adverse reaction to water treatment...?

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as for the water treatment being responsible for loose threads: If you follow the instructions there is no way that would happen.

Thanks Dave. You need to send that to Sideshow and have them add it to their site and feature it in the newsletter like they do for Mr. Crawford's reviews.

On second thought, they are probably reading this. So do it Sideshow!

Water treatment has done wonders for my figures. I highly reccomend it.

As to PF's if you want to do the water treatment, keep in mind that polystone reacts badly to water. You must always keep the polystone dry. So if you want to use water on Kenobi's robes, make sure you wrap the underlying figure in plastic first. That wil also help protect the electronics. And use a spray bottle as opposed to a direct drenching of the whole figure. That way you can localize the water and make sure it doesn't seep in where it's not wanted.

The statement CF posted about just getting models has merit, but was a bit short-sited. The idea behind the water treatment is not simply to make the clothes hang right in one pose, but to make them hang more naturally in any pose. It has worked wonders on jedi robes, especially the hoods, and has also had a marvelous effect on my Jason figures, where the clothing tends to be a bit baggy and therefore fans outa bit at odd angles, instead of hanging off the frame of the figure more naturally.

Frankly I don't understand what everyone is so up in arms about on this. It's just a little trick, not hard to do, that some of us use for getting our figures the way we want them.
Customikey said:

Water treatment has done wonders for my figures. I highly reccomend it.

As to PF's if you want to do the water treatment, keep in mind that polystone reacts badly to water. You must always keep the polystone dry. So if you want to use water on Kenobi's robes, make sure you wrap the underlying figure in plastic first. That wil also help protect the electronics. And use a spray bottle as opposed to a direct drenching of the whole figure. That way you can localize the water and make sure it doesn't seep in where it's not wanted.

The statement CF posted about just getting models has merit, but was a bit short-sited. The idea behind the water treatment is not simply to make the clothes hang right in one pose, but to make them hang more naturally in any pose. It has worked wonders on jedi robes, especially the hoods, and has also had a marvelous effect on my Jason figures, where the clothing tends to be a bit baggy and therefore fans outa bit at odd angles, instead of hanging off the frame of the figure more naturally.

Frankly I don't understand what everyone is so up in arms about on this. It's just a little trick, not hard to do, that some of us use for getting our figures the way we want them.

Well said, Mikey!!! That's exactly how I see the water treatment...a non-intrusive customizing trick. I've tried it as well on my Anakin Skywalker figure about a week ago after reading about it on SSC Freaks, and it did wonders for the hood and sleeve.

Bottom line is that each of us manipulates these figures in our own way. It's not a matter of statue vs. action figure. To simplify it like that is very short-sighted.

Face it...if we didn't screw around with our figures so much, half of these discussion/picture threads wouldn't even exist, and this place wouldn't be nearly as interesting and exciting.
I would think applications of steam may in fact work better than the soaking of your figure in water. However the water idea seems to have worked for a good number so I am tempted to try it out on my subject five figure.
Ok, stupid question....

If you guys are using water to take out the winkles, why not just use an iron to iron out the wrinkles. I did that to Anakin's robe and it worked great.

I just think pouring water is more damaging than ironing.
Ironing will just make them straight and wrinkless, you dont want them straight that's not natural. You want them to hang with the same weight that they should have proportionatly to the figure as if it were in real life. By wetting them and allowing them to dry while saging onto the character it gives the aperance of the same weight as the actual movie prop, at least in as much as the way it lays on the character.

So all this hullabaloo over some directions that were obviously done in a half hearted tongue in cheek method huh............. "smart" people would have realized that was the intent............. :rolleyes:

Does anyone have any pictures of the final result?

I can't try it yet on my Kit Fisto until the replacement belt arrives which should be some time this week. Hopefully tommorrow because on Wednesday I leave for college and I can't take any figures with me.
here ya go viper...


Jesseawilson said:
Ironing will just make them straight and wrinkless, you dont want them straight that's not natural. You want them to hang with the same weight that they should have proportionatly to the figure as if it were in real life. By wetting them and allowing them to dry while saging onto the character it gives the aperance of the same weight as the actual movie prop, at least in as much as the way it lays on the character.

So all this hullabaloo over some directions that were obviously done in a half hearted tongue in cheek method huh............. "smart" people would have realized that was the intent............. :rolleyes:


Well said, man..... Well said...:cool:
hey will the water treatment shrink up Luke long ass arms?


i am curious tho, won't the hot water possibly shrink up some types of fabric in the costuming? i 've heard of using hot water treatments to get clothes to shrink on a fig for a better fit, like say a superhero costume. might wanna watch for that on figs where ur looking for a more realistic draping of the cloth but not really shrinkage
hey gang, sorry to bring this old thread up but!

I have my Obi Wan back at school with me and remember reading someone's Obi Wan's belt stained his tunic and also I remember Dave saying that getting the leather wet can screw with the belt. My delemmia is this:

If I use a spray bottle to wet the outter Jedi Robe, should I worry about the belt? Can it be put on the figure then have my wet and sculpt the outter robe as long as I'm not soaking the figure?
Has anybody done this on their Qui-Gon poncho yet? I was thinking about ironing out the fold lines but then I thought maybe spraying it and laying it over the figure would help weight it down and maybe even make it appear longer than it is.
decadentdave said:
Has anybody done this on their Qui-Gon poncho yet? I was thinking about ironing out the fold lines but then I thought maybe spraying it and laying it over the figure would help weight it down and maybe even make it appear longer than it is.

While I don't have Qui-Gon, this bit of advice may help you...

When I took my Mace Windu figure out of the box, the clothes were heavily wrinkled. Instead of ironing however, I sprayed warm water on the clothes until they were quite wet and then smoothed out the wrinkles with my fingers. Granted, it took several repetitions to do it, but the end result worked in getting about 95% of the wrinkles out.

Perhaps you can do the same for the poncho??
Memnoch21 said:
hey gang, sorry to bring this old thread up but!

I have my Obi Wan back at school with me and remember reading someone's Obi Wan's belt stained his tunic and also I remember Dave saying that getting the leather wet can screw with the belt. My delemmia is this:

If I use a spray bottle to wet the outter Jedi Robe, should I worry about the belt? Can it be put on the figure then have my wet and sculpt the outter robe as long as I'm not soaking the figure?

Yeah dude, it was my belt that stained my Obi costume.... But due to my own stupidity and forgetfulness...

I would just let it dry first without the belt....It won't be hard to attach afterwards and it won't affect how the clothes hang or anything...:D