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My current farm/grind list:

1. Future Trunks: Rage Trunks to SA10- I have my 9 str. Trunks (Future)
( Trunks x7 (24/63) ssTrunks x7 (21/63) Vegeta x3 (15/27)

Hey, Kibishii, I just noticed: I checked the Dokkan Awakening screen for "Power of Rage" Trunks, and it says you need 3 SSJ Trunks medals, meaning I think we only needed 27 instead of 63, just like the Blue Vegeta medals. I'm adding another 7 SSJ Trunks medals to my personal count in order to earn an "A Will Beyond Time" SSJ Trunks, as well, so my own tally comes to 34. Is there a need for any more SSJ Trunks medals? I checked and I have 33 of those medals, so I want to make sure before I get my hopes up that I might actually be able to earn everything before the Story event ends in 5 days. :thud:

Hey, Kibishii, I just noticed: I checked the Dokkan Awakening screen for "Power of Rage" Trunks, and it says you need 3 SSJ Trunks medals, meaning I think we only needed 27 instead of 63, just like the Blue Vegeta medals. I'm adding another 7 SSJ Trunks medals to my personal count in order to earn an "A Will Beyond Time" SSJ Trunks, as well, so my own tally comes to 34. Is there a need for any more SSJ Trunks medals? I checked and I have 33 of those medals, so I want to make sure before I get my hopes up that I might actually be able to earn everything before the Story event ends in 5 days. :thud:
Yeah, I noticed that as well and it let me finish Rage Trunks SA10 early. I apologize for not updating the thread. I think the only two cards that awaken from those medals are str. SSJ Trunks (Future) and teq. God Vegeta.
Congrats on completing the Rage Trunks grind, Kibishii! I still have 40 more Trunks medals to go, but I'm sure I'll make it with 4 days still remaining (*knocks on wood*). I'll be relieved to not have to wait six months for the Story event to return. So glad I pulled Rage Trunks just beforehand so that the event was worth putting the work into, especially since I hit a dry spell with my summons afterward. -__-"
Congrats on completing the Rage Trunks grind, Kibishii! I still have 40 more Trunks medals to go, but I'm sure I'll make it with 4 days still remaining (*knocks on wood*). I'll be relieved to not have to wait six months for the Story event to return. So glad I pulled Rage Trunks just beforehand so that the event was worth putting the work into, especially since I hit a dry spell with my summons afterward. -__-"
Keep an eye on Baba's Store because the Trunks medals show up there a lot.

My current grind list is:
1.) Merged Zamasu SA10 (currently 5) and 77 awakening medals. I fed 21 of the Phy. Zamasu's to him Saturday and Tuesday and only got 4 SA skill ups. :mad:
2.) Int. Janemba SA10 (currently 2) and ****-ton of medals
3.) I need 4-5 more Hourglasses
I fed 21 of the Phy. Zamasu's to him Saturday and Tuesday and only got 4 SA skill ups. :mad:

That's rough, but I'm sure it'll make it that much more fulfilling once you eventually reach SA 10 :duff

I finished the last of the collectibles from the Future Trunks Story Event. I really like that arc, but the grind was taking its toll on me. Now I have the task of training all the Trunks fodder. :medic

I'm really excited to see what Christmas brings for global.
That's rough, but I'm sure it'll make it that much more fulfilling once you eventually reach SA 10 :duff

I finished the last of the collectibles from the Future Trunks Story Event. I really like that arc, but the grind was taking its toll on me. Now I have the task of training all the Trunks fodder. :medic
I'm really excited to see what Christmas brings for global.
You will be happy that you farmed Rage Trunks' SA up. It makes a HUGE difference in his super attack output. I got Zamasu to SA10, it took exactly 30 of the phy versions. Time to switch back over to farming Janemba's SA.
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So, what does everyone think about the STR Vegito? For a F2P I think he will be extremely good, and the fact you can immediately unlock a dupe path for only 20 more stones is great news. I do however still think this is a bait and switch, and that this ISNT the LR. The fact that the phy VB is on the winter special yet not anywhere in any banner is highly suspicious to me, as is them not adding STR Vegitos TUR and LR cards into the game. They have held back TURs before, but the card was still in the game files.
Pretty sure that Str Vegito is the LR since they just announced you will be able obtain Potora medals to awaken a later date. So it's basically another to be released debacle all over again. :lol

Personally, I feel they should have just waited and released him when he's ready to awaken from the go, because the voting for the LRs was, what, nearly, six months ago? This is almost as bad as to be released for Gogeta & Omega.
I already got him and the dupe, but I am not investing any orbs into him until I know more. My STR team is pretty solid so the LR's super would need to be Colossal or Mega Colossal and his link-set would big improvements for me to make him a priority. I will eventually 100% him.

Pretty sure that Str Vegito is the LR since they just announced you will be able obtain Potora medals to awaken a later date. So it's basically another to be released debacle all over again.
Maybe we will see the Potara earrings released at Christmas and the phy. Super Vegito + event as a way to announce LR Vegito? Maybe it is wishful thinking, but I could see a "Vegito" banner. I am still betting on a dual Dokkan Fest Heroes vs. Villains banners.
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Oh yeah, the TUR awakening at the very least is going to be the Christmas event, I will guarantee that. Likely TUR at Christmas and IF he is the LR that will be released at new years.

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New LR SSJ3 Goku! Probably the best art and SA in the game right now.

That Hirudegarn event is going to cause rage as he troll dodges more than Janemba. :lol
Honestly though, there are still only 8 summonable LRs among a pool of hundreds, so really they need to keep releasing them so they keep the same rates and aren't impossible to pull.

TBH, I think they should all have a features banner at their launch to give folk a chance to pull them. Maybe only have the banner for a week instead of 2-3 like dokkanfests, but that way more people will be likely to pull for them and actually chase them.

As it stands the LRs (apart from Gohan) aren't the powerhouses they used to be. rainbowing a category or 120% lead is much easier to go for than even one LR and the stats aren't wildly different either unless you get insanely lucky and pull a dupe of one.

For example, I have ssj4 Gogeta rainbowed and his atk is about 17000, my Broly with the free +2000 potential reaches 20000 atk and he's a hard hitting unit, most LRs don't get much farther than Gogeta. For 20 more team cost sometimes it just isn't worth running them.

Imo it would be best to make them more obtainable.

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Is a 120% lead a character with a leader skill that boosts a certain stat by 120%?

Also: UI Goku today, right?
The 120%s are the ones who boost the attack, defence and health stat of a specific type (teq, agl etc) by 120%, such as the current banner phy ssj3 Gotenks or the recent int Gogeta :)

The UI Goku isnt great, not at least until we get a dokkan awakening for him. As it stands he is a category lead for "god power" that isnt as good as what we already have. He gives 120% but only 2 ki, the actual 120% leads give 3 ki. Once he dokkans he will give between 150% and 170% to each stat.
Yep, as I thought, be very careful summoning on UI Goku, there's a banner coming christmas eve and we have no idea what it could be. UI Goku, especially with int Gogeta on the banner is a definite trap banner to use up all your stones before Christmas.

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I'd advise doing stage 1 of the Beerus event on normal ten times to get Xmas summon tickets quick and easy.

I got teq future Trunks and Vegito blue with them so eh not bad.
Yep, as I thought, be very careful summoning on UI Goku, there's a banner coming christmas eve and we have no idea what it could be. UI Goku, especially with int Gogeta on the banner is a definite trap banner to use up all your stones before Christmas.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

I fell for it. -__-"
But I did get an INT Gogeta (my second), so maybe it wasn't that bad.