12" Indy In Adventure Gear: Raiders Version Discussion Thread

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Is he lying, though? That's pretty rough.

It was fun to customize and bash and perfect $50 figures. When I'm still doing it, and probably doing even more to $85+ figures it gets kind of annoying (here's lookin' at you, Lara!).

I see no problem.....I mean, theres been other Indy's that have had decent paint apps. All one needs to do is fix the doll dot, and add a stubble.
If you look at it up close, yeah it would be annoying wouldnt?

But if you dont, I dont think it would be that big of an issue. But I dont have it yet, so who knows.
If you look at it up close, yeah it would be annoying wouldnt?

But if you dont, I dont think it would be that big of an issue. But I dont have it yet, so who knows.

Same here. I probably won't see mine for another two or three weeks, but all of the close-ups I see on here look like giant, high-lighted eyeliner shots. :lol
Most close up shots are horrible. :lol

No seriously, theres some figures that are really nice looking, but macro lens them...and wow.

Some may disagree, but the Hasbro 3/4 inch Indy is great....take a close up of it....blah.
Indy finally arrived and I'm also quite pleased with him overall. The jacket turned out much nicer than expected, which was a big plus for me. I had the same neck wobbles as everyone, made worse by the added weight of his hat being part of his head, but I'll soon remedy that with the crazy glue treatment.

I stripped Indy down last night and stuck his head on a Volks Neo Guy body just to see how it looked, since they're very similar. The NG neck is nice and tight, and maybe a wee bit shorter, and the arms fit a little closer to the body than the Pro. I'm not sure if I'll end up using the NG body, but it really isn't too shabby.

Just out of curiousity, has anyone else tried out the Volks body?
Mine's just an hour away... :monkey2 And he'll stay there until Monday when Fed-Ex'll finally deliver him.

Longest weekend--EVER. But my Bank Robber HT Joker might be arriving Monday as well so all's good... Christmas BE A coming early.:D
Seriously, look at anything super up close and it's going to suffer. Indy looks great in person, and that is what's important. Sure the stubble could have been done better, or they could have left it off completely like on Connor Macleod - but what was done looks okay.
I got mine on Monday and have gotten to play with him a bit as I've traveled back and forth for Thanksgiving. But overall I'm really impressed with the figure. The neck on mine was wobbly out of the box, but after sitting out for 2 days it seemed to get better. Can't wait to really redress and get him set-up :rock
I've gone back and forth on this figure, but the 30% instant cashback that live.com is doing on ebay made it a little over $60, so I couldn't resist. Should be here in a few days. I expect I'll be repainting it.
Got mine this morning. The paint apps in person are like everyone says: better than any photos taken of it. Although I'm tempted for DarkArtist's repainting services. :)
Just got home.


Indy arrived at the same time that the HT Bank Robber Joker arrived.

Double wow.:D
I got mine a few hours ago. I had a nice surprise because the manufacturer put the inner box and tray in backwards so all I saw was cardboard when I opened the box. :lol

After much futzing (I completely undressed him and re-assembled) I'm quite happy with the overall product, but there's still many issues with the figure.
First and foremost is the Prometheus body, Its well made, in that the pieces are assembled with very tight seams, and the body itself feels solid, but far too many floppy joints, too narrow shoulders, too short a thorax, and hips that are just plain ugly.

The neck, hips, and knees are completely lose and actually flop around allot. I managed to get him standing on his own but it's shaky.
The thorax is too stubby, it doesn't look like normal human proportions. The crotch should fall much lower, so it needs a longer center piece in the thorax and shorter legs. The shoulders need to be wider which requires simply shoulder pieces that are longer. The body is modular so these should be easy fixes if Sideshow even notices the problems. :rolleyes:
And those Hips! :( Why the hell is there a big chunk missing from the back of the upper legs!??? legs don't kneed to move that far back, most people can not do that, so why is it there? :confused:

The only other issue I have is the shirt, with the way it's designed, it looks like it's torn at the shirt opening. One good thing to be said about the shirt, the buttons are fantastic! Very accurate in size. I hope they fix the opening for future Indys though.

Other then the body and shirt, everything else is wonderful! Great looking head sculpts, great jacket, great accessories, a wired whip, lined fedora, lots of hands (Yea Fists!), and a decent looking paint job.
It took a lot of futzing to the clothes, trousers need to be pulled way down from the crotch, shirt sleeves have to be pulled all the way down the jacket sleeves, and the jacket's shoulders have to be puffed up and not fully rest down on the body's frame in order to get him to look right. Overall I'm happy but not completely impressed.
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