Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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So hear we go. I’ve been reading all of your thoughts on the movie since I got back from seeing it. Here are mine:

The moment Luke tossed the saber Rey brought to him through all of the struggles and drama of TFA and through all of the history of that hilt over his shoulder, I should have stood up and walked straight out of the theater.

Exactly what I thought. It started bad and just got worse. I’m sure I’ll eventually find things I like about it but right now I’m so disappointed I can’t think of anything. :(

Happy thoughts to those who enjoyed it.
Seems like there are many more reasons people are not enjoying this film.

Wasting the viewers times with meaningless story lines being a major one.

A 15 minute sequence ruined the entire film for you?

There's three distinct story lines in here.

A: Rey/Kylo/Luke
B: Poe/Leia
C: Finn/Rosie

Finn and Rosie did not spend much time on that planet in the grand scheme of things. Some of you "muh OT" fans will never be happy though, so there's no point in arguing.

And, as I pointed out in my review, I hated that sequence a long with the rest of you. But it didn't taint the rest of the movie or leave a sour taste in my mouth once we moved on from there.

The thing is, I realized everytime a new movie comes out, I - and everyone else from my OT generation (and likely the prequel generation eventually) - is hoping to recapture that "feeling" they had when first seeing the originals. And its not going to happen. We were younger, in a different state of mind, and it was just a different time.

Add to this the fact that most internet types these day pride on being a cynic about everything.....Hell....TLJ was making fun of these people in the sub plot and I am sure they missed it.....

A 15 minute sequence ruined the entire film for you?

There's three distinct story lines in here.

A: Rey/Kylo/Luke
B: Poe/Leia
C: Finn/Rosie

Finn and Rosie did not spend much time on that planet in the grand scheme of things. Some of you "muh OT" fans will never be happy though, so there's no point in arguing.

And, as I pointed out in my review, I hated that sequence a long with the rest of you. But it didn't taint the rest of the movie or leave a sour taste in my mouth once we moved on from there.

You mention two story lines... One I thought was pointless and awful and the other useless.

Finn - Has a plan to go to planet to find a Tinker guy to mess with hyperdrive tracking system. Finds wrong guy, Brings him back, does not fix the tracking on Hyperdrive system.... Ends up back with Rebels

Had Finn Never left.. I guess the New Order would not have known about the escape pods. 40 min wasted just so the first order could see that the Rebels were on escape pods.

Poe - Stuck on ship. Wants to know what the plan is by Laura Dern... She, for some reason, wont tell him because... Well Plot reasons... He tries to take over.. Fails to do so... Finds out it what the real plan was.. Ends up on planet with the rebels..

Had Finn done nothing or Laura Dern just told him the plan he would have ended up on the planet. 30 min of wasted time.

Neither of these story lines had any real impact on the characters or the overall plot. Just filler to get from point A to point B
How did this script get made into a film? If I was a producer, I'd read this, tell the writer he's fired and may God have mercy on his soul.
Some people just take the whole thing to seriously......they forgot how to let go of expectations and just have fun....

That opening scene with Luke and the Saber says it all....if you cannot accept that scene you had better leave the cinema at that point

George Romero once said...

"People today, looking back on the three zombie films... I think that there are really split camps. There are some people that you can't get 'em away from the first film, you know, that's their love. And there are some people that just sort of celebrate and party with Dawn of the Dead. It's sort of the wildest of the three. It was also the most popular. And then there are the trolls, you know, who like Day of the Dead."

I think SW has split as well.....those who wan a fun adventure film and those who want their SW serious as possible...with every minutia explained in detail. The first film has a plethora of unexplained one said anything (like what the Kessel Run? or Wait Clone wars??? Whats that ?? Explain!). They just enjoyed the characters and story..... George went about explaining it and what you got were some very poor PT films...

I am a bit shocked at the crap effects some of these major blockbusters seem to think is acceptable....JL I am looking at you! Yoda looked better in OT!
Some of you "muh OT" fans will never be happy though, so there's no point in arguing.

