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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

I love this guy

Wow, great interview. The way he's speaking about the game makes me think we've only seen a fraction of what's to come.

Also it's funny how Troy Baker was saying that people should wait and see the game before demanding that Hayter be brought back when I'm pretty sure IGN, especially Greg Miller were a huge part of that replace Kiefer campaign. Yet, both of them are just agreeing with everything Troy Baker is saying there.

After watching the interview again, I'm getting a vibe that Hayter is going to show up in this game in some capacity. I've seen in a few interviews already whenever Hayter is mentioned people act funny and recommend playing the game before judgment.
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I can see that Tweet getting deleted :lol :slap. I guess at least they're acknowledging it in one way or another.
Kojima Hints At Solid Snake’s Return In Metal Gear Solid 5, Teases New Song For Possible Trailer « Video Game News, Reviews, Previews and Blog

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is undoubtedly 2015’s biggest game of the year and the lack of release date is making sure that the fans themselves are fittingly suffering from the phantom pain. Hideo Kojima, the mastermind behind Metal Gear Solid usually takes to Twitter to drop hints about what players can expect next.
Its been widely reported that Konami might be showing off a new trailer at GDC or may be at the upcoming Taipei Games Show and it seems it will have a new song or a new soundtrack to go along with it.
In a number of tweets he listed all the theme songs from previous games but teasingly left a arrow after Sins of the Father, possibly indicating that a new song track will be revealed soon.
“Listened to MGS & PV tracks. The Best Is Yet To Come→Can’t Say Good Bye to Yesterday→Snake Eater→Way To Fall→Love Theme→Here’s to You→Calling To The Night→Heavens Divide→Koi no Yokushiryoku→Here’s to You→Not Your Kind Of People→Sins of the Father→”
He also explained the reasons behind choosing males and female vocalists in different games. He selected Way To Fall, a song by a male vocalist because Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater emphasized on how Big Boss surpassed The Boss, his mother like figure. In Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid 2, they opted for a female vocalists (The Best is Yet to Come and I Can’t Say Goodbye to Yesterday) since those games showcased how Liquid and Solidus Snake wanted to surpass Big Boss.
He then explains how things were passed on from The Boss to Big Boss and beyond from father (Big Boss) to son (Solid Snake). This is a rather interesting comment from Kojima since he is talking about the story between Big Boss and Solid Snake, one of the things that hasn’t been fleshed out in the Metal Gear saga so far. It was never revealed what Big Boss passed on to Solid Snake when the latter was under his command during the earlier games. Another interesting point to note is that Kojima explicitly mentions Solid Snake and not Liquid Snake who is supposedly in the game as a kid.
It must be noted that is of course not a confirmation by Kojima but it’s definitely a hint that Solid Snake may appear in some form in The Phantom Pain. In the past Kojima has mentioned that Solid Snake will appear in MGS5, but at E3 2013 and around the launch of Ground Zeroes, he was not comfortable talking about the same.

Read more at Kojima Hints At Solid Snake’s Return In Metal Gear Solid 5, Teases New Song For Possible Trailer « Video Game News, Reviews, Previews and Blog
Being that there's a lot of down time before MGSV, I was wondering what all your favorite moments are throughout the series. I made a list of mine as soon as I did my ranking of the Metal Gear games, and I think I may have to make a few adjustments to my order!

Favorite Metal Gear Moments (No Order)


1. Snake- “Naomi…tell me something to take my mind off the pain.” (MGS)
2. Gray Fox-“At least I always fought for what I believed in.” (MGS)
3. Snake lying to Naomi about Gray Fox (MGS)
4. Snake vs Liquid fist fight (MGS)
5. Alternate Ending- Snake beating himself up over his failure (MGS)
6. Snake- “SHOOT!” Meryl-“Don’t talk to me like a rookie.” (MGS)
7. Epilogue with Ocelot (MGS)
8. Gray Fox fight (MGS)
9. All the Psycho Mantis Gimmicks (MGS)
10. Learning About the Human Genome Project (MGS)
11. Every revelation about Big Boss through Foxhound (MGS)
12. That rewarding feeling when you survive the torture sequence (MGS)
13. Jim Houseman’s betrayal- “You two are an embarrassment from the 1970’s” (MGS)


1. The Patriots proposing they’re doing us a service for our lack of competency (MGS2)
2. Liquid’s (That was Liquid) announcement of going after the Patriots (MGS2)
3. Solidus’ proposal to take down Patriots (MGS2)
4. Snake’s speech about finding meaning (MGS2)
5. Metal Gear Solid 2 (Opening)
6. Ocelot’s betrayal with Ray (MGS2)
7. Learning Raiden’s Origins (MGS2)
8. Emma dying (MGS2)
9. Johnny’s advice (MGS2)
10. Raiden saving Emma- I liked the swimming segments! (MGS2)
11. Infiltrating the military conference (MGS2)
12. Mocking Bill Clinton with “Mr. Grabby Hands” (MGS)
13. Taking down all those Rays (MGS2)
14. Selection for Societal Sanity (MGS2)
15. Snake making fun of Otacon’s peeing (MGS2)
16. Snake sniping for you (MGS2)
17. Raiden vs Solidus Sword Fight (MGS2)
18. Getting the sword for the first time! That music! (MGS2)


