Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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If a woman, black or brown person even comes near the directors chair of a SW movie I swear to my religion of peace, forgiveness and kindness that I will absolutely ONLY SEE THEIR MOVIE TWICE!

You hear me Rian Cuck feel my wrath!

I will NOT tolerate an insult to my whiteness and masculinity of this magnitude!

Alright screw this the next minority female I see i’m going to make her cook me waffles!

I’ll show who’s king of this land!

”Honey can you please make me christmas waffles”

Oh look my wife did them without me even having to demand it, how cool.

What’s that honey.....yes i’m on the forum working towards 100 thousand posts.

Ironically, it's equally bigoted to say, "If an X person made a Star Wars film, that would be awesome!" Would it? What Johnson seems to be saying, is that ethnic and gender culture should be incorporated into Star Wars. Just because someone has a particular race or sex, that's no guarantee that they'll be writing through the lens of a particular ethnicity or gender. Again, this is bigotry driven by liberal guilt. I don't think the quality of a film can be determined by the physical attributes of the director (or the cast). That's irrational.

If Johnson wants to complain about Disney's employment practices as being bigoted, that's an entirely separate issue. Is it true? I have no idea.

I personally would rather see a film where different sexes and races exist. I don't care what race or sex or what the sexual orientation of the protagonist is, unless it's directly relevant to the story. I care about a compelling narrative with well written dialogue, visually compelling set and character design, quality animation and a subtext that makes sense.
I agree that’s why David Duke was my first choice to direct Black Panther.

I will never have that movie to cherish why does life have to be so cruel :monkey2
I am currently at work and the government blocks youtube (but not SSF?) I will definitely watch it when I get home. I am an essential Employee and unfortunately have to work on Christmas, but at least its double time. I come in at 0345 so I get out at a decent hour.

Merry Christmas! I'm killing time while my partner talks to her extended family over the phone... They're Mormon, so there are tons of them! It's going to take a while. Nice people, though.
I agree that’s why David Duke was my first choice to direct Black Panther.

I will never have that movie to cherish why does life have to be so cruel :monkey2

If Mel Gibson directed Star Wars, I'd be into it because he's a brilliant director. I don't care what kind of person he is. So long as the film isn't bigoted, his personal life doesn't matter to me.
They were just showing on the news a hasidic jew grandfather who has 126 grandchildren that’s alot of gifts no matter what religion you follow lol
If Mel Gibson directed Star Wars, I'd be into it because he's a brilliant director. I don't care what kind of person he is. So long as the film isn't bigoted, his personal life doesn't matter to me.

Hell even if I was jewish I would still want a Mel Gibson directed SW movie, JL movie and Mad Max 5 movie I mean who wouldn’t lol

That man can drive thru my fence drunk and have sex with my wife and I would still want one of those movies from him. :lol
They were just showing on the news a hasidic jew grandfather who has 126 grandchildren that’s alot of gifts no matter what religion you follow lol

Yeah, man. That's bonkers. I have 7 nieces and nephews to buy presents for, and I can barely afford that! :lol
If TLJ stops at 1.1 that is a whole billion less than TFA and it might not even be the highest earner of the year!

That’s a HUGE reputation hit and the SW brand health longevity is called into question big time very scary stuff for Disney.


But when you factor in the amount of TFA/RO/TLJ toys that DiFabio, Wor-Gar, Oto and Adolfo have bought I wouldn’t be worried for Disney.

I bought a total of 3 from these three films. That's pretty sad.
Yeah, man. That's bonkers. I have 7 nieces and nephews to buy presents for, and I can barely afford that! :lol

Yeah no doubt this Christmas wiped me out next year i’m just giving everyone coal or TLJ bluray in their stockings same thing.


I bought a total of 3 from these three films. That's pretty sad.

Oh that’s right the 3 Rose variants with Broom boy.

Mark's first in line though.


That's the same face from the poster.
That's exactly what SNIKT said about Rian Johnson.

So what are the weekend numbers, Jye? How did Episode Hate do in wk 2?

Snikt loved his Johnson didn’t he.

100,669 for the 4 day and many of the trades are saying while the drop wasn’t good it wasn’t a disaster because it was expected and that Disney was prepared for it not doing TFA numbers.

I mean even mojo is defending the drop that Disney money might be more powerful than our military lol
Here's what Forbes says:

The good news is that Star Wars: The Last Jedi set another box office record. The bad news is that it’s not a “good” record but a pretty “bad” record. To wit, The Last Jedi topped the holiday box office with another $68.5m. That’s a sharp drop of 68.8%, which is not good for a big movie opening just before Christmas. But it’s about on par with Eragon, which also fell 68% after a $23m launch.

