Official Rob Zombie "HALLOWEEN 2" Thread - SPOLIERS

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Thanks for the links. Ok, so Zombie says Myers wears the mask for the same amt of time as previous movies, or what, 50% of the time. I mean, even in the Zombie Halloween movie, Myers identified with a mask, so why does it take it off now? Aint like he's any saner...but we'll see. I just hope there is a legit reason behind it, and just not zombie being different to 'be different'
I bet it's the latter. Different to be different. Sucks too because like you said, Michael Myers is pretty much associated with the mask look. There better be a damn good reason it is not on him in this flick. :mad:
I bet it's the latter. Different to be different. Sucks too because like you said, Michael Myers is pretty much associated with the mask look. There better be a damn good reason it is not on him in this flick. :mad:

I wouldn't call it a "good" reason, but apparently Zombie has a fixation with White Trash and Hobos... :lol
Trailer is up on Yahoo -
I don't even know what to say about it....are we supposed to be seeing visions as Michael sees them? Not encouraging.

Seems like Michael is really demented in this one. He's seeing his mom who is telling him to kill so the family can be back together again. Kinda like part 6 , but with a better story. Seems like this is what Michael has been thinking, but we've never been told. Pretty cool to me.
Interesting that Zombie seems to be going the way of the Thorn Curse type rationalization for Michael with all the black magic and satanic stuff seen in this.
I dunno. Getting into some kind of rationalization just neuters the character even more. The more you explain Meyers the less scary he becomes.
I dunno. Getting into some kind of rationalization just neuters the character even more. The more you explain Meyers the less scary he becomes.

I loved the original Halloween and I loved it so much that I've enjoyed "most" of the franchise. That being said I really think they tried to explain him because what else can you really do with the character. You'd have the same movie over and over again of just him trying to kill his family or random people. Explaining him does make him less scary, but to think of someone who wears a mask and kills people with butcher knives not being scary at all, then you have problems.
I loved the original Halloween and I loved it so much that I've enjoyed "most" of the franchise. That being said I really think they tried to explain him because what else can you really do with the character. You'd have the same movie over and over again of just him trying to kill his family or random people. Explaining him does make him less scary, but to think of someone who wears a mask and kills people with butcher knives not being scary at all, then you have problems.

Well that's the thing, Carpenter's original vision was the one film. As much as I love Halloween and like having more than one movie, as a story, it would have been best left at part 1 with pure, unmotivated boogie man killing spree. The need to rationalize his actions in the Carpenter sequels is what ruined the series, it got too bizarre.

What could have been an interesting story to create sequels would be to take him all over the country with Loomis chasing after evil. Every Halloween, show up, but for Loomis, never know where to expect him to show up. To me, that's one way to have sequels without having to try to hard to justify them.
I loved the original Halloween and I loved it so much that I've enjoyed "most" of the franchise. That being said I really think they tried to explain him because what else can you really do with the character. You'd have the same movie over and over again of just him trying to kill his family or random people. Explaining him does make him less scary, but to think of someone who wears a mask and kills people with butcher knives not being scary at all, then you have problems.

I disagree here.
I think with " film " because so many movies have no story and just have a random guy running round killing people for 2 hours in order to make a horror that people remember , the killer or at least some of the characters have to have depth and meaning behind them and what their doing.

The original Halloween had the scenes where Michael was casually walking in the background and where Loomis explained something in a chilling way and it sends a chill down your spine. He never spoke and never shown any emotion even though you knew he had been through so much.
Because we didn't know everything but had just had small looks into his past and seen how horrible it was I think this is what made the character so frightening. Add on top the fact that he goes around murdering people you have an amazing character with depth who is genuinely scary.

Because Rob Zombie explained the character so much it kind of ruined it for me. Theres no longer any mystery behind the character. Nothing to look for.
No character. I applaud him for having the balls the take on such a classic movie but I just feel he went the wrong way about it.

I think the path he took with the movie could have worked better with Jason actually. Since we know more about his past and stuff anyway. It would be interesting to see his take on Friday the 13th.
What made Meyers appealing to me was the complete lack of motive. He's the essence of evil in human form. Unknowable. If there's nothing else to do but explain him away with a white trash childhood and ghost mom spirit guide, then it's just time to stop making Halloween movies. Just make a movie about a hillbilly whose dead mom guides him. Oh, wait - that would be Rob Zombie's PSYCHO. :lol
I have to admit: the trailer wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Definitely some intense and interesting stuff in there. It could end up being decent.

