DX09 KEATON BATMAN: residue in abdominal area, has yours shown signs of it?

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Just for you bro.........


Perhaps if there was as much silicone in the BATMAN suit as there is in her, we would not be having this problem! :wink1:
I just ended up doing the same thing. I don't get why they didn't do this to begin with either...guess we'll find out if there was a reason....

Cost is the reason. It is more problematic to glue it in and wait for it to dry. If you don't wait for it to dry before putting the belt on, you rusk it falling out and making a mess. Plus these people want to work fast. glue can be messy at fast production speeds.
Be aware... though low risk, the plasticizer (oozing oil) are carcinogenic... and effects your endocrine systems

carcinogenic = cancer causing

endocrine = your glands

to be more precise... Hormon producing glands (inclusive of Testicles/Ovaries)... and the targeted organs.. encompassing the system.

So now this figure is going to cause nut cancer.


This thread is beyond me now. From leaking dolls to testicular cancer.....:thud:

Good bye forever evil thread....

Wonder why HT didn't do this in the first place.

Think about it. That's a lot of work if it was 10,000 belts. Business is all about making the most profit, for the least investment and getting it done as fast as possible. As well as taking risks. Some pay off, others do not.

I'm not saying it's right. It's how it is. It's how nearly everything has went to pot. You can boycott, jump up and down, spit, go apeshiat. Not a damn thing will change that business model.

Ever compared supermarket food to past decades? less amounts in the goods, half of what it use to be, cheaper ways of baking it. Doesn't last as long. Doesn't taste as good. Yet while the food has gone down in quality, the prices keep shooting up but we get less for what we pay for.

Cost is the reason. It is more problematic to glue it in and wait for it to dry. If you don't wait for it to dry before putting the belt on, you rusk it falling out and making a mess. Plus these people want to work fast. glue can be messy at fast production speeds.

Thats true. Imagine how quickly they'll stamp that clear plastic on. zOMG! MY MAGNET IS MISSING! HAIL MARY!
I just ended up doing the same thing. I don't get why they didn't do this to begin with either...guess we'll find out if there was a reason....Glue:


Belt: The reason HT didn't do this originally is that Cyanoacrylate glue (crazy glue/super glue) gives off a gas which leaves a white residue on dark surfaces. This fades over a short period of time (days). But it would mark the black rubber suit, unless they left it dry. HT does use Cyanoacrylate glue, but only in areas mostly obscured. Look at the gauntlets of some of the Batman releases and you will see the white powdery residue. Time is money, and sticky tape is faster.

btw make me part in the list of victims. I had a small speck of oil 'sweat' beads on the bottom part of his abs. But its not wiped off and wrapped properly with the black paper again. Here's hoping for it to not ever happen again!

Sorry to hear that mate.
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Cost is the reason. It is more problematic to glue it in and wait for it to dry. If you don't wait for it to dry before putting the belt on, you rusk it falling out and making a mess. Plus these people want to work fast. glue can be messy at fast production speeds.

if they can put magnets on the HT Captain America's belt, and then glue it together for no reason then they can glue the magnet on the 89 bats.
carcinogenic = cancer causing

endocrine = your glands

Because he is in London, maybe he wanted it in the Queen's English. :)
However, I think that the correct word to use here is, it AFFECTS the endocrine system, not it effects the endocrine system, so in that case, he may have a point.. Still, if someone doesn't know what carcinogenic means, considering how many things have it on the label, I wonder what one WOULD think it means?
The endocrine system : is responsible for producing melatonin, which you need for restful sleep.
produces testosterone in men
Stimulates cell growth and reproduction
Makes adrenaline.
Just a few things it does. You need it to work properly if you are going to live.
if they can put magnets on the HT Captain America's belt, and then glue it together for no reason then they can glue the magnet on the 89 bats.

Also, as Rorywan said, the solvents in the glue cause a whitish residue on dark materials as they evaporate.
Captain America isn't a rubber suit.

nah what i meant to point out is the cost cutting methods they used to obtain maximum profits. For example they didn't really need to put glue to stick together both halves of the magnets on HT Captain America's belt, which already has magnets in them and yet they did it anyway. Weird isn't it? Yet we think that the reason they're not putting glue on the magnet of the 89bats is to cut costs? so they used sticky tape instead?
Also, as Rorywan said, the solvents in the glue cause a whitish residue on dark materials as they evaporate.

cheap glues would commonly leave whitish marks on other parts especially plastics. I don't know why, but it could be due to oxidation or something. Happens all the time.

in my experience if u don't want to get that sort of result u don't use quick drying superglues. For figures I usually use the tamiya cement. It's clear like the superglue and it doesn't leave white marks on them They're not as strong as superglues but they're meant for hobby models. Flexible glues like the UHU brand is good too if u've heard of them; probably good for sticking the magnets together on the 89 bat belt since the belt is flexible. Be careful not to use them on painted surfaces as I've heard that superglues can sometimes eat the paint away

I see what you did there.

At the end of the day (much as I hate that phrase) I want an 89 Batman. If it has to be a leaker thats a shame but I'm still going to own it. I personally would rather that than nothing. I may be bending over and taking penetration from HT but if you're going to make exception on anything surely its the 89 Batman. I apologise to the guys who wish everyone would stand and make a point by not buying.