Smallville: Season Nine...SUIT!!

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Tess remarked that he isn't the same voice as the Orb. That he has no clue why they are there. I know that Zod was imprisoned in the Phantom Zone in season 6 but they refer to having been in Kandor. Now Kandor is the capital city that was shrunked and bottled by Brainiac in the books and so having Brainiac just been there it possible they are going with this angle. Zod remarks that if they are on Earth then Kandor must not exist. What is interesting is that they don't have powers but if you notice the "assassin" from a year's future she could use her powers who is one of Zod's soldiers so something is blocking the absorb of the Yellow Sun's energy.
That's my point. Batman and Superman work so well together because they are opposite ends of the spectrum. The light and the dark. I get that the writers are showing a darker part of Clark's life but it should never, ever get so dark that it feels like a Batman episode. That isn't his vibe. I think it was a shot to impress and to lift from the popularity of the Nolan films and I think it failed.

Agreed on all counts. That one scene where's he's brooding around on top of that building or statue or whatever it was and then he jumps off and plunges toward the ground in an attempt to fly was totally and blatantly Batman. Big eyeroll moment for me there.

They were definitely attempting to tap into that TDK vibe. I hope it's not like that all season.
I was really expecting something big for the season opener. was a bit dissapointed, have to say.
It was refershing to have a break from Lex last season, but I have to admit I'm starting to miss his presence now. I'm rapidly losing interest in Tess.
I think a character can go through many different styles in his buildup to becoming the character we know and love. Kal-El has abandoned the humanity of Clark Kent because the humanity allowed him to let Davis live which led to Jimmy's death. I fully expect that this season he'll discover he needs the human side to keep him grounded and in touch with the people he's trying to help.

I'd agree that this episode was all over the place - they seem to be trying to set up a lot of major themes that will apply throughout the season and that might have been too much. The Kandorians, Clark's new mission, Chloe/Watchtower, Metallo, Roulette's meta fight club, the Legion ring - all appear to be major plot points for the season going forward and they were all touched on in the premiere.
I'll say this. I want DCD to come out with or at least some other authorized jeweler to make a Legion Flight Ring with a nice display. My desk is begging for one.
Friday night ratings.
Many premieres hit Friday; the 18-49 scores:

2.3 20/20
2.2 Ghost Whisperer
2.0 Medium
1.7 Numbers
1.5 Dateline
1.5 The Jay Leno Show
1.5 Modern Family (r)
1.5 Cougar Town (r)
1.4 FlashForward (r)
1.3 Law & Order
1.0 Brothers
1.0 Dollhouse
1.0 Smallville

* Fridays = Kryptonite! All the premieres were down down down from their previous-season premieres, and the biggest dip came for “Smallville” at 45%.
Fridays usually mean death which is unfortunate because this season seems to be the most planned out in terms of high ticket visuals and storylines.
It was refershing to have a break from Lex last season, but I have to admit I'm starting to miss his presence now. I'm rapidly losing interest in Tess.

I needed a permanent break from Clark, which is why I can't watch the show.

Lex was my reason for watching. I tried watching on Friday and lost interest.
No responses to the season premiere?

Lots of questions, which is good - lots of things to like. I dig Lois' future Kryptonian ninja assassin. Her vision at the end was also very cool.

So I'm guessing these Kryptonians are all clones (perhaps created in Kandor?) and that's why he's "Major" Zod when we've already seen General Zod. I'd say they don't have powers because the yellow sun hasn't built up, but Kara had her powers instantly. Can't say I'm a huge fan of the costume or him signing every rescue (sometimes more than once? - the train had one inside and then the one outside on the wall).

Metallo looks pretty cool next week.

I could be wrong, but I thought the ninja assassin chick was the one making the burning "S" signatures, trying to bait Clark? I thought Clark was doing them early on, as the detective did, but then we learn it was assassin-chick by the end of the episode. Unless I'm totally mistaken.