My only real issues with the first were (and this is the Unrated edition, BTW):

1) The revised escape scene with the unnecessary rape. The theatrical "shackle breakout" worked so much better.

2) The second act where Zombie tried to replicate and condense the events of the first Halloween. He just spent half the movie making it his own, and it was extremely distracting to then switch gears and lean so much on Carpenter's story.

From the way this looks, the hospital scenes will be resolved fairly quickly, and it would be a logical extension of the first film's scenes. But then it goes off and becomes its own movie without using the original Halloween 2 as a crutch.
From the way this looks, the hospital scenes will be resolved fairly quickly, and it would be a logical extension of the first film's scenes. But then it goes off and becomes its own movie without using the original Halloween 2 as a crutch.

I'm quite interested in this aspect, it'll be interesting to see how Michael goes on a killing spree in the hospital, yet for some reason disappears or whatever enough for Laurie to heal and time to move on, I wonder what the plot point will be for that. Carpenter's made sense, he only stopped because he was incinerated (as Carpenter's intent was for Michael to be dead in H2).

Brief cut, but McDowell sounded compelling again as Loomis.
I'm quite interested in this aspect, it'll be interesting to see how Michael goes on a killing spree in the hospital, yet for some reason disappears or whatever enough for Laurie to heal and time to move on, I wonder what the plot point will be for that. Carpenter's made sense, he only stopped because he was incinerated (as Carpenter's intent was for Michael to be dead in H2).

Brief cut, but McDowell sounded compelling again as Loomis.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was something as simple as the cops swarming the place and Michael knowing he has to escape.

In the original Halloween 2, there was the additional element of the cops thinking they'd killed Myers when in fact it was a drunken Ben Tramer. They weren't as actively searching for him at a hospital.
Looks interesting. I'm a bit puzzled with a couple things, but I love the character, love Rob's first Halloween so I will eagerly see this one and save judgement until I've seen it a couple of times.

I'm not sure what to make of Deborah's ghost being in there as a guide or even maybe the explanation for Michael. With her new look and seemingly evil personality it doesn't really feel like the same character. Oh, well. I'll have to see it before I judge it. Can't be any more retarded than that damn Thorn cult thing.

And it seems from There's a new character; some chick that becomes Laurie's friend in the second half. I'm only assuming Annie bites it in the hospital, but I would like to have seen Laurie and Annie survive together. I guess Laurie would need a companion in order to explore her character from a writing POV, would have been nice if that were Annie instead of a new chick.

I'm curious to see what Loomis means by "Michael has evolved".

The hoodie everyone dislikes makes sense. It's not a "hoodie" anyway, it's a coat. Michael spends two years living in the wild/on the streets in this one. Only on Halloween could you walk around stained with blood, shot full of holes and wearing that mask without drawing attention. Makes sense he would need to cover up all that damage and be able to hide his face and mask. Living that way justifies the beard, too. He's not living wild with a shaving kit in his pocket. Remember those old Tarzan movies where he was always clean shaven, had a fresh haircut and was always clean? That pissed me off :lol And living that way makes more sense than a giant, secret sub-basement that just happens to be conveiniently located beneath an ordinary residential home.

The Halloween franchise, after Halloween II, went down the toilet. Part 3 was a great horror movie on its own but as far as Myers related Halloween, 4-8 are just crap. Ever see "Resurrection"? I never want to see Michael in a fist fight with a loud-mouthed rapper :monkey4 If you're one of these people who think Rob has done a bad job, go take another look at that masterpiece. I'm glad Rob has revived it in a fresh and interesting way.

As for this "surprising" new mask evereyone is taking about, I think we've seen it. It's the one from that still where he's behind the chain link fence. That one is ripped to hell, and you can see part of his beard through a hole in the cheek. He has the beard only in the second half. The mask in the hospital scenes from the trailer looks much cleaner, pretty much the same as it looked in H1. So, I think that super damaged, super bloody mask is the "new" version. And it's not even really new; it's the H1 mask with more damage.
I'm hoping that the hospital sequence isn't just a dream and Laurie is just imagining Michael as she remembered him and that is why the mask is intact. Seems the torn mask may be from Lauries bullet.