DC Direct doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

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Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Why have we not had a navy blue/grey btas Batman yet?
I have been catching up on the series (never watched it in the 90's) and it seems to me he was blue/grey as the comics at the time?

I would definitely want one, and surely an easy variant for dcc.

Yea, that one's been discussed quite a bit too. Some consider his cape and cowl, ect. to be black with blue highlights, some consider it to be all blue and the black is just shadow. Same thing with Talia and her outfit. Fig is coming out purple, though in the show it looked black with purple highlights. I can't say I'd want one that was all navy blue, but I'd be down for one that had the highlights like in the show. BTAS was my first introduction to Batman as a kid, and I always thought of his outfit as black and grey (minus the underside of his cape). Though that's just my personal opinion
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

My shops never got them!!! I checked everywhere around where I live and no one even said they anticipated getting any. Which I find weird being that I'm not far from Burbank and LA, near DCE. Thought we would have definitely had them around here, but nothing thus far. Honestly, the peg holes don't really bother me, I just want the improved face! I remember your pic you posted of your new Catwoman with your kenner whip and that figure looked awesome! Will definitely get it eventually.

And yea, Harley's head def looks too big to fit in with the BTAS figs. I think she fits in well with the TNBA ones though. The new head would look ridiculous on the BTAS body haha

Oh, my bad! I thought the replacements you got from DCC included the new Catwoman!! I DM'd you earlier this year.
It was actually other figs. LOL

Man, that sucks! The new Catwoman and TNBA Bats should be available in stores by now. Ugh, DCC!!! :impatient:
Makes no sense. Hope you find them sooner rather than later.

To be honest, I ended up swaping their heads, because:
1. I found the first head to be thinner and more accurate shape-wise (especially the chin). The new one looked fater, lol
2. I had already repainted the eyes on the first one, and that took me DAYS to achieve perfection. Wasn't willing to do that all over again on the new head.

Plus, I also swaped the boots, as the calf area on the first one is thinner. Plus they have the ankle articulation (the new ones don't).

I'm very happy now with her. There are times when I think she's my favorite figure in the line. I stare at her, pleased, for long periods of time. :rotfl

Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Gordon and Ra's are also out in Hong Kong! (from another board)
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Gordon looks like he's made out of white, peach, black, yellow and brown play-doh. Looks super soft and "doughy". Especially with those thick rimmed glasses. I guess the sharper prototype was hard to achieve, especially when it had the thinner framed wore glasses.

Ra's actually looks really good. Only thing that seems off is the almost non-existent, undefined mouth (like the regular BTAS Batman) and the small, itty bitty hands. The cape and mask turned out really well though. Really nice.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Aghh curse of glasses on action figures! Bit of a Harry Potter thing going on there. Only downer on two great looking figures. July 27th can't come quick enough!
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

From Facebook where the last 3 photos originated:

I guess we might be getting a full wave this time? : )
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Aghh curse of glasses on action figures! Bit of a Harry Potter thing going on there. Only downer on two great looking figures. July 27th can't come quick enough!

hahaha, Yes! I figured his glasses would end up being thicker. I think it is to avoid breakage.
Neca and Mattel all did that to their Harry Potter figs and Mattel did the same to its TDKR Gordon.
The smaller the figure, the harder it seems to make thin glasses as a separate piece. The risk of it breaking just increases.

Anyway, apart from the glasses, Gordon looks fabulous. Great looking figure.
It will be my very first Gordon action figure, and I'm VERY happy about that.

I just might try to make a thinner glasses myself eventually.

Ps.: have you decided if will you get Zatanna? She is mine. :lol
I still don't know if I'll get Ra's. Looks great, though.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Zatanna looks phenomenal! They all do actually--I'm quite please with how they all look based on these pictures :) I'm glad Klarion is coming with his own figure stand!
Let us know WGD if you do end up making thinner glasses for Gordon--I might try that too!
I can't wait to buy all 4 of these, I wonder if these being released in Hong Kong now bodes well for a faster US release than the end of July? Not sure how that is worked in the past but I'll cross my fingers.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Oh nice, WGD. I didn't know you repainted Catwoman's eyes. I thought they just came that way :( haha. I don't think I could pull of painting something so small. I don't have the eyesight for that lol.