I liked it... But I too really miss Lex (I can't stand Tess, at ALL)... And I agree the dark Batman vibe is way off the mark. I can get past it for the reasons Dave explained, although it really does come across as trying too hard to capture the Nolan lightning, maybe it's just the timing. I also expected to see at least some brief explanation/reference to the genesis of his costume. I guess there's no easy way to naturally transition into a character proudly wearing bright red and blue spandex, lol.. I can't fault them too much for it.
I thought Clark made one...on the wall outside of the train car that Lois identified when she was looking for him, after the Kandorian teleported out of there but that the Kandorian also made one inside baiting him....I don't have the episode on TiVo any more so I'm not sure now...

As for the transition into Red/Blue, I could see him coming out of the funk he is in and saying "Remember the Red/Blue Blur? I want to go back to that." then transition to the costuming but the Nolanesque stuff was just so damn heavy the first episode that if it appears again in episode 2 I might not be able to make it through the entire season. I get the progression aspect and angle that Dave brought up but I'm under the mindset that Kal-El isn't really able to head to Bruce's level, he doesn't embrace darkness and its been the thing that has always stood between them how Bruce knows what he has to do and what he is willing to do and what he has to accept to get there. Clark on the other hand is the eternal beacon of hope believing in humanity and in its ability to transend the darkest facets of existence.

Clark isn't at Bruce's level in this but I don't want him going any closer than what we've already seen.
Yeah, thinking back on it, I was definitely mistaken... Clark was making the signs. Doh!

Not a bad episode at all! I hated how it was a random truck accident that injured Corben, but I do like how they dealt with Metallo. And I'm loving how they're creating a love triangle with Lois, Clark and the Blur. The complexities that they are asking from these characters (and the audience) is really beyond what most teen angst shows demand. Chloe hates Clark for not saving Jimmy and refusing to time travel to do it, but she's jealous that he's confiding in Lois and not her. Clark wants to separate from humanity to remain objective but still feels a deep connection with Lois. It's unusual for a genre show like this to build such multi-layered characters.
I liked it a bit too - although that's 2 weeks in a row that we've seen the results of what the Kandorians are doing and not seeing them themselves. And I also had a little problem with everyone just killing zombies (including the guilt-ridden Ollie) when they are really curable humans.
Didn't care for it, but then I've never liked any of the horror themed Halloween shows they've done. There were some nice Lois moments though. I hope Ollie's pity party doesn't last too much longer, I want Green Arrow back.
This episode kind of lost me....felt it was filler even though there are aspect of the larger arc in it. Should be interesting though where it goes.
This episode kind of lost me....felt it was filler even though there are aspect of the larger arc in it. Should be interesting though where it goes.

That's one of the main reason I've never liked the Halloween episodes. They're very obviously shoehorned in there to have a horror themed episode for october and always feel like filler. That and they're kinda cheesy. At least it wasn't as bad as the Lana becomes a vampire one. :monkey4
Some JSA casting news!

October 19, 2009 - We've known since this summer that the Justice Society would be coming to Smallville, in an episode written by comic book writer Geoff Johns, but so far the exact characters who would be part of the team were not revealed.

IGN TV has now exclusively learned the names of two of the Justice Society members we'll be meeting on the series - and the actors who have just been cast to play them.

As it turns out, Hawkman and Doctor Fate will both be part of the Smallville incarnation of the Justice Society. This goes hand in hand with DC Comics, where both characters have notable histories with the team and its various incarnations, dating back to the 1940s.

Playing Hawkman will be an actor who brings his own notable sci-fi following to the role. Michael Shanks, who has recently been appearing on Burn Notice, but is best known as Daniel Jackson on Stargate SG-1, will portray the classic DC hero.

Doctor Fate will be played by Brent Stait, who had an ongoing role on Andromeda as Rev Bem. Stait also has experience in the Stargate world, having appeared on SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, along with the direct-to-DVD movie Stargate SG-1: Children of the Gods.

Geoff Johns recently wrote on Twitter that the third member of the Justice Society was "A girl. Who likes stars," which all but ensures it's Courtney Whitmore, AKA Stargirl. Hawkman's presence in the Johns-penned episode is a bit amusing, as it was Johns who recently killed that character in the pages of DC Comics.

Look for the Smallville episode "Society" to air in January.

Update: Fancast confirms that the third JSA member on Smallville is Stargirl, and has the info on who will be playing her - Britt Irvin (Aliens in America)
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