Smallville: Season Nine...SUIT!!

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Season 8 on Blu this week ! I am all in for prep ! Still enjoy the show ! Keep it going !
A little more info on the new season's guest stars.

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A little more info on the new season's guest stars.

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That's some good stuff there, Natrix! Thanks!! :rock :rock
The black is really the opposite of Supe's bright outlook of humanity (his use of the color was pointed out by Bats in Kingdom Come). This really makes him look like some kind of Evil Superman.

But I'm sure this is just a placeholder and I'm hoping they give him a "real" suit before the end of the series that utilizes the traditional red, black and yellow in some way.
The black fits with how S.8 ended with him giving up the Clark persona and being all emo.

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The black fits with how S.8 ended with him giving up the Clark persona and being all emo.

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Ahh, ok. I don't watch the show, so I'm just going by the pics.

And why does everyone have to be so emo nowadays? :lol
I want that black S t-shirt.
the black outfit looks cool and everything, but given that he knows people 'know' of him as the red/blue blur.... I would have thought his outfit would represent that, without going as far as the 'proper' suit, obviously
The Black "S" shirt looks like the S is almost spraypainted on there. I wonder if its an interim suit before the "official" suit of the season...
No responses to the season premiere?

Lots of questions, which is good - lots of things to like. I dig Lois' future Kryptonian ninja assassin. Her vision at the end was also very cool.

So I'm guessing these Kryptonians are all clones (perhaps created in Kandor?) and that's why he's "Major" Zod when we've already seen General Zod. I'd say they don't have powers because the yellow sun hasn't built up, but Kara had her powers instantly. Can't say I'm a huge fan of the costume or him signing every rescue (sometimes more than once? - the train had one inside and then the one outside on the wall).

Metallo looks pretty cool next week.
The writers are saying he is Major Zod because this adventure is supposed to take place early in his military career. What they've redone with that retroactively I don't know since I've been out of the show for a while. From what I've read the group are Kandorians and Clark misreads her prophecy obviously. As for the episode itself I liked the end of last season but wasn't too fond of this episode. It fel to Batman to me right down to the music and visual shots. I'm not too happy about the Legion Ring floating around and Clark completely refusing it. Lois looks good though as usual but I feel like this beginning isn't the one that it could have been for the end of the series run. Clark never embraces the dark, even in his weakest time he embraced he hope and this "training" while interesting feels like filler. I'll tune in next week but it just doesn't feel Supeman enough. Metallo looks cool but I really hate Brian Austin Green as Corbin, he feels too David Silver the College Years instead of Reese in TSCC. And I'm predicting it now, the Flight Ring will come into play to rewrite the earlier years, put Clark in glasses and beginning his identity while keeping him free of the time stream because he'll be the traveller bur have everyone remember him as geeky, awkward Clark Kent and he'll be tempted to save Pa Kent but choose not to.
As for the episode itself I liked the end of last season but wasn't too fond of this episode. It fel to Batman to me right down to the music and visual shots.

I thought the episode was ok, nothing spectacular, but the Nolan Batman influence was much, much too obvious. The music sounded like it was practically lifted straight from those movies.
That's my point. Batman and Superman work so well together because they are opposite ends of the spectrum. The light and the dark. I get that the writers are showing a darker part of Clark's life but it should never, ever get so dark that it feels like a Batman episode. That isn't his vibe. I think it was a shot to impress and to lift from the popularity of the Nolan films and I think it failed.
MIssed the first 20 minutes of the episode, forgot it was on, but it was an interesting premier. Because I missed those first few minutes, the purple Orb released Zod, but did it also release all the rest of the Kryptonians as well???

Is this the same Zod that possessed Lex a couple of seasons back...I'm so confused
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