Smallville: Season Nine...SUIT!!

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Its fairly obvious at this point that Smallville itself exists within its own continuity and that anything occurring in the past whether on film or on the small screen will only serve as inspiration but not exactly dictation. I wouldn't look for anything in the Reeve continuity to be replicated as is.
Its fairly obvious at this point that Smallville itself exists within its own continuity and that anything occurring in the past whether on film or on the small screen will only serve as inspiration but not exactly dictation. I wouldn't look for anything in the Reeve continuity to be replicated as is.

The show does take a lot though from the Reeve continuity, but you're right in that the way Zod was handled especially should be a clue as to this not being the same Universe. However The Lois and Clark dynamic has been pretty much the same when Superman appears in every incarnation so far including the cartoons. That formula works, and it would be strange if they don't use it. Yes, Lois not knowing it is Clark sounds cheesball after her seeing him without the glasses and falling in love with him already, but it can be done. At this point unless Clark disappears for 5 years and makes a return a changed man, then magic probably would be one of the only ways to make it work. Unless they do some sort of time-travel rewrite of history wiping out pretty much the entire show making Clark a nerd..That won't happen.

I am looking forward to the final season and hoping to see Welling in the big screen with a big budget. That way Apocalypse and a battle with Darksied could be done very well with current technology.
I think they are going to be skipping this version of the story and having all the knowledge jump into him much faster to avoid the 12 year gap. Just as in Superman IV, another "last" crystal will pop-up and the fortress can be re-built. The whole Superman Returns storyline was ruined having Superman not only have 12 years off but then goes on another long journey to see if there were any survivors on Krypton. Lois Lane should have been a lot older than she was in that film.

However having Clark re-create the fortress, and then perhaps disappearing for a couple of years while he's training and learning from Jor-El in the fortress would make more sense for his return as Superman. Then we can have Clark believably getting myopia and wearing glasses when he returns to work, and at the same time Lois gets saved by Superman so she falls in love with him and gives him the Superman name. etc.. In Lois's mind Superman and the Blur are two different people by then.. I do not want Lois knowing the secret identity just yet, the Superman mythos is more fun when she doesn't know. Just watch Lois and Clark the tv show and the show started to stink once she found out..

I agree with most of this. I hate it when Lois knows the identity. Also I EFFING HATED THE ACTOR WHO PLAYED ZOD!! I can not thank GAWD enough for his character wrapping as well as the Kandorians. It was a niffty concept but in the end the story really went no were & served more so as "filler".

Also if Rosenboum dose not return for at least the last eps then DC FANS WILL -UCKING BLACK BALL EVERY -UCKING FILM HE EVER TOUCHES!!!!! & that encludes JL voice work. I can respect his walkin g a way when they got all cheap on him, just like they did to Terrance Howard in IM.

But I don't think it will kill him to return for the last 3 or 4 eps.
oh yeah!! who would be down for another couple of waves of DCD action figures?? I want their entire version of the JSA!
I'd love for them to make an updated Smallville set of the new "Justice League"! Tom Welling as Superman, Green Arrow, Cyborg (I know they previously made those two guys for "Justice" from Smallville), Black Canary, Hawkman. That'd be great! :yess:
The entire of the series Smallville has been the journey from Clark to Superman (and he's almost there) - it's a much better way of doing it than disappearing for 12 years and having knowledge implanted.

As for action figures - I'd love HT to do it - but they'd do Clark, Ollie and maybe Lex and that would be it.
Sorry dude, I'm cool with 6" but its just not that great to fork out that kind of money for HT. Besides I was JLA HT 1st!
I was meaning that DC Direct could do the new JL figures at about 6" tall, like they did for Alex Ross' Justice, and Smallville "Justice"...not Hot Toys. But a 12" or 1:6 scale Tom Welling 2-in-1 Clark Kent/Superman set? I would buy that! :yess: As for Oliver Queen...sure. A 12" Green Arrow would be great to stand alongside Clark/Superman. Hot Toys prices are high, but the few HT figures I have I love. The ALIENS marines and Ripley, Rocky Balboa, Apollo Creed, Rambo II and Rambo III, and from Predator...Dutch, Billy, and the Predator. :D
I was meaning that DC Direct could do the new JL figures at about 6" tall, like they did for Alex Ross' Justice, and Smallville "Justice"...not Hot Toys. But a 12" or 1:6 scale Tom Welling 2-in-1 Clark Kent/Superman set? I would buy that! :yess: As for Oliver Queen...sure. A 12" Green Arrow would be great to stand alongside Clark/Superman. Hot Toys prices are high, but the few HT figures I have I love. The ALIENS marines and Ripley, Rocky Balboa, Apollo Creed, Rambo II and Rambo III, and from Predator...Dutch, Billy, and the Predator. :D

thats a rather interesting thought Jedi. DCD does tend to do obscure 1/6 characters like the Batman Beyond. so yeah....i'd be down for that!
HEY GANG! Looks like the end it drawing nigh. The following was lifted from the ENI news boards:


Smallville Hollywood Reporter is saying that sources at CW have confirmed for them that the long-running show about Clark Kent, the man who would become Superman will come to an end at the end of next season, which will be it's tenth season. Official word is expected to come from the folks at CW tomorrow during their "Upfront" presentation.

Now the real question on everyone's mind who has watched this show over the last 10 years is... Will Clark Kent finally wear the suit???"

DAMN IT! I promised myself I wasn't gonna cry:monkey2 God how I loved this show.....faults & all. :love
Here's a link to some news over at Yahoo about Smallville's 10th and final season...

Some great quotes from Tom Welling in this short piece. He hints about the need to "give the fans what they want", and other things like the difficulty of Clark and Lois's relationship if and when she finds out, if she does, that he was the Blur, and is Superman. It's good to hear him almost PLEAD for Michael Rosenbaum to return as Lex Luthor. Now let's see if he actually does come back.
Since someone has started a season 10 thread, let's close this one down and move it over there.
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