Its Grievous

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I think it's a safe bet that GG will release this guy in bust and statue form...and at a fraction of the cost of SS. Don't forget, they tend to keep their ES low. There's nothing nicer than owning a truly exclusive piece. ;)
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I mean......true, SS do make some truly outstanding work but there surely must be a balance between awesome work & affordablity?
If Joe Public are being priced out the market, is collecting becoming an elitist market?
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and the thing that angers me the most?...............I know SS will release an exclusive version & I will be forced to buy it!!!

As you can tell I'm pissed off >: >:

They've got me grabbed by the balls!! :rollin :rollin
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I may end up selling Han Rebel Hero to get it.

That's not a bad idea. You'll probably be able to get the regular Han at an excellent price later if you want one.

I'm considering selling my Dewback next year to get Grievous. I'm sure the Dewback will be pulling in big bucks by then. Hopefully I'll have the money by next year, and will be able to keep both. There's a lot of time left until Grievous ships.

You guys wouldn't believe my preorder list! It's gotten insane! I'm going to look at all of the items in person and then decide whether to keep them or not. All of the SS Star Wars pieces and GG dioramas will stay though.:banana

El, I have the regular Han on order too.:D

Vk, given the choice I'd rather have the likes of Grievous over a figure with a medal. :lol :\

I'm calm, I'm calm...just!!!:p
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Im really looking forward to the Han Rebel Hero version myself and he is a classic part of Star Wars. And plus they nailed his look!
Like you said before G.G. will have their version and a bust so Sideshow really has to make it tempting for me to purchase from them.
Because if Im going to get its going to be through a board dealer.
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Rebel Hero Han will be really special. He's the only one that I don't have on order.

I've got two Vaders (reg. and excl.), two Hans (reg), and one Luke, ordered but no Rebel Han.

I only ordered two because I think these are going to be a big hit this fall. I don't normally scalp these things, but there's no way I could afford to buy all of these cool Star Wars pieces otherwise.

Im really looking forward to the Han Rebel Hero version myself and he is a classic part of Star Wars.

The regular Han will be sufficient for me, I think. I cannot even begin to consider getting into collecting variations. Hell no!:thud

Because if Im going to get its going to be through a board dealer.

I do most of my business with the board dealers (screw customs) as these items are thin on the ground over here, and I'm not taking any chances with some retailers in the UK that I've never dealt with before. I will turn to these guys for the new stuff. :bow
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Good call Gaz. Sell the Rebel Hero for big bucks and keep the regular Han. That's what I would do. 2 Hans together would look weird. I actually prefer the regular version over the Rebel Hero version. I just think that the smirk looks strange at the medal ceremony.

Good call Gaz. Sell the Rebel Hero for big bucks and keep the regular Han.

Yep, my mind's made up now. I only have the Vader with Mousedroid on order and no Luke. I figure we'll end up seeing a multitude of variations disguised as exclusives, so I'm sure at some point a Luke Jedi Knight will be forthcoming. I'd rather have a collection of the most dynamic, the most badass characters from SS, to sit along side, as signature pieces, my GG collection. :rock
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I must admit I usually avoid variations most of the time. But I just couldn't bring myself to resist on the Han Solo. Ordered the exclusive immediately and then caved and went back and ordered the regular too. Han is one of my favorite characters and honestly I just feel that these two pieces even though just a variation are distinctly different. I am still blown away by the sculpt, it just appears to be almost dead on, can't wait to see it in person!!!
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Why in the world would you sell such a wonderful character like HAN SOLO to get Gen. Grievious? Are you nuts?

Han Solo is simply one of the greatest characters ever. If I had two, one to trade, I'd save him to trade for something bigger and better than Grievious.

I think the only fair trade would be for Indiana Jones (Toys McCoy or Cinemaquette) or Fett (SS).
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Way too rich for my blood, and despite looking like a high quality piece I also think it's overpriced personally.

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2 points to make.

greivous actually kills shak ti

and i sense that there will be an exclusive with a cape limited to 250 pieces....