Fallout: New Vegas

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At least with Reach you have a HUGE multiplayer component to compliment a well done (imo) and sizable 4 person co op campaign.
(...with improved graphics over the last installment :monkey3)

Again to each his own...cause halo multiplayer (overall) has got to be the crappiest eve.....ohhhhh wait mondern warefare 2. Ok second worst.
:rotfl opinions opinions. love em.
At least with Reach you have a HUGE multiplayer component to compliment a well done (imo) and sizable 4 person co op campaign.
(...with improved graphics over the last installment :monkey3)

Just pitching in my 2 cents....not trying to start a war. IMO, Halo Reach was a FANTASTIC game.

For me to poop on.

Multiplayer longevity aside (but I get that point and it's a valid one) that game was probably the worst I've played all year. I'll admit I hate the MP aspect of it (I prefer a realistic war MP game like COD) and I've never got into the story completely (just always could care less what's happening to the lame characters, even Master Chief) and this one...the graphics were subpar at best. I LOVED the innovative security camera viewpoints in the cutscenes that we got to see over and over and over again.....groundbreaking! :lol

Completely different games, I get that, and I'm not saying Fallout is some powerhouse in terms of graphics or story. Again though, IMO, it beats ANY of the HALO games in those categories. If I had played as much of the DLC as you had then I probably would share the same excitement about a new release. However, I didn't play ANY of the DLC, just the game, and now I'm ready to revisit the wasteland. It's been enough time for me, engine or story aside.

Blasphemous to most in the gaming world but for me, Fallout 3 and most likely Vegas....beat ANY of the HALO games I've played to date. :peace
However, I didn't play ANY of the DLC, just the game, and now I'm ready to revisit the wasteland. It's been enough time for me, engine or story aside.

You should man, at some point. Introduces a lot of new and exciting things and elements into the world...besides the fact you get to see how other cities were affected.

And if you love fallout...why not?
Props to Bethesda however for pulling in some good voice talent:
<object id="vid_4cbc883e2db5b97a3b00aeca" class="ign-videoplayer" width="480" height="270" data="https://media.ign.com/ev/prod/embed.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"><param name="movie" value="https://media.ign.com/ev/prod/embed.swf" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" /><param name="flashvars" value="url=https://www.ign.com/videos/2010/10/18/fallout-new-vegas-dev-diary-6-the-characters"/></object><div style="width:480px"><a href="https://www.ign.com/videos/2010/10/18/fallout-new-vegas-dev-diary-6-the-characters">More Fallout: New Vegas Videos</a></div>
There's something about embedded ign videos on here that doesn't let me see them. Its just a black box. Maybe its my computer.

Great video tho. Went to ign and watched it.
Yeah they got some really good voice talent. I especially like that Wayne Newton is in it since hes been associated with Vegas for ever it seems
Imagine New Vegas as a HUGE expansion to Fallout3, large enough to get it's own game release.

If you loved Fallout 3, then you'll love Fallout New Vegas; it's that simple. If your burnt out of Fallout 3, then wait a while to buy New Vegas.

It's no different than any other game that comes out with a new release every year.....i.e. Call of Duty (which people still love and enjoy).
LOVING IT SO FAR! All the new touches really add to the awesomeness!!! (looking down the sight, campfires, hard mode, ammo mods) Cant wait to get through more!
Got mine today at TRU and much to my surprise the strategy guide they included is the actual Prima one...retail value of $25!

So for $60 you get the game, the guide, AND the $10 GC! Practically paying me to play it...okay maybe not that far. :lol

Sweet deal though...but unfortunately I won't be playing it until probably next week as I have to finish up Spider-Man SD and get it back.