1. Big Boss Salute at the Boss’ grave (MGS3)
2. Killing the Boss (MGS3)
3. Volgin’s torture of Big Boss (MGS3)
4. Big Boss showing up Ocelot (MGS3)
5. Big Boss and Eva meeting post torture scene (MGS3)
6. Fighting the Boss (MGS3)
7. CQCing the bleeping bleep out of Volgin after what he did (MGS3)
8. Learning of the Boss’ Betrayal (MGS3)
9. Ocelot Showdown (MGS3)
10. Big Boss and Eva Romance and betrayal (MGS3)
11. Ocelot refusing to help Volgin (MGS3)
12. Ocelot standing up to Volgin for betraying the motherland (MGS3)
13. Defending Eva before the Boss battle (MGS3)
14. The Sorrow/Encountering all those you killed (MGS3)
15. The End Battle (MGS3)
16. The Fury Battle- Hiding in the shadows and CQCing him (MGS3)
17. Nightmare (MGS3)
18. Breaking Out (MGS3)
19. Motorcycle Chase (MGS3)
20. Big Boss- “It was my destiny to be here; in the box” (MGS3)
21. The Ladder (MGS3)
22. Paramedic- She never watched the movie (MGS3)
23. Radio chat discussing how nervous Big Boss was to impress his mentor at Halo Jump (MGS3)
24. Killing the End ahead of schedule
25. “Way to Fall” in credits (MGS3)
26. Big Boss’ comments on food

MGS Portable Ops

1. Gene turning your men on each other (MGSPO)
2. Your men trying to help to destroy Metal Gear (MGSPO)
3. “Calling to the Night” in credits (MGSPO)


1. Snake vs Ocelot (MGS4)
2. Ocelot- “BANG” (MGS4)
3. Snake dives to save Eva (MGS4)
4. Big Boss tying it all up (MGS4)
5. Snake breaking down in front of Ray (MGS4)
6. Raiden saving Snake (MGS4)
7. Snake helping Big Boss light his cigar and find closure (MGS4)
8. Snake’s attempts to add levity with his smoking, and getting shut down (MGS4)
9. Fighting alongside Raiden against Gecko’s (MGS4)
10. Raiden’s Closure with Rose (MGS4)
11. Back to Shadow Mosses (MGS4)
12. MGS4 Opening (MGS4)
13. Snake going down microwave (MGS4)
14. Snake fighting off Dwarf Geckos (MGS4)
15. Raiden telling Sunny and Snake he has to fight (MGS4)
16. The Laughing Octopus fight- That felt like something right out of Resident Evil! (MGS4)
17. First Appearance of Ocelot- “Brother! It’s been too long!” (MGS4)
18. Snake- “How long do I have.” (MGS4)
19. Otacon- “Snake had a hard life.” (MGS4)
21. Otacon letting Sunny Go (MGS4)
22. Experimenting with all the new CQC and SWAT roll moves (MGS4)
23. Managing Snake’s Psych Meter and back pain- Talk about immersion! (MGS4)
24. Snake putting a bullet through Vamp’s head (MGS4)
25. Raiden vs Vamp (MGS4)
26. Rex vs Ray (MGS4)
27. Liquid- “Gotcha!” (MGS4)
28. Driving with Eva (MGS4)
29. Using the Mantis weapons to control the guards (MGS4)
30. Using tranq emotion ammo (MGS4)
31. Befriending the Militia (MGS4)
32. Militia cheering that you beat the PMC (MGS4)
33. Eva’s speech about video games desensitizing kids- It’s true! (MGS4)

MGS Peacewalker

1. Big Boss- “Why? Why won’t it stop?” (MGSPW)
2. Horseback chase (MGSPW)
3. Final Speech- Unfortunately, the acting is pretty bad. Hayter! Come on, man! (MGSPW)
4. Training intro (MGSPW)
5. Big Boss- “I just wasted a bullet; don’t waste your life.” (MGSPW)
6. “Next!”- Getting a CQC 20+ combo was so awesome! The moment I learned about CQC chaining, I had to put my fist in the air! (MGSPW)
7. Completing Motherbase and Zeke (MGSPW)
8. Sending Zeke out for Outer Ops and annihilating! (MGSPW)
9. “You’re Fired.” (MGSPW)

Metal Gear Rising

1. Seeing that Sunny was doing well………….? I really tried! Honest!

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

1. Saving prisoners (MGSVGZ)
2. Paz’s sacrifice (MGSVGZ)
3. Mother Base’s Destruction (MGSVGZ)
4. “Here’s to You” sudden eeriness (MGSVGZ)
5. Saving Paz (MGSVGZ)
6. First discovery that we could finally run! (MGSVGZ)
Uhh.. okay. But I'll keep it short. No one like to hear me rambling.

1) The BGM that goes with sneaking.
2) The dark, industrial atmosphere.
3) The CODEC conversations.
4) Snake's interaction with all the bosses.
5) The Otacon ending.

1) The cinematography of Snake jumping off the George Washington bridge.
2) The in-game and cinematic score.
3) Solidus's speech.
4) Stillman's / Emma's backstory.
5) Snake and Raiden team up.

1) The "caution" music when sneaking.
2) The intro to both acts.
3) "Troops in gathering" scene.
4) The day/night cycle.
5) The ending.

1) The Elisa/Ursula backstory.
2) The music.
3) The Jonathan loyalty scene.
4) The Cunningham loyalty scene.
5) Python.

1) The middle eastern setting with Arab soldiers with American voices.
2) Gekkos.
3) Eva's Bike chase.
4) Shadow Moses.
5) The Johhny/Meryl proposal scene (I think of that in case I ever contemplate suicide one day).

1) The online.
2) Cecile.
3) The NORAD scene.
4) The horse ride scene.
5) Again, the online.

1) Rules of Nature RAY fight.
2) All the boss fights and music.
3) Raiden vs the Police.
4) Sunny scene.
5) Everything with Armstrong that basically points out what's wrong with the MGS series.