Ki Adi Mundi: Jedi Master- Image Thread

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I actually have an extra Sideshow body from my Kroenen upgrade... pretty sure its a standard body so should would with Ki.
Yes really. Ki is on the short body but the arms are the correct length for the body size (unlike Jedi Luke's infamous "monkey arms").

Also when you take Jedi Luke's boots off don't forget to boil them first (just like you would with the head). His ankles are notorious for breaking and you might want the old Luke body for custom fodder down the road.... You never know.
Ah, such a masterful plan :rock

At the very least keep the original Luke body. If you ever had to sell you could include it so the person would have the upgraded figure, but also the stock body which would make the figure still complete.
I bought an extra Endor Soldier cheap, maybe I could try him. Thanks for sharing guys.:lol
There have been so few pics of this guy... wonder why???
I missed out on him, but am very interested in seeing the pics...
He's a solid entry into the series... not the most amazing figure you will ever own, but definitely worth buying IMO.

But I do think that Sideshow Star Wars fandom has waned a bit, I still think we'll see pretty massive picture threads for more popular characters/figures. But the days of a big party for 2nd or 3rd string characters (just look at the underwhelming interest in Antilles) seem to be gone.
Here is my crappy pic of Ki on the reg. body and Luke with his Ki's original body.

I'm trying to decide how much better the SS release is compared to my custom Ki from hasbro... it was one of their better offerings...

who am I kidding... i'll eventually get it... I'm a sucker!
The repainted Hasbro version can be pretty awesome... and not sure which would win out in a battle. Maybe a combo deal of both would get you the best figure.
He's a solid entry into the series... not the most amazing figure you will ever own, but definitely worth buying IMO.

But I do think that Sideshow Star Wars fandom has waned a bit, I still think we'll see pretty massive picture threads for more popular characters/figures. But the days of a big party for 2nd or 3rd string characters (just look at the underwhelming interest in Antilles) seem to be gone.

I think that the rather high price and lack of pretty much any "extras" regulated this figure to the "I'll just pick it up later" bin. I personally don't want any more 3rd tier figures, especially Jedi's, but if I can find this one for $30 bucks down the road, I would bite.
He's a solid entry into the series... not the most amazing figure you will ever own, but definitely worth buying IMO.

But I do think that Sideshow Star Wars fandom has waned a bit, I still think we'll see pretty massive picture threads for more popular characters/figures. But the days of a big party for 2nd or 3rd string characters (just look at the underwhelming interest in Antilles) seem to be gone.

I just received my Antilles yesterday and I ordered him as soon as he went up for preorder so I don't think he really has hit everyone yet.
Yeah, but for some figures one picture will spawn hundreds of posts... Antilles is more like a whimper. And I'm part of that, I didn't order him so the interest level on that one is pretty low for me.
Yeah, but for some figures one picture will spawn hundreds of posts... Antilles is more like a whimper. And I'm part of that, I didn't order him so the interest level on that one is pretty low for me.

Well, that and people seem pretty content with what they're seeing of Antilles up front. Typically image threads spawn hundreds of posts of mostly fear or excitement. With Antilles, I think there's just few people getting him in the current economic times, and people seem pleased with how he turned out anyway, so even though they like him, they're not getting so they don't give a ^^^^, and no one's worried by the pictures, so there's no freaking out.
I'm notoriously cheap (Blame my parents for imparting their depression era sensibilities) but once I did the body swap I was very impressed with the SSC Ki Adi. I own both and while the Hasbro sculpt is great, the SSC is better. More subtle, more detailed and just has a more realistic feel to it, IMO.
I'm very happy with SSC Ki-Adi. I think the head is fine but the size choice on the body wasn't good. I don't understand why they chose the short body, but oh well. Clothing is really nice, head sculpt and paint apps are quite good, another well done male Jedi alien.
It is really odd they went with the short male body. I hadn't noticed it myself, but once it was pointed out it became a real head scratcher.
Hope to have pictures this weekend, I have no clue what's wrong with my but by the time I've gotten home all week I can barely keep my eyes open, which is annoying because I'd like to do pics of this guy and some other stuff I've gotten this week.
I was bored tonight so I was digging in my closet and found a blank gray buck body that I used a gift card on last year. I figured I would go ahead and swap out the short buck body on Ki since he has the collar and sleeves that would easily cover the gray body. He turned out really well and looks much better. I just had to cut the toes off of the socks in order for the pants to fit but the results are well worth the 15 minutes it took to switch everything over.

I don't know that they were smoking when they decided the short body would work best for Ki.