DC Direct doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

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Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

The expressions pack is cool but the Bruce head looks odd.
Superman and Lois is a nice idea but I think they both look very off model.
Love Catwoman and Riddler.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Does this faces and capes pack include the Batman figure?
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Saving the best for last, hopefully. Also, I feel like I should just say this now: don't be disappointed if they don't have anything, because they showed an absolute ****ton of stuff at NYTF. We're getting a Batwing. A full blown Batwing. Think about that for a moment. Not to mention Batman Beyond figures, TDKR/Legends of The Dark Knight figures, Superman characters in the Gotham Girls box set, and multiple new lines. I'm sure they'll blow the roof off in February, just like they did this year.

The Batman Expressions Pack will be the ONLY BTAS reveal at SDCC????????????

They can't be serious!!!

*Sigh* They never learn.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

I don't know. These seem to be slipping a bit, in terms of quality, from the stuff we saw at NYTF. I'm a bit disappointed that they used the accessory pack as a way to double down on this sculpt. We've already seen Koto deliver a better TAS sculpt, and I'm betting Mondo will probably do a great job with their sculpt. I was kind of hoping that we might see an alternate neutral sculpt, if we ever got around to something like this, for people who weren't completely sold on the original.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Looks like DCC saw Kotobukiya's fantastic animated Batman statue. :lol

I like the bleeding face (not as good as what TWayne did with his though) and the "Harvey noooo" wide eyed expression as well as the Phantasm poster cape. The rest look like after thoughts though. That Bruce Wayne head is awful. Kenner did a way better job with their Bruce heads.

It would be nice if they could do ONE perfect neutral BTAS head, but it looks like for some reason they're just not capable of that. Hopefully those 2-3 decent ones aren't missing their pointy noses or the paint applications like the last two . . .

Nice idea though. I'd like to see the same done with Robin.

Superman is meh with his baby hands and I would have preferred to have seen BTAS Ivy and BTAS Mr. Freeze over that ugly Catwoman and Riddler. But whatever.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

I'd like to see Joker get his own expression pack. I don't think there was a single character that was more expressive than he was.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Long time lurker, first time poster here. I've just decided to start collecting this line (BTAS only) as I found online stores here in Australia that sell them at reasonable prices and I was lucky to grab the no-peg Catwoman quite cheap from Amazon along with Jervis Tetch. I have all the BTAS characters so far (even snagged the TNBA Two-Face as it was too cheap to pass up and fits ok in the display for now).

Was highly anticipating this announcement and am very happy with the expressions and cape pack (I'm hoping that's what it is) but I was really expecting a new BTAS reveal. Personally I have been wanting the reveal to be The Scarecrow or Mr Freeze so I am a little disappointed in DC doing more TNBA villains.

They have basically covered all the re-designed villains (Mad Hatter, Penguin, Scarface and Clayface is all that's really left right?) now so maybe they can finish off that side of things and start focusing on BTAS. We are really in need of Freeze, Crane, Ivy and Two-Face before they start branching out into the Red Claw's and Thorne's etc
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

I'd like to see Joker get his own expression pack. I don't think there was a single character that was more expressive than he was.

I don't have any faith in the Joker. Seeing as though they couldn't even get a neutral smiling head right. His faces are distorted as hell in most of the animation and I figure that would be a nightmare for them with a headsculpt that is the size of a pinky. Who knows though.

Hopefully Trenchcoat "Machine Gun" Joker or Jetpack Joker makes the cut someday.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

I don't have any faith in the Joker. Seeing as though they couldn't even get a neutral smiling head right. His faces are distorted as hell in most of the animation and I figure that would be a nightmare for them with a headsculpt that is the size of a pinky.

Hard to argue with that logic, sadly.:lol
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Agree that the Bruce headsculpt is weird. And especially on that neck. What a bad photoshop work there. :rotfl

But the Kenner one looks awful, too. I never liked it. It's right there with all the bad Kenner sculpts like Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Riddler, Penguin, Two-Face and the long list.

