boyega among them. And on the female side, I just finished watching the latest Star Trek Discovery and a ginger girl who is..somewhat plump..and has prominent facial moles is part of the primary cast. She's no mere backgrounder. Years back I don't think she would get this role, not even in a progressive Star Trek TV show. This stuff sounds horrible to say and I won't make a habit of it, I'm not comfortable with it but *insert Ian Malcolm well there it is GIF*

The motivation behind it is not unlike the push for different sizes of catwalk/sports illustrated models.
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Definitely. Although there were proper auditions for the Rose role, I'm sure they knew exactly what they were looking for in advance, with a bunch of boxes to check to make it viable from a financial standpoint.

Disney is just facing a scandal at the moment because it's been revealed that they painted some extras' faces darker on the set of the live action Aladdin movie.

Really shows that their diversity act is just that... An act. There is no true ethical conviction behind it, it's purely about appealing to as many people as possible to make as much money as possible. I know, that's definitely not a scoop, but the Aladdin thing really showed that.
CHINA fires the Final blow that kills this movie

On popular review aggregator Douban, the new film is rated a fairly weak 7.3, based on over 43,000 reviews. The most upvoted review complains that “the whole film really insults the IQ of its audience,” and demands to know how the universe could possibly be ruled by such an incompetent Galactic Empire. “In Star Wars, it seems only Darth Vader had a brain — it’s such a shame he’s already dead,” the reviewer concludes.
>Other factors, according to Chen, include Chinese audiences’ preference for physically attractive protagonists and stories rooted in reality. He points out that, for example, superhero films from Marvel — a Disney cash cow that has enjoyed great success in China — feature recognizable settings, such as New York and even China, and are filled with larger-than-life leads who meet the public’s aesthetic standards. The Star Wars characters, meanwhile, look ordinary by comparison.
>“These actors aren’t very beautiful, which may deter a lot of Chinese from seeing the recent films,” said Chen[/SIZE]


It’s weird how little people here understand eastern cultures. They all love having beautiful celebrities and don’t want to see any uggos. It may be backwards or what have you but they are *all* like that. China, India, S Korea, Malaysia, Japan etc

They had only one job... to pander. And they messed it up by trying to push a social message. A message that is messed up as a-dev pointed out because they know they were looking for that particular... ‘not ideal’ look (to put it nicely). Just the act of doing that is so much more offensive than anything any hater can come up with, that they can think that way.

Anyway here’s some more Johnson explaining:

Ruin Johnson said:
In this particular story, it’s much more like the original trilogy, where with Snoke if you think about the actual scenes, if suddenly I had paused one of the scenes to give a 30 second monologue about who he was, it would have kind of stopped the scene in its tracks, I realized. Even though it could have been interesting, something that fans were interested in, as storytellers, we have to kind of serve what the scenes need to be. It was a tough thing, even though I knew some fans were interested in it I also knew it wasn’t something that dramatically had a place in this movie. Hopefully it can be addressed elsewhere or even J.J. may address it in the next movie. But it’s not something that’s particularly interesting to Rey, so we kind of had to follow through.

Apparently he couldn’t think of any other way to do this than a 30 second monologue. And even if he did, I don’t think anyone had a problem with Obi-Wan’s info dump in ANH which was longer than 30 sec and didn’t bring the film to a ‘grinding halt’

He justifies it further by saying it wasn’t something that was ’particularly interesting to Rey’ and it ‘didn’t dramatically have a place in the movie’ - but apparently the whole side casino plot and pander-fail chick freeing the animals was interesting to Rey and was dramatic...

The more he explains the more clear it is how little he used logic in any decisions that were made.

I’m glad even China could see that
See, that’s where he’s wrong.

You’re completely right about the info dump. What’s worse is, if they had chosen to go that particular route, it could have been accomplished when Snoke scolded Kylo earlier in the film. It would have also served to bolster his ego not only to himself, but to Kylo and the audience as well.

I think something along the lines of “when I found you, I was blah blah blah” would have worked. And then he obviously transitions that into the beratement we see near the end of that scene.
Apparently he couldn’t think of any other way to do this than a 30 second monologue. And even if he did, I don’t think anyone had a problem with Obi-Wan’s info dump in ANH which was longer than 30 sec and didn’t bring the film to a ‘grinding halt’

He justifies it further by saying it wasn’t something that was ’particularly interesting to Rey’ and it ‘didn’t dramatically have a place in the movie’ - but apparently the whole side casino plot and pander-fail chick freeing the animals was interesting to Rey and was dramatic...

The more he explains the more clear it is how little he used logic in any decisions that were made.

I’m glad even China could see that

I have been mentioning his lack of imagination (at least when it comes to Star Wars) from the start. It was so obvious that this movie was made by someone who had a lot of walls built around their concept of the story being told and couldn't see past them. It's crazy that he was allowed to write the script by himself. Why does he go straight to the idea of a Snoke monologue? He kinda had monologues anyway so what's a few more lines about himself?

When you have 140 minutes and can't find a proper way to 'use' characters like Luke and Snoke (and develop a bit the later before killing him), you just plain suck. That's it. Period. You ****ing suck. He had them for one movie and clearly wasn't inspired by either of them. Dude's clearly obsessed with Rey but at the same time failed to make her more than what she was in TFA.

How is it not interesting to Rey? Snoke is her main enemy in TLJ, literally wants her to die a few seconds after meeting her. Kylo is still conflicted. Snoke is the puppet master, the one that made Kylo who he now is, so if understanding Kylo is important... I mean she ****ing boards Snoke's ship :lol
He had the time to show Luke drinking space cow milking and fishing with a giant spear but can't have him sitting around a camp fire with Rey to talk about Snoke for one minute.
Has Kathleen Kennedy said anything about all of this? Has Ryan Johnson kept his new trilogy deal? How will this affect Solo?
He did, I remember that. And if crows remembers, I said he was correct even then.

You think America is shallow and racist, then you ain't been to China.

So basically they think the people are ugly...well we know the Chinese are racist and xenophobic ....saw that in spades when I was in Japan.

I am surprised at the elitist type comments from these viewers about their own people thou, that’s more than unsettling from such a powerful nation.

So Disney’s attempt at a Chinese market courting failed because she was not pretty enough.... and the locations were not exciting enough?

Can you imagine?
No wonder Fast and Furious did so well.

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