Nobody is arguing.. Just discussing and sharing POV...

Loving the OT has nothing to do with how poorly plotted 70% of this film was.

I still found Kylo, Rey, and Luke to be a saving grace to this film and thus enjoyed it overall. Much more than TFA.

Just had a thought about the cave scene; Rey was wanting to SEE her parents. But she never said she didn't remember her parents? She was just waiting for them to return. Maybe she lost the memory of what they looked like or maybe even who they were (although she wasn't an infant, maybe 4-5 when she was Left)

So, wouldn't her question have been WHERE are my parents? It bugs me because it was it's like it was set up for us, not her. Even if her parents were "nobodies" they were still SOMEBODY - wouldn't the cave had shown her two people that we didn't recognize?

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There should have been a crucial goal achieved by visiting the casino planet.

And it’s a CASINO. Who better to be wearing that secret lapel pin than frickin’ LANDO. I mean, come on!!!
You mention two story lines... One I thought was pointless and awful and the other useless.

Finn - Has a plan to go to planet to find a Tinker guy to mess with hyperdrive tracking system. Finds wrong guy, Brings him back, does not fix the tracking on Hyperdrive system.... Ends up back with Rebels

Had Finn Never left.. I guess the New Order would not have known about the escape pods. 40 min wasted just so the first order could see that the Rebels were on escape pods.

Poe - Stuck on ship. Wants to know what the plan is by Laura Dern... She, for some reason, wont tell him because... Well Plot reasons... He tries to take over.. Fails to do so... Finds out it what the real plan was.. Ends up on planet with the rebels..

Had Finn done nothing or Laura Dern just told him the plan he would have ended up on the planet. 30 min of wasted time.

Neither of these story lines had any real impact on the characters or the overall plot. Just filler to get from point A to point B

Wow ...just wow? Every heard of character development?

Finn - Has a plan to go to planet to find a Tinker guy to mess with hyperdrive tracking system. Finds wrong guy, Brings him back, does not fix the tracking on Hyperdrive system.... Ends up back with Rebels

Introducing a new character, who made some very important statements about the nature of war, and where Finn fits in this struggle.

Poe - Stuck on ship. Wants to know what the plan is by Laura Dern... She, for some reason, wont tell him because... Well Plot reasons... He tries to take over.. Fails to do so... Finds out it what the real plan was.. Ends up on planet with the rebels..

This arc was about Poe learning to be a leader to take over for Leia.....he was being schooled in doing what is right versus a trigger happy "flyboy"...not sure how you could miss that.

Had Finn Never left.. I guess the New Order would not have known about the escape pods. 40 min wasted just so the first order could see that the Rebels were on escape pods.

again...the point was to show these crazy risky adventures were bad decision making...They failed at their quest....that was the point....

I was not a fan of The Force Awakens
But, I loved The Last Jedi!
I enjoyed the movie. My biggest let down was when appears at the end I thought we were going to see Luke and how powerful he was much like Vader in RO. That is what I really missed in the pre trilogy. I wanted to see Anakin use the force much like the force unleashed but never got it.

On a side note since Lucas wrote these stories to be told through the eyes of the droids. I think it would be great at the end of the next movie it cuts away to C3PO talking as if all the movie were him telling the story or giving the history of the Skywalker family to a group of padawan in the new Jedi order. Just a thought.

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Thankfully that casino planet did go by quickly and are you ready for this i’ll take that casino scene over the rathtar scene from TFA,

I like what Xipomarx just said about the shock of seeing Luke throwing the saber it was nice to be surprised in that manner in a SW movie.
That actually sums up the film...

So what? Its salt.. What did that have to do with anything??

Are you serious?

That's obviously foreshadowing Luke being astrally projected. They wanted to show you that when the salt was kicked up, it had a red under surface. Something that didn't happen when Luke appeared on Crait.

If some of yall actually payed attention to the movie rather than disagreeing with it at every turn, you'd probably like it. :lol
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