Look at that nose. LMAAAO
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Its all good. I am even down for Superman and Lois as they can fit with the TNBA figures from the Superman/Batman movie.

I wonder if the cape pack comes with a new Batman figure? one that works with the interchangeable heads expression pack?
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Lois doesn't quite fit the TNBA/STAS style. In other words her head is too small. Needs to be wider.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Agree that the Bruce headsculpt is weird. And especially on that neck. What a bad photoshop work there. :rotfl

But the Kenner one looks awful, too. I never liked it. It's right there with all the bad Kenner sculpts like Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Riddler, Penguin, Two-Face and the long list.

Look at that nose. LMAAAO

Yeah, I know, the Kenner is still way better than this DCC one though.

Bruce Wayne.jpg

Almost looks like the generic Capullo Wayne head.

Thrasher bruce wayne.jpg

Same mouth and such.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

LMAO!!! Good find! That's his son! :rotfl

I think it's just the mouth that is making the DCC Bruce look off.
Way too simple. Looks like a 5 year old draw that. LMAO

From the nose up, it's quite good, actually.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Bruce's jaw line needs to be widened and the head needs to sit further down on the neck. Superman's wrist and therefore hands need to be wider too. It looks like he's wearing a shirt with loose fitting sleeves instead of one that is tight and form fitting. The wrist and sleeves need to be flush. It just looks stupid the way they did it.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Its all good. I am even down for Superman and Lois as they can fit with the TNBA figures from the Superman/Batman movie.

I wonder if the cape pack comes with a new Batman figure? one that works with the interchangeable heads expression pack?

I'm hoping it is just a cape and interchangeable head pack, if it comes with a new figure I'd expect the price to be higher than a standard figure. Having said that, there isn't really a lot of consistency with accessories 'filling out' the price of a new figure. You have TNBA Joker with Bud and Lou and pistol but have both Harley's coming with very few accessories. Its hard to justify the price sometimes, and now with the increase its even harder if they come with fewer accessories.

On another note, I am pretty disappointed in Ra's not coming with a sword. I guess its inevitable that Ra's in green suit will come out eventually if the line continues as long as I'm hoping it does...
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Does this faces and capes pack include the Batman figure?

Knowing DCC's track record, that pack of heads will cost $30 (just the heads), and the capes pack will be some sort of "Deluxe" Batman figure, including one of the new head sculpts from the pack, and the few capes. I'd guess that will be $45. Hope I'm wrong though. Also one of those heads from the pack is the Phantasm set head :/ Lazy. And one of the capes look like the cloth capes from the Batsignal set. Only thing that interests me about that cape set is the wide flying pose one. (Not sure what that bent looking one is about lol). No draped cape?!??! If the capes come out at a reasonable price I'm definitely going to cop those. They should have paired the capes and heads together and just sold them in a set for $25. Have to have that flying cape though, even if I just find it loose.

I'm actually stoked that they announced TNBA Catwoman. She's one of the last characters I'm interested in for the TNBA figs. That Riddler is... ugh... haha. Don't know why they bothered with him. He never even had an episode. He got a cameo in "Over the Edge" and the only other time that design shows up is in STAS episode "Knight Time". But cool for anyone who wanted that version.

Superman set is a great announcement. Thought I agree, he looks more like his JL design, hands are too small, and Lois def needs a bigger head. Aside from Supes hands though, he does look pretty awesome imo. Surprised they're doing a 2pack with two totally new figures though.

All in all a pretty cool reveal. Need that Catwoman, Supes pack and that flying cape forsho
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

I agree about the laziness of using the Phantasm head again. I mean, they could have done Batman with that Smirk/Smile thing he does sometimes. I keep looking at that Superman/Lois pack and the less I want it :ohbfrank:
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

I agree about the laziness of using the Phantasm head again. I mean, they could have done Batman with that Smirk/Smile thing he does sometimes.

Haha that would be awesome. Like the face he makes after Harley tells him to call her and he says "Don't press your luck" lol