So, here’s the indisputably lousy news: Rian Johnson’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi lost more money between its first and second weekends than any film ever, by a lot. Walt Disney’s The Last Jedi made $151 million less between its two weekends.
Here's what Forbes says:

The good news is that Star Wars: The Last Jedi set another box office record. The bad news is that it’s not a “good” record but a pretty “bad” record. To wit, The Last Jedi topped the holiday box office with another $68.5m. That’s a sharp drop of 68.8%, which is not good for a big movie opening just before Christmas. But it’s about on par with Eragon, which also fell 68% after a $23m launch.

So, here’s the indisputably lousy news: Rian Johnson’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi lost more money between its first and second weekends than any film ever, by a lot. Walt Disney’s The Last Jedi made $151 million less between its two weekends.

Time for a reboot.
Just heard on the news that Santa last night took a dump in Kennedy's chimney
I saw this yesterday, nope did not like it.
Bombs being dropped in outer space, Space grandma surviving an explosion and then -450° below zero space vacuum for some time with magic, Luke not giving a ****, a couple of angry white men constantly screaming throughout the movie for no good reason whatsoever, a long slow boring chase, Rose is just meh, Luke still not giving a ****, Rey not having much to do but a martial arts montage, Chewbacca having nothing to do but wait, Force telepathy holograms!, Kylo enticing Rey to join him, Rey thinking she can redeem Kylo who murdered his father, a boring and absolutely completely pointless mission to a casino, Benicio Del Toro's stutter, Luke's stupid unimportant Jedi lessons with Rey, Force holograms touching, a bunch of large alien alpacas running through walls and crushing cars with no injury, Holdo not explaining the mission to Poe, MUTINY!!!!, a droid discovering the rebel imposters, bad guys with cliched long drawn out execution, BB8 to the rescue!, big bad Snoke being meh, Kylo joining forces with Rey, Snoke's boring death, Holdo's (for some reason secret) plan is to escape to a nearby planet and the FO not noticing the shuttles taking off, bad, very bad looking Yoda puppet, plot armor for the heroes, space grandma now up and walking about after nearly dying in space just a short time ago, Emo Kylo taking over the FO, Hux being a big p***y, a bunch of Walkers and Tie Fighters that can't shoot down a few rickety old speeders, Rose stopping Finn from heroically sacrificing himself to save the others, did I mention the hero's plot armor?, Luke's newfound force telepathy hologram interacting with everyone and fighting Kylo, Just for m̶e̶n̶ Jedi force holograms!, little orphan Rebels! and the excessive run time, Yaaay Star Wars!

Jesus, this movie is s***.

There was a couple of things I liked, Chewbacca eating Porgs, Luke's reunion with Chewbacca and R2, Luke milking gross space cows, Luke calling them laser swords, Luke mocking Rey's insistence that he return to take down the FO, Kylo's conflict about killing his mother, some of the jokes were good, The praetorian fight, Holdo's character and sacrifice, and that's about it.

And why couldn't the First Order send a few ships ahead of the Resistance through Hyperspace so they could box in the escaping ships? There was no need for the long drawn out chase. That whole Casino trip was pointless, edit it out of the movie and it changes nothing.

Man, this was bad enough that I'm definitely not going to watch Solo.
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What did it make worldwide in its first week, $600M?

Now its up to $745M worldwide. So only $145 million in a whole week?

That barely-makes-a-billion bet is looking pretty good right now.
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Only an article about SW can use the words “record breaking” and “bad” in the same sentence describing the movie performance lol
Bombs being dropped in outer space, Space grandma surviving an explosion and then -450° below zero space vacuum for some time with magic, Luke not giving a ****, a couple of angry white men constantly screaming throughout the movie for no good reason whatsoever, a long slow boring chase, Rose is just meh, Luke still not giving a ****, Rey not having much to do but a martial arts montage, Chewbacca having nothing to do but wait, Force telepathy holograms!, Kylo enticing Rey to join him, Rey thinking she can redeem Kylo who murdered his father, a boring and absolutely completely pointless mission to a casino, Benicio Del Toro's stutter, Luke's stupid unimportant Jedi lessons with Rey, Force holograms touching, a bunch of large alien alpacas running through walls and crushing cars with no injury, Holdo not explaining the mission to Poe, MUTINY!!!!, a droid discovering the rebel imposters, bad guys with cliched long drawn out execution, BB8 to the rescue!, big bad Snoke being meh, Kylo joining forces with Rey, Snoke's boring death, Holdo's (for some reason secret) plan is to escape to a nearby planet and the FO not noticing the shuttles taking off, bad, very bad looking Yoda puppet, plot armor for the heroes, space grandma now up and walking about after nearly dying in space just a short time ago, Emo Kylo taking over the FO, Hux being a big p***y, a bunch of Walkers and Tie Fighters that can't shoot down a few rickety old speeders, Rose stopping Finn from heroically sacrificing himself to save the others, did I mention the hero's plot armor?, Luke's newfound force telepathy hologram interacting with everyone and fighting Kylo, Just for m̶e̶n̶ Jedi force holograms!, little orphan Rebels! Yaaay Star Wars!

Jesus, this movie is s***.

That's the whole movie in a nutshell. :lol
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