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Re: RAMBO V-Greenlit

Stallone was lucky that he has two iconic characters under his belt. He ran them both into the ground and now he's incredibly lucky that he managed to give them both proper sendoffs after they existed with mediocre endings for years.

Both ideas I heard for Rambo V were awful (the supersoldier one and the political one) and I think it's good that he's leaving well enough alone.
Re: RAMBO V-Greenlit

I have the 6-disc Rambo Complete Collector's Set, and that included Rambo's speech with Julie Benz (Sarah Miller) as a deleted scene. So I think I've seen this already. :(

I am saddened and frustrated by this news. :banghead

Stallone’s not done with Rambo completely, though. He told Empire that he’s at work on a director’s cut of Rambo which will restore twelve minutes to the movie, including a surprising outburst of loquaciousness for the mumbling man of action at the movie’s beginning.

“He does a speech at the beginning of the movie to Julie Benz where he lays out why his life has been a complete disappointment and why war is natural and peace is an accident,” added Stallone. “And how he just feels that his life has been a waste. It’s very important to hear that and I didn’t think so at the time. I’m going to go back and put in some stuff.”
Re: RAMBO V-Greenlit

And yeah.. Where is my Hot Toys Rambo 4, Hot Toys?! :tap
Re: RAMBO V-Greenlit

Yes, much of the director's cut will come from the deleted scenes on the DVD, but, they'll be worked into the movie so instead of just being scenes you watch, it'll be part of the flow of the story.

Good. Last one ended perfectly.

:lecture The last ended perfectly. I'd of hated it to have ended with a crappy sequel and by the sounds of some of the things that were being talked about it could have ended up that way , this is a good move imo.

But...war is in his blood. Oh nevermind that's steroids.
I must admit i'm happy to hear this news. As everyones already mentioned, it ended perfectly. Both Stallone franchises ended perfect imo.
Though it is sort of disappointing,the series ended on a good note with rambo 4.
Seems like the right move... no need to end up with another KOTCS on our hands :lol

KOTCS was a pretty decent movie IMO.The hate for that film is just plain silly. :lol

That being said I think the last Rambo flick was the best way to end the series.
KOTCS was a pretty decent movie IMO.The hate for that film is just plain silly. :lol

Amen, The Josh. It's just a classic case of a generation growing up with a franchise and claiming as their sacred inviolable possession. As soon as a new instalment comes along, they kick up a fuss. :gah:

PS. I'm hoping you're younger than 30, otherwise you might be offended too! :monkey3
Amen, The Josh. It's just a classic case of a generation growing up with a franchise and claiming as their sacred inviolable possession. As soon as a new instalment comes along, they kick up a fuss. :gah:

PS. I'm hoping you're younger than 30, otherwise you might be offended too! :monkey3

I'm 30 and hate KOTCS, well maybe not hate but I sure am not sitting through it again. :lol