Plinkett's Episode 3 review!!!!!

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Is that the excuse George used as to why the clones are all CGI? That is ridiculous. I can't say I ever noticed in the OT that the Stormtroopers were different heights--just not something I ever picked up on. Besides, all he had to do was use real actors for closeups and medium shots (and make sure those guys are all the same height), and maybe only use CGI troops for wide shots when he wanted to show several hundred of them.
The last review was probably the weakest in terms of comedy, but the first and second are funny enough.

Desperately unfunny reviews.

What? Are you human!? Have you no emotions!? He's dead on about the films and hilarious.

I think if people get mad or don't get it, then they also like the terrible films.

The last review was probably the weakest in terms of comedy, but the first and second are funny enough.

Oh what!? The first part of the episode 3 review I never laughed so hard...he's brilliant.
Well, if you think Episode 3 was an enjoyable film, you're not going to enjoy a guy spending an hour and a half ripping them apart.
What? Are you human!? Have you no emotions!? He's dead on about the films and hilarious.

I think if people get mad or don't get it, then they also like the terrible films..

It's my opinion, he's not funny, and he's not dead on. In fact he ripped off another reviewer on YouTube called confused Mathew.

I also want to highlight that comment as it shows how self-opinionated and condescending you are, as you also clamied somebody who likes the prequels is not a Star Wars Fan.
Never heard of Confused Matthew, so I took a look. . . I'm not sure how anybody got ripped off. Critiquing a movie while film stills roll isn't exactly a new phenomenon. What else would a movie review on YouTube be like?? It seems like Plinkett kinda put his own spin on it, creating a new persona and running with it. That's why the whole thing is so funny, it's like a mentally deranged person coming up with valid, well thought-out points instead of just saying "IT SUCKS" like most folks do.
Never heard of Confused Matthew, so I took a look. . . I'm not sure how anybody got ripped off. Critiquing a movie while film stills roll isn't exactly a new phenomenon. What else would a movie review on YouTube be like?? It seems like Plinkett kinda put his own spin on it, creating a new persona and running with it. That's why the whole thing is so funny, it's like a mentally deranged person coming up with valid, well thought-out points instead of just saying "IT SUCKS" like most folks do.

Well I never said I like confused Matthew, but there are similarities in their Star Wars reviews, if anything his Lion King review is absurd

As for Red Letter, Sorry I don't find somebody droning on longer than the movie he's reviewing in a annoying voice, entertaining.
And I get how some might like the sick humor of seeing women tortured, but it's not to my taste.
And some of his points are easily shot down. From his Attack of the clones review (The parts I could bring myself to watch without getting bored) he went on about how Ben's comments in A New Hope, that Anakin was a good friend, made no sense by showing the conflict they had in AOTC, but fails to mention that they were much closer in ROTS for he's own convenience.

Look I know you guys like him, nothing wrong with that, nothing wrong with disliking the prequels, but I just don't have the same point of view.

As for Starkiller, I don't like sparking up a conflict with anybody, but Star Wars is very dear to me. I did not get to see my father very much as a child, so some of my fondest memories are of him taking me to see all the Star Wars films when they came to our cinema, and it was one of the few movies were we both enjoyed them. The Prequels came along and I liked them, not as much, but I liked them, like a lot of Star Wars fans who saw the originals first time round, and it does not make us any less of the fans we were before. I also resent being judged on my movie taste, as he has no clue what other films I like.
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So if you have fights and conflicts with someone sometimes they can't be a dear friend? You just have to be best pals all the time? :dunno

Seems like an overly simplified view of life...
But then again, despite all the movie jargon and posturing, I don't think these reviews are really very well thought out.
Another great Plinkett review! Finally got a chance to see this.

Although I still prefer Episode III to the others (prequels, I mean), and enjoy watching it (mainly due to the lack of cringe moments... maybe not complete lack, but much less than the other two, imo), he's pretty spot on. Maybe he is a bit harsh on some of the plot points, his points on the weak direction are particularly good, especially the "sitting on a couch" bits. Didn't really notice that at first, I hope it doesn't completely ruin the movie for me now!

That guy who played the Emperor (in the review, I mean) was particularly good, too!
Is Khev a mob lawyer or a hollywood publicist? Lol...{j/k}

My gf is from Uzbekistan and has never seen a SW movie, so have been debating the whole "start w/ OT or PT" conundrum.

After finishing this last Plinkett review, I think I've finally decided to just skip the PT entirely.

