New Doctor Who 1:6 from Big Chief Studios!

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My belief has always been that Christopher Eccelston's committment to the job didn't mesh with the show's more relaxed working environment.

If you've ever seen the behind the scenes stuff for Doctor Who, it seems like a very chill place, with everyone being close friends with one another both at and outside of work. While this does create a very friendly atmosphere to come to every day, the unfortunate side effect is that there is no doubt some time wasted hanging out on set.

Eccelston has always struck me as a very professional actor, one who likes to give his all to a role and focus on the job at hand. That, combined with a natural slight awkwardness around people made him an outsider among the cast & crew. He probably felt that everyone hanging around joking with eachother while he was trying to get the job done was a waste of his time.

I can see that happening and it's very plausible. I wanna work on the DW set...
Hi, all! I'm new here-obviously.
I got the 11 th Doctor figure late in November of last year; love it!
Looking forward-hopefully-to getting more 1:6 Doctor Who figures
from Big Chief: Doctors 1,2,3,4,9, & 10 are what I want.

Welcome to the forum and the thread!

Good choice of Doctors, although I had to fix it for you just a little:wink1:
LoL, Thanks, Captain Britain! :)

It's great to be here. I'd read about 70 pages of this thread, and decided I wanted to be on here, too.

I started watching Doctor Who on PBS almost 30 years ago.

My very first episode was " The Time Monster." Loved it!
Jon Pertwee was awesome! He put so much heart & soul into the role of The Doctor. Looking forward to watching Series 7 - part B in the spring!
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Eccelston has always struck me as a very professional actor, one who likes to give his all to a role and focus on the job at hand. That, combined with a natural slight awkwardness around people made him an outsider among the cast & crew. He probably felt that everyone hanging around joking with eachother while he was trying to get the job done was a waste of his time.

From an actor's viewpoint this is completely true and not just one contained to Who. Patrick Stewart was the same as you described in the season one of TNG but he stuck with it and 'levelled out' a bit.

Lucky there's no national stereotypes about Scotland... but you're right, you can't move in central Cardiff for all the sheep.

I hope BC are watching all this talk about Eccles, he certainly seems to fascinate fans.

Har, Har.
Hi, all! I'm new here-obviously.
I got the 11 th Doctor figure late in November of last year; love it!
Looking forward-hopefully-to getting more 1:6 Doctor Who figures
from Big Chief: Doctors 1,3,4,9, & 10 are what I want.

Welcome PP!

I like your primary choices for Doctors-to-get. I want them all (obviously) but my top picks match yours closely. I would shamefacedly leave Mr. Davidson, Baker-C and McCoy as space filler at the end...if such a thing becomes feasible.

And yes, the #11 is great.
Thank you, DGTWooodWard!

I have 11 under a plexiglass display case, along with Christopher
Reeve 1:6 Superman and 1:6 Commander Data. Those 3 figures will never get dusty.

I wish I had all my 1:6 figures, as well as all my other scales in a case!

I always fear I'll damage them inadvertantly.

I wasn't terribly interested in 11 at first; that changed after I bought series 5 & 6 on dvd, and so just had to have the figure.

( I didn't have BBC America for a year or two. Now, I do, since last summer.)

I, too, am waiting on word of preorder for 10. I have the 11 inch tall
lesser quality 10 figure, but the BC figure is excellent! He looks terrific!

4 looks great. Kinda wish they'd made a Tom Baker from 'The Pirate Planet', but I'll take what I can get and be happy with it. :)
Hey all, have emailed BC to find out whether they are still using PAYPAL as a payment option for the 10th doc pre order. This was the method that i used with them in the past for 11 and deposit taken for Amy. I read this post over on their FB page which got me worried
What's the payment method for the pre-order? Is PayPal accepted?

Doctor Who Action Figures Online BIG Chief have Paypal facilities, but we are not sure this will be an option for pre-orders. Make sure you register your interest for more details!

No response yet, so i hope they clarify soon enough...
That's very worrying, I can only use PayPal. I've put money on it and everything, hope they'll accept it.
Me too no credit/debit cards here and no intention of arranging this just specifically for the purpose of obtaining a figure either, especially considering the fact that the deposit for Amy was made this way quite some time ago via PAYPAL and still with no figure.
In this day and age there is no reason not to use Pay Pal. Unless...they don't want people to open claims against them if they can't produce the figure in a reasonable amount of time. Hmmm, sounds pretty shady.
I'm really not too sure what to make of it, i still have the receipt for the deposit left on Amy. Seem's ludicrous to me to have even left that as an open question considering how many of us use PAYPAL and with the pre order imminent as of next week.
I really hope they still accept PayPal, otherwise that might limit my purchases. My credit card has a relatively low limit as I never intended to use it for expensive collectibles but it's no problem to put enough money on my PP account.
It would be a very stupid move to not have the most used and famous payment method not be a payment method. It's, in my opinion of course, poor business if they not use PayPal for the reason Underworld mentioned. Customer's king and if they have no faith in customers they have a bit of an issue.

I paid my deposit for Amy, and it's been a long, sometimes worrying wait but I never thought of even starting a claim.

I use my credit card just for buying my daily needs such as food, cleaning stuff, clothing, etc. And pr0n. Lots of it. I have no intention to even try and use it for collectibles as I'd be bankrupt in about 4 minutes.
Once i get a reply I'll inform everyone about this however my faith at receiving one promptly in due course is a little dubious. Only saying this as they are obviously going to be very busy leading up to next week and should have answered with a more definite response at the original question.
Having to order 10 direct from BC is already a big enough restriction, the last thing they need to do is add a no paypal restriction on top of that. I'm guessing this is a reaction to the desposits taken on Amy, and people asking for refunds due to the lengthy delay.
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As much as i hate to be a negative nancy here I think this is a very valid concern and i am glad that i raised this over on the forum which should make BC sit up and take some notice rather than ignore the question entirely.
It's quite sad that BC's grown this distant from their fanbase/customers compared to when they started. I know, they're sodding busy but I wish there would be more and more detailed news or answers. It takes too long to get a decent reply.
I have to agree with you, as a consumer that spent money in the past on their products and with the intention of making future purchases they really need to improve upon this point in being clearer with their intentions and stop answering or leading people on with undefined responses much like a politician does... Its annoying not to mention a little misleading too
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