Gambit officially happening!

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That's almost as bad as Ben Assfleck as Batman.
Never understood the Internets dislike of Tatum. I've only seen him in Step Up and the Jump Street movies and he was fine in both :dunno

For Gambit he's a bit bulkier than the Comic counterpart but aside from that he's closer than lots of other castings in upcoming movies like Douglas' Hank Pym and Michael B Jordans Human torch
Never understood the Internets dislike of Tatum. I've only seen him in Step Up and the Jump Street movies and he was fine in both :dunno

For Gambit he's a bit bulkier than the Comic counterpart but aside from that he's closer than lots of other castings in upcoming movies like Douglas' Hank Pym and Michael B Jordans Human torch

In the head area, sure.

Never understood the Internets dislike of Tatum. I've only seen him in Step Up and the Jump Street movies and he was fine in both :dunno

For Gambit he's a bit bulkier than the Comic counterpart but aside from that he's closer than lots of other castings in upcoming movies like Douglas' Hank Pym and Michael B Jordans Human torch

Probably because he's gotten a lot of roles in his life based on his good looks and marketability while not showing he had much talent.

His name for the past few years has been synonymous with bad actor, so most of the guys who still hate him refuse to watch or support anything he's in, not knowing he's improved tremendously as an actor.

He was good in Magic Mike, and showed he has a ton of charisma and comedic timing in the Jump Street series but Foxcatcher showed me he has potential to be a great dramatic actor as well.

Most people will start jumping on the bandwagon soon I suspect, I heard he is going to have a big role Tarintino's The Hateful Eight, normally after a Tarintino film an actor usually starts to get recognition for being a great actor, whether it's true or not.
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Probably because he's gotten a lot of roles in his life based on his good looks and marketability while not showing he had much talent.

His name for the past few years has been synonymous with bad actor, so most of the guys who still hate him refuse to watch or support anything he's in, not knowing he's improved tremendously as an actor.

He was good in Magic Mike, and showed he has a ton of charisma and comedic timing in the Jump Street series but Foxcatcher showed me he has potential to be a great dramatic actor as well.

Most people will start jumping on the bandwagon soon I suspect, I heard he is going to have a big role Tarintino's The Hateful Eight, normally after a Tarintino film an actor usually starts to get recognition for being a great actor, whether it's true or not.

I think so too. I worked with him back in Oct. Nice guy.
I think the internet hates him mostly because he was Duke in a ****** GI Joe movie that everyone hates. Even if his performance wasn't awful (though it wasn't very good IMO), his association with that tainted him. And rightly so. **** that movie, and people who were involved in any capacity.
I like Channing Tatum fine. Yep he sometimes turns in wooden performances, but he is also quite funny. That said I really don't see him as Gambit, but it's not up to me. I actually think the performance of "Jupiter Rising" might impact if this stays fast-tracked or is quietly moved to the back burner. Gambit is not exactly a household name. And while Tatum has shown he can deliver the comedy audience can he pull in the sci-fi/action audience? Unless there's some groundswell of internet fandom I'm not aware of, the only person who seems to be swooning over Tatum as Gambit seems to be Gale Anne Hurd. Although the ex-Mrs Cameron is certainly a good cheerleader to have in one's corner. But the flick still has to win over the studio and financial backers to cough up $100M+.

While the photoshopped images are amusing I'm sure he's not going to be in that costume or have any type of a cowl. Probably the trench coat for his telescoping staff, a vest for his cards and trick pieces, and maybe some kind of tactical pants. He'll probably have the red eyes though. The story idea would have to be solid and the supporting cast would need to be strong. Maybe he's leading a band of mutant-powered thieves trying to rip off a powerful mutant crime boss, which actually could be a pretty cool concept. A couple of the other X-Men could just show up as cameos.

The other testing ground might be to have Gambit play a significant role in AoA, which could mean some script balancing when you've already got Jackman, Lawrence, Fassbender, McAvoy and Isaacs in starring roles, plus an up and coming cast and the returning Quicksilver. If Tatum as Gambit is featured and the audience responds, then the solo movie might be a no-brainer. But if the movie is set in the 80s it limits the time continuity for the solo flick. Right now the project is doing nothing for me because I don't think I've ever considered the prospect of a Gambit solo movie, but that could always change.
I agree with most of what you said, I don't think Gambit is showing up in Apocalypse though. I know Tatum has said that he wanted his solo movie first, then show up in the X-Men films.

Also just for comparison, Jackman doesn't have the short compact build Wolverine has in the comics but he still makes a great cinematic version of Wolvey, I'm hoping Tatum can do the same. If his Gambit is smooth talking, with a nice Cajun accent then I'll be happy, the rest should be easy after that.

I agree though, I don't think Gambit shouldn't have his own movie, at least not yet, which is why depending on the budget this could be the riskiest superhero film ever made. Even most diehard Gambit fans know he works best as part of an ensemble.
Not from what I've read. All I know is Singer has said he was interested in using Gambit and Nightcrawler for Apocalypse.

But I've seen a few interviews were Tatum said he was in talks with Fox to play Gambit and that they were interested in doing his solo film first, then bring him into the X-Men films.
I've seen Magic Mike and both Jump Street films and if Charming Tater has improved from G.I. Joe, it's only slightly. I still think he's a mediocre actor and it's disappointing that he gets so many great roles that could have gone to people with actual talent.