Official Rob Zombie "HALLOWEEN 2" Thread - SPOLIERS

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As for this "surprising" new mask evereyone is taking about, I think we've seen it. It's the one from that still where he's behind the chain link fence. That one is ripped to hell, and you can see part of his beard through a hole in the cheek. He has the beard only in the second half. The mask in the hospital scenes from the trailer looks much cleaner, pretty much the same as it looked in H1. So, I think that super damaged, super bloody mask is the "new" version. And it's not even really new; it's the H1 mask with more damage.

Actually, now that we've seen the trailer, I think the surprise one may be the one where the whole right eye is removed and you see Michael's face.

Also, as far as the idea of Annie biting it in the hospital, that's a no, Michael's seen in a mirror she's looking at with his eye showing through the mask, she definitely survives at least until the few years later or whatever time lapse there is. Though I have a feeling that shot of Lauire opening the door and screaming is her finding Annie possibly.
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But didn't one of the FX crew say that this new mask would be something that, if seen on its own, we wouldn't realize it was Michael Myers? I don't think it's the one with the face substantially visible.
But didn't one of the FX crew say that this new mask would be something that, if seen on its own, we wouldn't realize it was Michael Myers? I don't think it's the one with the face substantially visible.

Here's what was said about the big "surprising" mask.

Then towards the end of the film is the current version of the mask which is a lot different from any of them that we've seen. I think a lot of people are going to be surprised when they see it.

Now to me, I would be and am surprised to see a mask where his face shows, that was always a big thing in the original series, you see his face in H1 when it was a one time deal, then by H2 when they flashbacked, they cut that part out because they wanted to keep mystery to what was behind the mask. It was a big deal for Michael to even take it off for Jamie in part 5.

So, might be a mask unlike anything we've ever seen, or might be this face reveal and for some fans it'll be a big "how can you do that." Where Rob's sort of taking a whole new look at the story and character, I'm ok with that aspect of the mask and if shot well, it could look really cool. Rob's Michael is a person, he doesn't show the face much but he has a face and you come to know the face as a child anyway, so while Michael has some fixation on masks, there's no need to use the mask to make him the Boogey Man, he just is a psychopathic murderer.
Oh wow he "mysteriously" and i'm sure accidentally added his skanky wife into this one too. Maybe they should make Sherri Moon or whatever her name is the new killer that can never die too :rolleyes:

I liked part one but can't really stand RZ.

and yes I know she comes back as a ghost or something of reference to the past.
Sean, what I was referring to was further down in that article. Here's the text reposted.

Shock: But you put your stamp on the mask so...

Toth: I think it's neat there are that many hardcore fans that people are excited about the character to even do stuff like that. [The mask with the hole] is kind of similar to how we first see him in the movie but again, the final incarnation is so different from that, I think it's going to throw the real Myers fans for a loop. If you just saw it in its own context at first, you wouldn't know it was Michael Myers, really.
It does concern me that RZ puts his wife in every movie he does. I mean, she is the dude's wife and that is his choice, but not if its unnecessary. I thought she was really good in the first one, but not sure I need to see her in this one. Hope its more of a cameo than a real role...!
What concerns me is that Zombie will be going for shock and offense before anything else yet again.

Most hospitals (even the ones that are closed) here in the Atlanta area refused to let them shoot any scenes (they obviously found one finally)... because they didn't like the way that the doctors and nurses were almost all portrayed as "depraved and sadistic" in the script. So it sounds like Zombie is still not over his white trash lunatic fetish, even with medical personnel. I hope there's not another unnecessary and offensive rape scene, but I actually wouldn't be surprised after hearing some of the reaction.

And the type of people who frequented the set were... to put it nicely... just barely on THISSIDE of normal. I felt like a total fish out of water at times. :lol
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Seeing the new photos, I stand corrected on my mask theory :lol That bloody one must be how it looks before becoming that half-faced mask. If you look at the damage in the forehead, cheek and temple it seems to follow the pattern of where the missing chunk falls off. Odd that he spends two years in the wild, and his hair doesn't grow any longer but the hair on the mask seems like it did.

