Custom G.I.Joe Scarlett

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Re: Custom Scarlett i did for commision

I dunno, people don't seem to mind the nipples on the Hot Toys bodies, or the KP bodies, or the ACI bodies or the. . . well, you get it.

It's just funny that we need to have ultra realistic heads and chests and legs, I've even seen people at OSW asking for a bigger butt on the KP02, but the underwear area has to be Ken/Barbie status.

I'm sure once Hot Toys starts putting dongs on their bodies, everyone else will do it though.


TRIAD TOYS EVO male figure did not quite have "dongs", but . . . check it out for yourselves.

As for the OTAKU . . . they serve a different purpose in terms of aesthetics.

If you need more in terms of articulation/function compared to form, then the ALPHA is for you. If you're more in the form compared to articulation, then the OTAKU is for you.
Re: Custom Scarlett i did for commision



TRIAD TOYS EVO male figure did not quite have "dongs", but . . . check it out for yourselves.

As for the OTAKU . . . they serve a different purpose in terms of aesthetics.

If you need more in terms of articulation/function compared to form, then the ALPHA is for you. If you're more in the form compared to articulation, then the OTAKU is for you.

Is that what they're calling it nowadays? :lol
Re: Custom Scarlett i did for commision

The Otaku also has a long torso and short legs. She had a model body aside from legs, my buyer loved her next to her Joe's so cover girl found a home. Thank god because hair re-root took forever because triad heads are hard as a rock. At least it didnt feel fluffy and looked real. toy companies seem to like one monatone haircolor threout and even in colored hair you have 3 colors. a highlight which comes from contact of sun. the hair color, and the low light the area that doesnt get sun which is positioned below crown and intermixed to base of neck. Which is why people like my re-roots because i make it natural as possible. the only success lies in the molds to pass off the look. Sideshow could go back to rooting by using the same technique they use for cosmatology manican heads with hair that can be poped into place. that way the face wont be compromised.
Re: Custom Scarlett i did for commision

Im doing a re-root for my custom baroness and another scarlett revamp for mine personal collection. Ill post reroot tutorial on this page so stay tuned. I was hired to make 2 scarlett costumes and destro costume for some custom figures for a after I'm done with that I will post reroot process for people to do their own.
Again this reroot process will be for those who like rooted figures but hate the hair style they get with figures.
Re: Custom Scarlett i did for commision

Bumping so i dont loose my place so i can post more latter
Re: Custom Scarlett i did for commision

hey people been sooo buisy but will post reroot just forgot where i placed pics lol
Re: Custom Scarlett i did for commision

Cool looking forward to the pics. :)
Re: Custom Scarlett i did for commision

Re-root tutorial for scarlett

for this you'll need:

doll needle
highlighting cap hooks or crochet hooks
scissors with fine tip for cutting
acrylic paint and guesso (painting scalp)
curling rods and perm paper(salley's beauty or online)
hair baught at restoredoll or dollyhair (1 pkg of long)

1st i cut hair super short

your going to remove hair from inside neck scraping the scalp to catch hair to pull out.

3rd now that she is bald she is ready for paint job. the thing next to head is doll needle and yess thier like 6" long so careful not to poke yourself because their sharp.

reason for painting scalp is to avoid scalp showing through hair. the picture doesn't show it well but scalp was painted very light brown.
Re: Custom Scarlett i did for commision

now since her hair is painted allow dry for 10hrs-24hrs.
the flash really made this look neon lol

now that it's dry im going to add about 10-15 strands eventually you'll get feel of thickness. thread needle it has a big head so its easy to see. then go through scalp pulling thread and needle through neck. tie end of hair and pull back through to scalp to secure at base of hole of root.

even though their is no right or wrong way to root hair but i found its less complicated to start at temple and work clockwise intill its finished. make sure to make part thicker so it will make a part due to weight of hair after boil set.


scarlett is now almost done
Re: Custom Scarlett i did for commision

ill show her finished head latter on but for right now lets assume the head is finished root job.

7. now pour water into pot to boil you can use bottled or tap some say bottle is better but ill let you judge that. i used tap.


now while we wait for water to boil we are going to wet hair and then using curling rods (because i want to add natural texture to hair) you wrap hair in perm paper leaving a little paper to start end so yo dont have fish tail hair. you wrap paper 1st then hair going under starting with hair at base of neck.

you may want to section hair off into 5-6 equal parts so that means you'll need 6 rods using red smaller for curls and yellow slightly bigger for wave/natural.
Re: Custom Scarlett i did for commision

the pic i took of curling process didn't make it so sadly you'll need to figure that out but thats part of fun.
once you have the hair secured using the rubberband thing that is attached to rods its ready to boil. by now the water will be ready.

you will pour water on hair and scalp directly for a few seconds then stop and allow hair to cool for over night. then you will take rods out and use a comb bring hair together to comb down to but not through ends leave that alone.
you can add gel or pomade to hair to keep the style, just a little is needed so don't go over board.

here is my finished scarlett.


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Re: Custom Scarlett i did for commision

Nice job she came out great now she ready to hang with her fellow Joes...Yo Joe. :clap
Re: Custom Scarlett i did for commision

Thanks Im thinking about getting her a better body like a phician but ill wait untill i get better money.
Re: Custom Scarlett i did for commision

I wouldn't the body she has is fine but if you do want to change I would go with a Hot Toys body like one of there new ones. :wink1:
Re: Custom Scarlett i did for commision

thanks I was feeling like not wanting to change costumes again to much work. Im still have to put my other joe's on hold until my comission jobs are done.
when their done ill finish Baroness,Destro,Dukefor my personal set. and breaker(for sale) and Doc (for sale)
Re: Custom Scarlett i did for commision

it was exhausting i made like 6 scarletts for people before i finished my own. lol
Re: Custom Scarlett i did for commision

Wow that's dedication. :rock
Re: Custom Scarlett i did for commision

I decided to do a body change so Im going to use a Kumik since it looks more feminine build, with this costume scarlet can look bulky. I tried the costume on a hot toys and phician,ttl and triad and their all the same thickness of body. Kumik is slightly shorter and smaller frame by far. Only downside was figuring how to get boots to work so I have to also make another costume since this costume is to big. I may sell the old costume w/o gear since i wont need it anymore.
Re: Custom Scarlett i did for commision

I'm trying to find a good upgrade base body for female Joes too. Cy girls aren't cutting it anymore, too much tactical hooker look to steal a phrase. I really like the look of the HT based Covergirl someone posted, they are just so dang expensive.