Agree w/ others; no matter how hard I try to convince myself otherwise time and time again...the PT just sucks eggs.
Well guys, I haven't read this, so I have no opinion one way or the other, but I think it might be an interesting read for both fans and detractors of "plinkett's" reviews:

Here's where I got the link from:

And a quick sort of summary of what to expect:

Thanks to the Star Wars prequels, Star Wars fandom has divided itself down the middle almost like the Jedi and the Sith. There are people who vocally condemn the mere existence of the prequels and others who know the prequels aren’t as good as the originals, but still respect them because they’re Star Wars. Like anything, though, there are exceptions to this rule. Plenty of old-school fans boycotted the movies totally, others love the prequels unabashedly and some fall in between if, for example, they think Revenge of the Sith is great, but the others suck, and so on.

Assuming that’s the case, the Bible for the non-fans would probably be Red Letter Media's video reviews of the Star Wars prequels. These epic, critical destructions of The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, blend film theory and entertainment value in an almost deadly way. They’re anti-prequel propaganda at its best. The fans, though, don’t have a figurehead. George Lucas certainly doesn’t want the job and even the films themselves only contain a few moments in each that are pure Star Wars.

However, one fan has taken all the passion that once embodied a Star Wars fan and created something for prequel admirers to stand behind. A message board user named Jim Raynorhas written an incendiary 108-page tome as a rebuttal to the Red Letter Media review of The Phantom Menace called Red Letter Media's Episode I Review: A Study in Fanboy Stupidity. Download it, read some excerpts, bask in its geekiness and more after the jump.

Raynor’s document originated on the message board of and we owe /Film reader Kangaroo Be Stoned a bit thanks for the heads up. Here's the link to the file's MegaUpload site.

I guess we’ll start where Raynor starts, with quotes from two well-known fanboys: Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof and Star Trek/Shaun of the Dead/Hot Fuzz star Simon Pegg. Both have publicly skewered the prequels in their work and their endorsements of The Phantom Menace review are partially to blame for it becoming so huge in the online community.
Your life is about to change. This is astounding film making. Watch ALL of it -Damon Lindelof, co-creator of the television series Lost

That Star Wars review is amazing. – Simon Pegg, actor

From there, Raynor goes on to explain who and what Red Letter Media is, admit his admiration – despite its flaws – of The Phantom Menace and also admit he simply doesn’t like the style of these reviews. Still, that’s not the reason for this work:
I’m writing this lengthy response to Stoklasa’s review because it’s massively overrated, and simply wrong and even dishonest on numerous points. Episode I detractors have rallied around the review, with numerous people praising it as a devastatingly intelligent and insightful critique of the movie. I’ve even seen URL links to the video being posted on internet forums, as a way to silence Episode I supporters and end debate on the movie. All this despite the fact that Stoklasa’s review is full of shoddy work and awful analysis, which I will explain in the course of my response.

Raynor also calls out the review for being exactly what it’s trying to make fun of:
Stupidity, exaggeration, getting overrated by sheep-like followers…the RLM review of TPM basically covers all of my pet peeves. It’s not even hard to show why it’s dumb, because some of the things in that review are just really dumb. But still, many people think that it’s the greatest and smartest fanboy work ever. I’ve seen it being said that videos, especially long ones, are a lousy medium for online discussion. That’s because someone often has to watch large parts of a video just to find the few moments that he’s looking for. While a written response such as this one can also be long, it is far easier to skim and quote from using search functions. That increases transparency and makes the truth easier to see. So I guess I’ll have to be the one who points out that the emperor has no clothes, and that Stoklasa’s review isn’t as smart as a lot of people think it is.

And, he also explains that he’s well-aware of how incredibly geeky what he’s doing is:
Yes, it is. It’s very geeky. So is making numerous video reviews of scifi movies, many of them well over an hour long. So is arguing about decades-old movies on internet forums. So is investing so much emotion and expectations into a movie series that you regard a new installment as a major life event, and cry about how it “raped your childhood” if it so much as underwhelmed you. I just want it to be known that I didn’t obsessively work on this response nonstop. It was written intermittently, over the course of more than half a year. I stopped numerous times, either because I had something better to do or because I just didn’t feel like working on this. Listening to Mr. Plinkett over and over again wasn’t my idea of a fun night or weekend afternoon. There were entire weeks or months when I didn’t touch this at all. So if any RLM-lover says that I’ve gone too far by doing this, he’s full of crap. Especially if he’s posting from a scifi, fantasy, or comic book forum.

Raynor then goes on to detail exactly how he went through and dissected the RLM review, noting where points were good and where points were completely untrue, etc. Then, finally, on page 12, he goes part by part, point by point, through the entire 70 minute review, refuting and dissecting fo rhte next 95 pages before reaching his conclusion, which is excerpted here:
Throughout his review, Stoklasa relies on the same few tricks again and again. He asks stupid questions which the movie has already answered. He denies simple truths that were made clear to everyone. He repeatedly makes false or unsupported claims that increase the amount of negativity in his review, which will stick in people’s minds even if he carefully retracts his statements later.

