New Doctor Who 1:6 from Big Chief Studios!

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I'm just hoping they reply to my email/fb msg or to this thread to help clear things up.
I don't understand why the whole no PayPal thing is such an issue. For those that don't want to use their credit card for fear of being in debt, the deposit for the PO is only gonna be $30-50 max. Then just limit your credit card purchases when BC notify us of a payment charge date for the remaining amount.

Or better yet, just use a debit card...using your own money = no debt.

And if BC actually don't end up having PayPal as an option, and you're really desperate, buy a pre-paid credit card.
The issue here is that most people would like to have the PAYPAL option like myself as we have been able to use with them in the past. Just a little short notice to imply that this may not be viable for Tennant and ambiguous not to fully clarify a definite answer until the actual day of pre order when queried. I feel that pretty much sums things up as a whole.
The issue here is that most people would like to have the PAYPAL option like myself as we have been able to use with them in the past.

Well they have stated that they're trying to make as much of a profit on this run of 10 as possible. Perhaps they pay less fees with credit card payments than they do with PayPal :dunno
Yeah that could very well be the case but will work as a detriment to them as well, without sufficient advance warning to advise a great number of people who have been waiting and had expected the usual modus operandi to pay for the 10th doctor. Goes up around this time next week so their acknowledgment as to what they're intentions are before the fact is the clincher here. If nobody had cared for the anticipation of this release then there wouldn't be any drama's but the delay with Amy on top of this is disappointing when all we are left with is to speculate on the forum after putting forth the question. Just some consistency is what the consumer is asking for here, well at least I am particularly anyway. And others have also expressed the same view.
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Well they have stated that they're trying to make as much of a profit on this run of 10 as possible. Perhaps they pay less fees with credit card payments than they do with PayPal :dunno

But it should be less about them and more about us. I don't think alienating customers is a good way to obtain profits.
I don't understand why the whole no PayPal thing is such an issue. For those that don't want to use their credit card for fear of being in debt, the deposit for the PO is only gonna be $30-50 max. Then just limit your credit card purchases when BC notify us of a payment charge date for the remaining amount.

Or better yet, just use a debit card...using your own money = no debt.

And if BC actually don't end up having PayPal as an option, and you're really desperate, buy a pre-paid credit card.

What is most concerning to me is that Pay Pal offers very good customer protection. That might all be gone now if they stop accepting Pay Pal. In the past people have had to open a claim against them in order to get a missing part or get them to take notice of an e-mail. I like having that protection.
I'm disappointed with the whole Paypal issue; the likelihood is that I will only buy if I can do so with Paypal. I don't really see what their problem is with taking a deposit using Paypal - you have to open a claim within three months and I doubt Ten will be out in three months so they're not going to have people asking for the deposit back and being entitled to it; and they probably need the deposit money to pay for production. On the other hand, it protects you against poor items and if you're a seller surely you should have confidence in your product. Besides that, I like Paypal, it's convenient.
But it should be less about them and more about us.

This isn't Hot toys.

This is a small company, and the only one out there making high-end Doctor Who figures. They've stated that they are having profitability problems, yet people on here are still talking about them making all the other Doctors.

If they don't put the business' needs first, whether it's through changing payment methods or distributors, then there will be no other Doctors made.
This isn't Hot toys.

This is a small company, and the only one out there making high-end Doctor Who figures. They've stated that they are having profitability problems, yet people on here are still talking about them making all the other Doctors.

If they don't put the business' needs first, whether it's through changing payment methods or distributors, then there will be no other Doctors made.
Oh I understand about their profitability problems but like I said before, alienating customers isn't a good way to fix that. How they fix their profitability problems is by selling the figures to customers. Pay Pal should never be taken away as an option. It's convenient and gives the buyer peace-of-mind.
I understand that BC is a small company, then they shouldn't have bitten off more than they can chew without coming up with a sensible approach and business plan from the outset. Would have saved them from over promising and under delivering. I sincerely hope that this line survives all of the fallout it has suffered so far. A lot of it has been self inflicted though in my opinion, without taking into account the production delays on the fault of vendors which are just one of those things i guess. However its customer satisfaction and consistency that is paramount and that's been the point entirely. All that has been expressed has been constructive criticism within reason of course. And that's not taking nasty, underhanded digs that were uncalled for. These are valid concerns and as potential ongoing customers, surely it's about providing satisfaction where possible on their part essentially. A vital element in sustaining their brand. More importantly it's high time we were given some gratitude for expressing opinions and concerns when these have been valid issues which I am sure BC are aware of and need to address accordingly in due course.

And still no answer from them unfortunately... So the speculation continues which is another failure on their part. Initially the question wasn't raised by me but by someone ele's on their wall and the answer was open ended and hadn't really been clarified which prompted me to probe even further as the outcome affects my ability to buy from them and I bought two 11 doctor sig editions plus laid down a deposit for Amy via PAYPAL. I think this is a fair and reasonable point to raise.
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I can understand the point that BC would be wise to open as many payment avenues as possible, however it would also be extremely wise for a person to have more payment options than paypal and cash. To not have a bank account with a debit card is pretty weird to me.

What do you do if you're out of cash at 10pm and need to pay for something in an emergency like gas or something?

I'm curious, does Sideshow take Paypal? I don't think they do.

In any case, pretty sure there are 1000 people who a have a bank account with a debit card or a credit card to buy this. So I don't think they're sacking their sales.
If that's the example then that's what EFTPOS is used for in emergency situations... Not everybody wants a debit/credit card. If BC can't use PAYPAL then transfer the deposit I made for Amy and place that onto 10 instead cause we still don't have a release date for this figure still either. Hey, I know here's an idea, how about providing a concrete answer prior to the pre order date maybe. That'd be nice
If that's the example then that's what EFTPOS is used for in emergency situations... Not everybody wants a debit/credit card.

Unless your bank gives you an ATM-only card, every person with a bank account should have a debit card. I can't see a reason why you wouldn't want access to your own money to make purchases online :cuckoo:
Unless your bank gives you an ATM-only card, every person with a bank account should have a debit card. I can't see a reason why you wouldn't want access to your own money to make purchases online :cuckoo:


This is an exclusive figure. Be prepared to jump through a few more hoops than usual. How is this new or surprising? :dunno
Like iv'e already reiterated - BC need to provide a definite answer in preparation for next week. Not much to ask for considering how patient all of us have been here waiting for another figure release and as far as i'm concerned i've held up my end of the bargain and been more than a loyal customer to them. Haven't really had all that much to say considering most people on here have had issues with the actual look of the figure prior to having the item in hand! And just because i don't have a debit card infers i'm crazy? The bank I am with has issued an ATM card and now I need to go apply for one on account of BC changing this without communicating and happily taking my money in the past for their products??? I'm not the only person this hinders and don't have any issues in expressing that either. That's what forums are supposed to be for.
Like iv'e already reiterated - BC need to provide a definite answer in preparation for next week.....


From BC's facebookm page:

Just like the good old British tabloid press, it seems that people have gotten the wrong idea that we will no longer be accepting payments via PayPal. Simply put - not true. We will accept payments via credit and debit cards, plus PayPal. Thanks The BIG Chief Team
Edit - scrap that whole post, well done BC

Not sure about the swipe at the tabloid press, who I used to work for. Seems everyone wants to live in a free country, but no one likes the press...
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