I'm hoping Sheri's stuff is brief and done as visions in Michael's twisted mind rather than an actual ghost. Might explain her weird new white-haired look. She's been dead 19 years and he never had a photo of her. Maybe that's just his distorted memory of what she looked like? I hope so.

I'm not sure what the deal is regarding Rob's take on the hospital staff, but I can say this: I have a friend, a psychiatrist, who has worked in half a dozen mental facilities through the South and he says it's embarrassing how accurate the Smith's Grove staff was to some of these places. They're not hospitals, they're more like warehouses for humans. Besides, it was only those two orderlies, who also happened to be related. The rest of the staff was normal.

I didn't like the rape in the unrated cut, either. I wasn't offended by the rape but by how much it took away from Michael's character. A big part of what always made him scary for me is how he just sat there for 15 years when he clearly could have easily escaped at any moment. Escaping during the rape just because his door was open made it look like an accidental opportunity and really diminished his whole sense of motivation and purpose for the rest of the film. There's actually a scene in the rough cut where they show him stomping across the yard of the hospital and he stops, confused, and turns back toward the hospital, as if he's thinking of going back!! Thank god they dropped that from both official cuts.
Sean, what I was referring to was further down in that article. Here's the text reposted.

Wow, I missed that part. Well, hopefully the trailer's a good indication, and maybe this other mask will be like the last 10 minutes or something.

What concerns me is that Zombie will be going for shock and offense before anything else yet again.

Most hospitals (even the ones that are closed) here in the Atlanta area refused to let them shoot any scenes (they obviously found one finally)... because they didn't like the way that the doctors and nurses were almost all portrayed as "depraved and sadistic" in the script. So it sounds like Zombie is still not over his white trash lunatic fetish, even with medical personnel. I hope there's not another unnecessary and offensive rape scene, but I actually wouldn't be surprised after hearing some of the reaction.

And the type of people who frequented the set were... to put it nicely... just barely on THISSIDE of normal. I felt like a total fish out of water at times. :lol

You know, I think Rob actually has a capability to make a good horror movie, but some of the stupid ^^^^ he comes up with in the trashy department is like what the ^^^^. It'd be one thing if it was done in a such a way as to maybe raise awareness or something about some problem, but all it does is make him look like an ass. Stallone had babies thrown into fire and women raped in Rambo, but it doesn't come off as trashy, it actually makes you feel for the real people that suffer living in that part of the world. Rob's trashy rape scene just makes you think what the ^^^^ is wrong in Rob's head, who finds that entertaining, seriously.
I don t know i still don t like it i hope this movie is going to be the last Halloween ever and let Michael Myers rest in peace,seriously how long will
this s***** go on
Yeah. I agree with the white trash ^^^^. The reason why Halloween was scary to me cause its a nice family in a suburban town. A little boy loses his ^^^^ for some reason, then comes home wearing a Shatner mask. That's much more effectively creepy and unsettling then a boy being a product of poor circumstances.
And that's my biggest problem with the first Zombie Halloween...that and the over use of the same horror movie all stars from the devils rejects over and over again.

I can let that ^^^^ go for another movie if he keeps the idea fresh and original. Too late to go back now, anyway. Hopefully he doesn't do two movies at the same time again.
Finally watched the trailer. Wow, that is crap. I'm fairly forgiving when it comes to my beloved slasher monsters, but this is hideous. It might not even be a renter. :monkey4
Not until it stops making money.

Exactly and considering these movies don't cost a whole lot make they turn a decent profit in the end. Why do you think they made a Jason flick every year from 80-88? :D

Back then i'd imagine they costed anywhere from 10-15 Mill to make and turned an overall gross of 50+ Million.
I've just found a way for some RZ Halloween haters to maybe enjoy this film. As soon as the scene ends with the whole police scene and mom on front lawn skip 2 or 3 chapters to when it says "15 years later"

25 mins with that weird looking kid is more than enough imo.
I've just found a way for some RZ Halloween haters to maybe enjoy this film. As soon as the scene ends with the whole police scene and mom on front lawn skip 2 or 3 chapters to when it says "15 years later"

25 mins with that weird looking kid is more than enough imo.


This new movie and RZ pimping his wife is getting old...:banghead