HOLY **** that Zatanna figure looks ****ing amazing!!!! Skin tone looks great and I'm so glad they didn't take the lazy route with the eyes. It even looks better than the prototype! She's definitely gonna be my favorite BTAS girl so far! Gordon's new glasses make him look less serious lol. Doesn't really bug me though. This will be my first Gordon fig as well (wasn't feeling the designer one). Ra's looks cool. Not one of my most anticipated, but his cape looks nice. I really hope they end up doing a draped cape for Batman eventually! Etrigan set looks cool. Also not my most anticipated but will be picking up everything. Etrigan is gonna be on the short side, but that's alright. With Robin, Creeper and now Etrigan there's a lot of red and yellow going on in the TNBA figs lol. God, I can't wait for that Zatanna though. #1 want at the moment. I wish she got more merch so I could have a shelf just for her lol. Underrated character along with Huntress
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

On a side not, for anyone who cares, the deluxe Batmobile set has been given a date on previews and toychest for 8/31
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Glad to see some of these are getting out finally. The only one I may not get is Gordon. I like the TNBA version better since he actually looks like an old man.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Oh good call with the packaged Zatanna, WGD. I blew right by it without even thinking. She does look really great in both photos now! : )

Thanks for the update, phantasm. I forgot to do my weekly check. Hopefully that holds up since they're mainly re-releases. I'm really curious to see that signal right next to a figure.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

hahaha, Yes! I figured his glasses would end up being thicker. I think it is to avoid breakage.
Neca and Mattel all did that to their Harry Potter figs and Mattel did the same to its TDKR Gordon.
The smaller the figure, the harder it seems to make thin glasses as a separate piece. The risk of it breaking just increases.

Anyway, apart from the glasses, Gordon looks fabulous. Great looking figure.
It will be my very first Gordon action figure, and I'm VERY happy about that.

I just might try to make a thinner glasses myself eventually.

Ps.: have you decided if will you get Zatanna? She is mine. :lol
I still don't know if I'll get Ra's. Looks great, though.

Yeah getting all 3 from this wave now, she is too good to pass up. That is DCC's business plan, delay the figures so the customer has long enough to have saved more money and is willing to buy them all.

Tempted to try and thin the Gordan glasses out with a blade.

I aways thought BTNA Gordon looked like he was really sick from a longterm illness, too thin in the neck area.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

they all look fantastic. Gordon is still my most anticipated and I think they nailed him. Glasses look ok to me. He will be my first gordon figure as well, none of the others offered really captured the character to me. Cant stand the ginger one from the designer series. Im not a huge fan of the bat signal coming as it wasn't used extensively in the show. Gordon however, will look fantastic posed next to it waiting for the Dark knight to appear out of the night sky.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

@World's Greatest Detective - any chance you would do commission work for re-paint on Catwoman's eyes and thinner glasses for Gordon? Your Catwoman re-paint is phenomenal!
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

@World's Greatest Detective - any chance you would do commission work for re-paint on Catwoman's eyes and thinner glasses for Gordon? Your Catwoman re-paint is phenomenal!

Thank you so very much for the compliment!
I'd defenitely repaint Catwoman's eyes and make thinner Gordon glasses for you... IF I didn't live so far away from you. I live in Brazil. lol

I actually customize some figures for my friends every now and then. And for free.
I enjoy doing that as a hobby, so I don't find it fair to charge anyone.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Gordon looks like he's made out of white, peach, black, yellow and brown play-doh. Looks super soft and "doughy".

Ha! So true! I also have a major problem with how Zatanna's hat sits on her head. I guess she will just have to pose holding it.

Hmmm, also wondering how Ras' (Ra's'?) cape would work (with a few adjustments like neck and scallops) draped over a Batman figure. Probably wouldn't work, but may be worth a shot depending on who the figure sizes up.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

they all look fantastic. Gordon is still my most anticipated and I think they nailed him. Glasses look ok to me. He will be my first gordon figure as well, none of the others offered really captured the character to me. Cant stand the ginger one from the designer series. Im not a huge fan of the bat signal coming as it wasn't used extensively in the show. Gordon however, will look fantastic posed next to it waiting for the Dark knight to appear out of the night sky.

Yep. Gordon's my number one want, too, with Bullock a close second. I really hope Montoya is shown at SDCC this year.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

He will be my first gordon figure as well, none of the others offered really captured the character to me. Cant stand the ginger one from the designer series.

Don't know why that made me laugh so hard lol

Ha! So true! I also have a major problem with how Zatanna's hat sits on her head. I guess she will just have to pose holding it.

I doubt the hat will be removable since Penguin, Riddler, Mad Hatter and Scarecrow's aren't. Though I could be wrong

Hopefully they'll tease us with an early fig next week