Hot Toys - MMS 87- Planet of the Apes General Ursus spec + hi res pics

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I'm sure HT would blow Taylor out of the water if they did him. I'd rather see a Brent that looks like Franciscus though.

I only hope that there aren't any of the rumored license issues with Heston likeness now that he has passed away like there are currently with Franciscus.
Wor-gar-I also lengthened his cuirras by one row, front and back(thanks again, Angel!). Of course, now it's all rendered moot(not that I mind).So, anybody in the market for a modified Sideshow Ursus?...PS

I actually bought another loose Ursus figure on eBay to eventually lengthen his chest plate by one row as well. I still don't know how Sideshow missed that detail. And you can count me too as a Hasbro helmet user. To think that Hasblow out sculpted Sideshow on Ursus's helmet.... :banghead:banghead:banghead
But that's pretty much a pipe dream, isn't it? Urko could be a quickie release using existing parts, but that doesn't seem to be what the line is about. I wouldn't expect much past Zira, Cornelius and Zaius (if those). The TV series doesn't have the same cachet as the films for most collectors.

I think the stripes on the gorilla captain was as close as you'll get to the tv series in this line (which, let's remember, is called Movie Masterpiece).

I agree. And knowing Hot Toys tendency for shallow coverage of their licenses, I'm thinking they are going to stick with just the iconic apes... Zaius, Corneilus and Zira. We might just get lucky and get a Caesar in the mix.

Prefects and TV actors need not apply. :rolleyes:

If I were to have a pipe dream, it would be that Hot Toys would get around to make a v.2 of Cornelius and Zira... in ANSA space suits. Say what you will about Escape, it had that one ironic moment (punched up by a great Jerry Goldsmith score) of the Apes taking off the space helmets. :D

"I think the lack of craftsmanship of the Sideshow Ursus's helmet has caught the eye of the Hot Toys Ursus himself... and he doesn't look pleased." said Sideshow Ursus (with Hasblow helmet)
Agree about the gravy part, but wishing for Prefects and James Naughtons and sub-par Roddy McDowall makeups tends to turn into sour disappointment very quickly in the collecting world...
A matter of opinion I guess. While yes, the prefect is for true, hardcore fans only, I would hardly put the star of the TV series in the same boat. As far as Roddy in sub-par makeup? To me that would be a Battle version, not Galen version.
I only hope that there aren't any of the rumored license issues with Heston likeness now that he has passed away like there are currently with Franciscus.
I don't know that that would stop HT. Release Brent looking like Heston and a Franciscus Taylor.
Wow, what a difference between the HT and Sideshow figures... I still need to get the HT Soldier; he's hight on the list, but in a bit of a spending freeze.
A matter of opinion I guess. While yes, the prefect is for true, hardcore fans only, I would hardly put the star of the TV series in the same boat. As far as Roddy in sub-par makeup? To me that would be a Battle version, not Galen version.

I disagree. While I'm inclined to enjoy McDowall as Galen scene for scene more than any other chimp that he played, the fact that the makeup artists severly cut the application time of all makeups due to budget reasons really shows. When they started the movie saga, Chambers' makeup team was really concerned that the Apes were believable, so alot of time and care went into it's application... at least the ones that withstand camera closeups. Heck by the time of TV show, they (with Chambers and company long gone) were practically slapping it on. So the cycle of the Apes can also be seen as a study of the de-evolution of the ape makeup process.

Upon re-viewing the series as an adult, I was surprised to find how many scenes with Galen where Roddy wasn't playing him... just some stand in.
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A matter of opinion I guess. While yes, the prefect is for true, hardcore fans only, I would hardly put the star of the TV series in the same boat. As far as Roddy in sub-par makeup? To me that would be a Battle version, not Galen version.

I don't know that that would stop HT. Release Brent looking like Heston and a Franciscus Taylor.

From what I've been hearing, license issues is stopping Hot Toys from making a Gary Oldman Gordon.

And I'm sure that don't want to repeat another Kane incident. :horror
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"If I were to have a pipe dream, it would be that Hot Toys would get around to make a v.2 of Cornelius and Zira... in ANSA space suits."

i see this as extremely possible.
From what I've been hearing, license issues is stopping Hot Toys from making a Gary Oldman Gordon.

And I'm sure that don't want to repeat another Kane incident. :horror

Yes, but they skirted the likeness of Biehn by making him Hudson. Bottom line, as long as the POTA line continues I'll be happy.
Yes, but they skirted the likeness of Biehn by making him Hudson. Bottom line, as long as the POTA line continues I'll be happy.

I seem to remember they got their fair share of flak for that as well.

Besides, that... that is ancient history, relatively speaking. Hot Toys's profile has grown quite a bit since then. I doubt they would try and pull something like that again. They have an image to protect.

The bottom line for me is for the POTA line to continue as well. But I have a funny feeling that if it does, it will be without any humans.

Not that that would be such a bad thing. I have no doubt that they would knock the Heston likeness out of the park. But thanks to Sideshow, I have several Taylors to fill the void. :eek:
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The bottom line for me is for the POTA line to continue as well. But I have a funny feeling that if it does, it will be without any humans.

I hope this is true. More apes (---let them be chimps...let them be chimps....) works for me!!

I hope this is true. More apes (---let them be chimps...let them be chimps....) works for me!!


Considering that they used two BIG pictures of our favorite chimp couple on the recent boxes might be a good omen. You know, at least they have culled some reference material. :rolleyes:

But yet no picture of Zaius on any HT box.... :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2
Considering that they used two BIG pictures of our favorite chimp couple on the recent boxes might be a good omen. You know, at least they have culled some reference material. :rolleyes:

But yet no picture of Zaius on any HT box.... :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2

You greedy ape! You've got your PF Zaius, you bloody baboon!! But I cannot have enough apes...and I truly would love to see a Hot Toys orangutan....only AFTER they crank out my chimps.
The bottom line for me is for the POTA line to continue as well. But I have a funny feeling that if it does, it will be without any humans.

I don't know, I think they could do Armondo and do a great job on that outfit. If the line continues past the Chimps, I wouldn't be surprised to see some Humans from maybe Conquest? :monkey5, besides this market is know for it's 1:6 scale Nazi uniform fetish. :whip
While, yes it is Planet of the Apes, I could see them trying a human or two. But...which human(s)? I would be the firstto argue thatthe line should see more simians, but if the debate over worthwhile apes negated some, then humans are even slimmer pickings. I'd love a Brent that looked like Brent. I'm sure they could rock on a Taylor sculpt, but Sideshow offered so many I don't know that he's really needed. And they did a decent job on the ANSA uniforms. Now Nova? I would love to see her done on a new body with a sculpt that looks like Linda Harrison. I think Armando, or any Conquest humans, are just a pipedream at this point. A better chance at Apes & mutants from Battle first I would think. Speaking of mutants, I would like to see HT try their talents at the Beneath mutants.
I guess, when all is said and done, we once again, will have to just sit and wait.