SDCC '11 Wayne Casino Poker Chips Giveaways

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Lines for panels were like 4-6 hours long this year. It was the craziest crap I've seen for that. I just saw that. I'd pay $50 for that honestly.
Lines for panels were like 4-6 hours long this year. It was the craziest crap I've seen for that. I just saw that. I'd pay $50 for that honestly.

I remember hitting up WonderCon and being excited about the Watchmen panel (they were showing 20min of footage). Saw the line went out the door, across the balcony, down the fire stairs, around the building and across the street. Went to check out the panel on RC R2D2s instead. :lol

Cool that you got enough to actually play with. Looks much better as a set rather than just 1 or 2.

The lines for the panels and the lines for the swag booths are the main reasons I have stopped going to the 'Con. It becomes a whole day of waiting in 2 or 3 lines, not worth it anymore considering all the info is available pretty much as the panels unfold, and its becoming harder and harder to get the con exclusives. To me its just easier to pay a premium and get what I want on eBay or Matty or whatever.
Impressive :duff

Thank you, though truth be told these aren't all mine. I was trying to put together sets for a few boardies. they handed them out the first 2 and last 2 hours of the show, and if you asked real nice they handed you 2. I had a few friends with me as well so putting these together wasn't too difficult.
Meh, money better spent on collectibles. You don't have to deal with the ____load of _______s, the visual assault of 400lb women scantily wrapped in toilet paper cosplaying as Felicia, or the reeking, undead stench of the dirtbag fanboys who think the cost of admission entitles them to skip hygiene regiments the whole Con. Every year I've passed on going, I still nab all the SDCC exclusives I wanted anyway, for cheaper than the cost of travel and attending.

Sweet Jesus! You hit the nail on the head!!! Mind you, I've been to SDCC before but this was just ridiculous. Because there are so many Lloyds there now, you are forced to stand with your face buried in the armpit of the cousband in front of you. Its disgusting. I won't get into the cosplay stories. The sight of Adrienne Curry as Aeon Flux is something my shrink will earn his money helping me to forget.