Justice League Movie (Nov 17th, 2017)

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How come the Green Lanterns were helping earth against SWolf the first time he attacked the earth, but they weren't there when he comes back for the mother boxes?

Snyder's rumored cut ended with
Spoiler Spoiler:

lol like everything from the trailers. :lol

I think the only thing that stayed was the dudes in skirts burying a motherbox and WW busting through the doors.

They made it the same ****ing movie and it still bombed :lol.

Eh. Between the two I'll take Justice League. For all it's faults (messy patchwork narrative, flat jokes and unintentional lolz) I think it will be more fun to revisit than Avengers. Avengers was an awesome game changing novelty but that quickly faded. Now it's just a TV show looking team up movie with lame costumes and uninteresting action. Sorry jye. ;)
I’m liking how JAWS is handling his thoughts on this movie that’s something I could be comfortable with settling on.

:yess: :hi5: :fireworks :)

Man watching Grace’s non spoiler JL review was painful.

She’s a hot mess and I don’t mean hot as in sexy either lol

Careful Jye or she will do a whole video on how you are exploiting her :lol

I don’t know how accurate this is but I just read that every single Superman scene in this movie is from the Whedon reshoot not one single Snyder Superman shot made it into the movie. Ummmm wow.

Well I thank Josh for all of that then :)


Apparently the stash removal did not always look bad..
Eh. Between the two I'll take Justice League. For all it's faults (messy patchwork narrative, flat jokes and unintentional lolz) I think it will be more fun to revisit than Avengers. Avengers was an awesome game changing novelty but that quickly faded. Now it's just a TV show looking team up movie with lame costumes and uninteresting action. Sorry jye. ;)


Avengers 1 is still a high mark in Superhero Cinema.. Other then the AWFUL Cap suit (which I am convinced is why you don't like it as much) all the characters are handled really well. It has the Best villain and some of the best over the top action of any Comic film. It was also the only Marvel film to truly get the power of the Hulk right (which is a big reason I like it so) I also find the Iron Man vs Thor fight to be a series highlight. Second best 1 on 1 hero fight after Cap vs Iron Man.. In some ways I like it more.

Now.. JL vs AOU... I will take JL any day over that abomination.
I don't think I've seen anything on a big screen that looks more TV Show than the reverse shots of Clark standing in the field at the Kent house. He should be pointing out a storm front moving in from the west.

Whedon always gets his farm! :yess:
If u could only pick one to watch between thor 3 or justice league,
Which one is more fun? I can try to make it out tomorrow to catch a flick but dont know which one.

Personally I say go with JL but I am in the minority of those who really did not care for Thor 3.. All this complaining about Batman being made a wimp in JL.. Well at least he did not scream like a girl..... Twice. :Lol

That's why I doubt that Snyder's cut would have been any better other than simply not having the lame wigs and extra jokes in it. The entire premise is so goofy that the "Saturday Morning Cartoon" approach that they ended up with really might have been the best way to make people overlook such holes in the narrative.

Agreed... People need to remember what a mess BvS is.. And you can take the directors cut and you still have a mess.. Just a longer, more boring mess.

I also stand by my opinion that once you start having alien attacks and several Super powered hero's you cant be as series as BvS. BvS really tried to take its ending seriously with the Cave Troll but it really just felt out of place in such a dead serious film.. Perhaps in the hands of a better writer and director it could have been pulled off. I am not saying these films have to be a laugh a min. And in all honesty I did not think this one was. Other then the flash I did not think there were all that many jokes and the only one that I thought was really corny was the "I change my mind I wish I was dead" joke by Superman.. He was having just too good a time.

I personal had no issue with the "yep I am bleeding somewhere" line by Bats since Superman just hot done asking him "Do you bleed"

And I laughed at the "I do not not like" line.. I thought it was the perfect humor to do for a character like the dark knight.

And Like I said I will take this Batman over a "plotting murderer" Batman that we got in BvS anyday.. Yes Batman looked great in BvS and his fight scene in the Warehouse was fantastic.. But making his one and only goal be to commit a murder was about as wrongheaded as you could get for Batman short of the Clooney version.

Avengers 1 is still a high mark in Superhero Cinema.. Other then the AWFUL Cap suit (which I am convinced is why you don't like it as much) all the characters are handled really well. It has the Best villain and some of the best over the top action of any Comic film.

Loki the best villain of any cbm? Better than Hackman Lex, Stamp Zod, Nicholson and Jedger Jokers, Pfeiffer Catwoman, TWS Evil Bucky, Hardy Bane? Crazy talk. ;)

Bet It was also the only Marvel film to truly get the power of the Hulk right (which is the only reason I like it so)

Fixed. :D

Now.. JL vs AOU... I will take JL any day over that abomination.

But Cap was cool in that abomination so AOU >> Avengers. :D
Loki the best villain of any cbm? Better than Hackman Lex, Stamp Zod, Nicholson and Jedger Jokers, Pfeiffer Catwoman, TWS Evil Bucky, Hardy Bane? Crazy talk. ;)

I was talking about the more modern Marvel and DC films :)

And Yes Loki was better the Evil Bucky... But I loved Evil Bucky. But he was best when his mouth was shut. Loki is best when he is running his :)

But comparing him to the ones you listed.. Other then Ledger and Stamp... I would put him up there with the others.

Make it like it originally was.. NOW!! :lol

But Cap was cool in that abomination so AOU >> Avengers. :D

Not really. He had the "what was that.. I didnt here you" line which is just awful and his Slow mo twist jump is one of Marvels corniest moments. He also had the Language line which become a bad running joke through the film.. I bet I can find more.. Had Cap been as good as he was in any other film.. I would have liked AOU much more..

His suit was nice though.
Not really. He had the "what was that.. I didnt here you" line which is just awful and his Slow mo twist jump is one of Marvels corniest moments. He also had the Language line which become a bad running joke through the film.. I bet I can find more.. Had Cap been as good as he was in any other film.. I would have liked AOU much more..

His suit was nice though.

Yes the "what was that/I didn't here you" and "language" lines were lame but his costume, moving Mjolnir, fighting Ultron by himself, etc., all made up for it. What is this 2015? It feels very weird to be defending AOU today, lol. I'm pretty much over that movie too (but at least it's more watchable than the first one. :chase)