Good Luck, Non-Attendees!!!

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Bonehead, evidently it's not in the stars for me. I still keep getting "Page cannot be displayed" even when I click on that link. But thanks for putting it up!!

Oh, well, congrats again to all who got one! :D
Excellent. Got mine at 22 minutes after. No errors, but just couldn't connect to the site. Now back to my landscaping that I am supposed to be working on. :D
why do I get a friggin system error... contact sideshow grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
darthviper107 said:
YEY, I just checked my account and the order was put through! Yey, my third figure, now I'll have to go get Obi-Wan from somewhere, but that's OK, this was worth it.

Damn man, I saw him somewhere this morning when I was browsing the web. If I come across the site again I'll send you a PM.
Got mine! I was on the phone (1-805-214-2100 ext 2) and on the computer. Got it through the phone. Talked to Cindy and she didn't know how many went to non-attendees.
Software error:
Error occurred. Please contact MAS support at [email protected] at /usr/home/sites/ line 602.

For help, please send mail to the webmaster ([email protected]), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.
It's doing this because everyone is freaking out. With it still being up I bet there are a ton being held back for NA.
Twenty or so minutes of "this page cannot be displayed" later and I got him. Now the question becomes, do I keep my other Anakin or give him to my best friend for Christmas?
June's looking like a costly month...
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... that was unnecassarily difficult but...

I just saved a trip to San Diago!!

Still no Low Quanity...
It WORKED!!!!!!!!!!! Bonehead, thank you thank you thank you for that link, I was wrong, it WORKED!!!!! Woo hooo!!!!!

31 minutes. NOW I need a nap. And a drink. Not necessarily in that order.

:chew :chew :chew :chew