Too many people have been swayed by his lousy arguments and deceptive tricks. I believe that the monstrous length of his review has protected it from criticism. At seventy minutes long, it at once appears daunting and authoritative. Any counterpoints to it appear selective and incomplete in comparison; RLM supporters can and have claimed that its detractors “haven’t looked at the big picture” of what Stoklasa is saying. Well now, you have a rather complete “big picture” summary of the whole damn thing. Now, almost all of his points have been laid bare for everyone to see.

I’ve only just begun to read this, but I encourage you to do the same. Again, here's the link to the file's MegaUpload site. If for some reason it becomes unavailable, e-mail or Tweet myself or Peter and we’ll host it ourselves. Love him or hate him, it’s kind of cool to see this kind of pro-Star Wars passion.

Happy reading to all! :D

EDIT: pasted the correct URL for the megaupload link
Plinkett's right in so many ways. His newer reviews like this one are a little too long, but always entertaining.
Looking forward to the next one.
I'm up to page 73 and it's quite an entertaining read.
Of course, I don't like Plinkett's reviews, so it's safe to assume I'm going to like what a critic of his reviews has to say, but I would urge fans of Plinkett to give it a read.
If only to have a look at the other side of the coin...
It's my opinion, he's not funny, and he's not dead on. In fact he ripped off another reviewer on YouTube called confused Mathew.

I also want to highlight that comment as it shows how self-opinionated and condescending you are, as you also clamied somebody who likes the prequels is not a Star Wars Fan.

First bolded point: You have terrible taste in comedy and SW music then.

Second bolded point: Correct. Someone who claims to be a SW fan and enjoys the PT (films that crap on everything beloved about SW), are truly not real fans. They are SW fans in the sense that they cling to anything, tasteful or tasteless with the name Star Wars slapped on it. These must be the same people who enjoy the new and awful Clone Wars series, just because it's SW...that means it's good!

You're wrong and they are wrong.
I'm up to page 73 and it's quite an entertaining read.
Of course, I don't like Plinkett's reviews, so it's safe to assume I'm going to like what a critic of his reviews has to say, but I would urge fans of Plinkett to give it a read.
If only to have a look at the other side of the coin...

I don't know man... I just downloaded this, and admittedly I haven't read much of it yet (it's getting too late to get into it - I'm going to sleep), but so far it seems like fanboy apologist bias.

I mean, calling his reviews "propaganda" in the first place is simply ridiculous... I'll give it a more thorough read in the morning, but my first impression is that it reminds me of someone's attempt to debunk evolution or something...
Didn't get to read the whole thing (real life got in the way), but the man makes some very good points about things that really do piss me off about Plinkett's "rationale".
He's obviously defending the PT, and sometimes gets a bit carried away, but by far and large not like Plinkett does.
Anyway, it's an interesting read and surprisingly entertaining.
I stopped reading after I hit this:

"Jim Raynorhas written an incendiary 108-page tome as a rebuttal to the Red Letter Media review of The Phantom Menace called Red Letter Media's Episode I Review: A Study in Fanboy Stupidity."

Is it this hard for some "fans" to just admit the Prequel Trilogy is that much of a turd? I mean really now, some guy needs to write a 100+ page tome as a rebuttal to Plinkett's cleverly humorous yet accurate reviews of these lack luster films?

Listen don't harp on Plinkett for pointing out the multiple flaws in these films, blame George for making them in the first place. Some people are so misguided in life.
I stopped reading after I hit this:

"Jim Raynorhas written an incendiary 108-page tome as a rebuttal to the Red Letter Media review of The Phantom Menace called Red Letter Media's Episode I Review: A Study in Fanboy Stupidity."

Is it this hard for some "fans" to just admit the Prequel Trilogy is that much of a turd? I mean really now, some guy needs to write a 100+ page tome as a rebuttal to Plinkett's cleverly humorous yet accurate reviews of these lack luster films?

Listen don't harp on Plinkett for pointing out the multiple flaws in these films, blame George for making them in the first place. Some people are so misguided in life.


I mean, I can still enjoy the movies, but I don't delude myself by thinking they're examples of great filmmaking. I think Plinkett's reviews are spot on, but I can still enjoy the prequels on a certain level, despite their many flaws... especially ROTS, which despite Red Letter Media's points (which again, I agree with - most anyway), I still like very much.

Why get so defensive?
Probably 99% of fans think Plinkett is dead on.

1. You will always have Prequel apologists.
2. You will always have people that genuinely love the PT no matter what.
3. You will have fans that like both but realize one is far superior than the other.
4. People that prefer the PT to OT don't exist. (For reals)< :)

Still reading this thread through it seems most here at least, and on the web and otherwise are with Plinkett.

If you're #2, this thread and topic is not for you :)