DX09 KEATON BATMAN: residue in abdominal area, has yours shown signs of it?

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As kind as your apology is, I don't think you should have to justify keeping something you want and like just because there may be a QC issue. Just the same as those having problems should be able to be unhappy if they want. Thats totally each individuals call. I have one that is not leaking now, and LOVE IT. If it starts leaking, I'd try my best to deal with the leak. But thats not going to stop me from still loving it.

And I can't imagine Rory or any one else with leaks will begrudge anyone still being happy with their 89 bats. Just like we feel bad for everyone having leakage issue.

Thanks. Its just too hard to no longer want a figure that was so long a mere dream but finally happened and looks this good...because of an oil leak. I'm not denying the problem but I had it on my DX02 and, for me, its consequences weren't as drastic as for others despite non-stop leaking. Now I sold it this year, so who knows how it might have turned out but I'm going to take the chance on the 89.
Oh look at the joy my bat did arrive
I hope my rubber suit did survive
Anxiously I looked for oil
I sure hope it is not spoiled
Oh no oil was under the belt untucked
Now sadly I am ____ed :(
Oh look at the joy my bat did arrive
I hope my rubber suit did survive
Anxiously I looked for oil
I sure hope it is not spoiled
Oh no oil was under the belt untucked
Now sadly I am ____ed :(

Is that a poem or are you serious?

It's a very moving piece of writing..
If mine leaks I contacted my doctor to see if he can be placed on oil replacement dialysis.

That should buy me some precious time to be with him.

I don't believe it will be covered under my Blue Cross Blue Shield plan though.
____me! This is what I get for not logging in since Fri. 61 pages about oil leaking on 89 Batman. And folks were doubting me when I posted a pic weeks ago of oil on the shoulder and then said I didn't notice any more. I swear if I get home and look at it and there's any oil, it's going back. What is SSC's return policy as in days to return?
Mine has literally just arrived through the door from FEDEX...

Nervous fingers :pray: will report back soon.

A definite success for me so far, after several changes in continent and associated alterations in humidity and temperature, finally getting to the UK...it's lovely. :yess: :hi5:

I will keep them peeled!

I am so sorry that folks here are suffering right now. I genuinely hope it all works out well for you all...:pray:
Just checked mine today again and it had a small smudge like Maglor's.

I took the belt off and removed the tape and magnet. Hopefully it is all good now and was just tape residue.
Ack! Cornerstore already charged for mine. I didn't even get an email. Guess I'll be rolling the dice on this.

____me! This is what I get for not logging in since Fri. 61 pages about oil leaking on 89 Batman. And folks were doubting me when I posted a pic weeks ago of oil on the shoulder and then said I didn't notice any more. I swear if I get home and look at it and there's any oil, it's going back. What is SSC's return policy as in days to return?

30 days isn't it? I think they may work with you a little beyond that, but you start to run into fees etc. I doubt they'd do a full return beyond 30 days, just parts if they still have some.
Boy did I speak way too soon....guess what just showed up at my door. Granted, I guess I can still return him, but I wanted to avoid seeing him first and getting too attached :monkey2

Either I just call Toys2 and return to sender the sealed package or open him up to take my chances for oil....then still try and return if there is. Or fall too much in love with him, oil or no oil and keep him either way :peace

I will report his fate later......

This will happen. :lecture And hopefully "no oil". :)

Add me to the list of people with no oil on their figure. The entire area's bone dry.

I'd recommend everyone that's freaking out and canceling their orders to just sit back and see how the situation develops before doing so. There's simply not enough information out there to warrant a cancellation. But if overreacting makes you feel better, by all means go right ahead.

Gonna agree with you there. Although it is odd that both of Rory's have the problem...

Also, in case anyone wants to accuse me of not knowing how severe the oil issue on the DX02 was, remember I was the first person to report it here and dealt with a leaky figure for months before I finally got it to stop leaking after trying different methods on a daily basis, so I'm not just blindly defending HT here. I'm just saying that it's too early to go cancelling your orders out of fear.

Preemptive NAM strike! :lol

Just checked mine today again and it had a small smudge like Maglor's.

I took the belt off and removed the tape and magnet. Hopefully it is all good now and was just tape residue.

Let us know if anything else shows up. I'll do the same.
____me! This is what I get for not logging in since Fri. 61 pages about oil leaking on 89 Batman. And folks were doubting me when I posted a pic weeks ago of oil on the shoulder and then said I didn't notice any more. I swear if I get home and look at it and there's any oil, it's going back. What is SSC's return policy as in days to return?

Mine had that as well mate, as I posted when I first got him.
Opened him up.......wow, I have fallen in-love <3
Pictures do him no justice, he is amazing.

And thankfully, not a single drop of oil or residue on him whatsoever!!!!!

I'm going to keep the black paper behind the belt, though more concealed than how it came. Now it just covers the inner area of the belt and can't be seen.
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____me! This is what I get for not logging in since Fri. 61 pages about oil leaking on 89 Batman. And folks were doubting me when I posted a pic weeks ago of oil on the shoulder and then said I didn't notice any more. I swear if I get home and look at it and there's any oil, it's going back. What is SSC's return policy as in days to return?

I'm getting mine soon from SS, but I'm going to keep it. In retrospect, there were horror stores about the DX02, but there are also a lot of proud owners of that figure. I'm sure it'll be the same with Keaton Batman once the initial panic has subsided. It sucks about Hot Toys' rubber though. They just can't seem to get their manufacturing correct.
Opened him up.......wow, I have fallen in-love <3
Pictures do him no justice, he is amazing.

And thankfully, not a single drop of oil or residue on him whatsoever!!!!!

I'm going to keep the black paper behind the belt, though more concealed than how it came. Now it just covers the inner area of the belt and can't be seen.

That's what I plan on doing also. Batman is going in a display case as soon as he arrives.
Hi guys I'm new here, I just signed cause this thread.
I just ordened the DX 09... you must know this is my first HT, and also that I'm from Chile, so I'm paying a LOT for the shipping (total: $450 us) and I'm a little worried... my batman arrives in may I think...
Also I'm a Figure Customizer, and Dentist :p
so I know a lot about curing proceses, and chemical "melting" on some plastics and rubers.
Let me put it simple: I know that when this melting process starts Nothing will stop it, untill it runs out of "primer" and I Belive the ruber is full of it (if it's cheap)... and If it's a chemical reaction between the rubber of the suit and the belt, the reaction will stop when one of those two just disapear... and If you already let the reaction start, it will not stop even if you take out the belt...
Also usually all the "primers" are very volatile and oleophilics...
I think the solution is to prevent this to happen. I Think in 3 solutions:

1.- keep the paper between the belt and the suit. may work, may not, cause the primers can go through the paper.

2.- Vaseline: can isolate the 2 surfaces, even from volatile primers... but it may looks horrible =/

3.- varnish: putting a coat (or maybe 2) of varnish on the belt interior will isolate any chemical reaction, specially if it's not only caused by the rubbers, but also by some "production" oil. If you use a wather based acrylic varnish, it will be oleophobic as well. I'm just guessing, but this solve some melting problems in some customs I have done.

pd: anyone have some melting problems, like in DX 02? or just oil leaking?