DC Joker Movie (Non-DCEU)

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I saw this the other day now that it's on DVD. I really enjoyed it. Clearly a spiritual successor of both Taxi Driver and the King of Comedy. I'm surprised at the mixed reviews I saw on Rotten Tomatoes. Maybe some are turned off by the dark tone, but I felt artistically and in terms of acting that it was heads and shoulders over the bulk of Marvel Studios films. Terry Gilliam was once interviewed and critiqued Spielberg for always ending on a positive note, even when the story is filled with tragedy and failure like the Holocaust. But maybe that's what critics expect.

For years I've thought that DC had one advantage over Marvel in that they were, at times, willing to take more artistic risks. Nolan's films being the biggest successes to this point, and though I didn't like the end product, Zach Snyder also had his own way for awhile. I chalk this up as another success on that front, that could only have happened with a studio willing to let someone do something completely different. Disney isn't going to allow that. Even Deadpool will probably be PG-13 when he returns. But I'm happy that we as fans get the best of both worlds in this regard.

The movie and character felt authentic to me, and I can see how so many movie-goers would empathize with Arthur's situation. With people who are social misfits of this sort, you can usually trace their dysfunction back to a childhood filled with abuse and/or neglect. They explored this phenomenon in the recent season of Castle Rock and HBO's Watchmen, so it's a pretty common, tragic story that is told in lots of different ways. But they did it very well here.

The ending was interesting, too. How did he get arrested, and how much of the story we saw was just a figment of his imagination? Did he just kill his mother and the clown and fantasize about the rest? And what happened with the woman down the hall? I do enjoy movies that leave some of it up to your own imagination.

Love Beetlejuice. He's as bad as can. He knows he's the best.

Best Picture
Best Director
Best Adapted Screenplay
Best Actor
Best Cinematography
Best Makeup and Hairstyling
Best Costume Design
Best Film Editing
Best Original Score
Best Sound Editing
Best Sound Mixing

I say it wins in the best actor and score category.

1917 gest the best picture, imo.

Ii bet Tarantino finally wins best director.
Of the movies I saw this year, Once Upon A Time in Hollywood deserves Best Picture. But I think Oscar voters will be in a mood to reward females, so Little Women will probably win. Joker was enjoyable, but not in the class of a Tarantino or Scorcese picture.
I liked the Irishman a lot, but frankly, it's a lot of retread ground for Scorcese. He does that kind of movie about as well as you can do it. But we've had Mean Streets, Goodfellas, Casino, the Departed. And it was done better with most of those others.
:lol Ooooh yeah. He might give it a clap while gritting his teeth because his friend Robert is in it but overall, yeah, he'll be like ''Wtf...''
I'd be highly surprised if it wins Best Picture. 1917 and Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood are the current favorites for that award. Joaquin should walk away with Best Actor, with Driver being a possible dark horse. It amazes me that we will now have two Oscar-winning performances for the same character, and it's a character that comes from a comic book!
I'd be highly surprised if it wins Best Picture. 1917 and Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood are the current favorites for that award. Joaquin should walk away with Best Actor, with Driver being a possible dark horse. It amazes me that we will now have two Oscar-winning performances for the same character, and it's a character that comes from a comic book!

And no one even gets nominated for playing the primary character of that comic book.
Joker has no shot at Best Picture. I thought Irishman was boring, and 'greatest hits' style for Scorsese. Both should be very pleased for being nominated.

1917 seems on track to win. I don't think OUATIH deserves BP. But either pic could get best director, then its likely the other pic will win BP.

Joaquin will win. They seem to like the composer so she might win too. I hope Joker pulls at least 4 Oscars.
That’s a lot of nominations.

Crazy how big this movie got. I was just looking back at the thread when this project was first announced and it really came out of no where.

Honestly surprised WB greenlit something like this.
Honestly surprised WB greenlit something like this.

Hopefully they can take advantage of this and let it give a bit of direction to DC. I don't mean for them to start making a slew of Joker-esque movies, but they might consider more unique takes on their gallery of characters from this point forward.