Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Wow so the rage is heavy with this movie. I guess this a bigger folly then the prequels.
Sorry that Snoke didn't turn out to be as cool as you hoped he would.

Yeah, Johnson and Lucasfilm wasted what could have been a great character. Same goes for Luke and Phasma and pretty much everything in this piece of **** movie.
Sure why not here goes.

Masterpiece compared to the PT.

Disagree.. PT had a better stories in their films..
This is better made and acted but I don;t think this film will hold up well at all.

Better than TFA, more depth.

Yes I agree but that is not saying much :lol

Vader moment in RO wasn’t bested by anything from TLJ.

Not even close.

Better space battle than ROTJ and RO.

Hmmmmm Can't agree.. ROTJ IMO is still the best by far. Opening scene was good in TLJ but nothing memorable.. I am pulling a Jye and seeing it again tomorrow with the family so I will be able to make a better call on that.. I liked the RO space battles but wanted more.

ROTJ though.. Come on Jye.




Of course there is more.. But you get my point ;)
Just got back from my second viewing, my opinions have changed, I really liked it. Rose is the glaring flaw of this film, and casino planet sucked but seemed to pass by a lot quicker, im not sure where my feelings will settle but im happy to have seen it agian

^better space battle? No, the space battle is really ok, but not anywhere near as good as previous films
I'm not sure where to start....

- why do they neuter every villian in this movie with silly moments of stupid comedy? Seriously, I knew I was in for a rough ride when the whole " I'll hold for General Hux " skit started at the beginning.

- I didn't think it was possible to make to star wars capital ships in space boring...

- cosmic superleia

- no snoke origin and lacklustre Rey origin story

- ****ing Rose

- Luke fondling 4 space **** and drinking the juice

- once again Rey is the best at everything. Bests Jedi master Luke in a fight. Luke lifts one rock on Dagobah? **** you Luke I'm gonna lift a mountain side, I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR!

- The entire way Luke was portrayed. A weak feeble failure who teetered on the edge of executing his own nephew while he slept.

I could keep going there's so much more but I'll stop haha.
Wait what did I miss that made Rose a SJW was it because she wanted to save animals?

Curious about this as well. What about her character made her SJW, Jaws?

I may be blaming the whole "Rich people are evil" subplot on her since she was there and said something about hating the planet.. Yeah rescuing animals and not slave kids might be a bit of an SJW moment also..

If they wanted to go on a Slave owners are evil sub plot fine.. But I just thought the whole thing was stupid and ultimately worthless.

Perhaps I am being unfair to label her that and it was more to do with the part of the story she was a part of.... But I felt that way at the time.. I felt she was a bit preachy much of the time.. Will have to watch it again to see if the label is fair or not.

Ask Autumn thunder.. He thought so also.. Maybe he can remember better.

Hated everything about her character though.
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Maybe, but you would have thought he would have given his nephew the benefit of the doubt of acting on it before attempting to murder him.
Especially considering that he gave Darth Vader a pretty significant amount of leeway in what he considered beyond redemption.

Luke said it was an instinctual reaction to protect his friends and family that passed just as quickly as it came, but it horrified and filled him with shame. Ben saw him and reacted before Luke could explain and it all went downhill from there. It’s kind of like how he reacted on the Death Star when he was overcome with the need to protect the Rebellion that he lashed out at Palpatine.

Kathleen Kennedy force power reach its full potential with this movie... so much wow.

"Girl power is strong with this one".
I just can't get over how bad this was. Jesus. It's surreal, this whole thing.
I'm not sure where to start....

- why do they neuter every villian in this movie with silly moments of stupid comedy? Seriously, I knew I was in for a rough ride when the whole " I'll hold for General Hux " skit started at the beginning.

- I didn't think it was possible to make to star wars capital ships in space boring...

- cosmic superleia

- no snoke origin and lacklustre Rey origin story

- ****ing Rose

- Luke fondling 4 space **** and drinking the juice

- once again Rey is the best at everything. Bests Jedi master Luke in a fight. Luke lifts one rock on Dagobah? **** you Luke I'm gonna lift a mountain side, I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR!

- The entire way Luke was portrayed. A weak feeble failure who teetered on the edge of executing his own nephew while he slept.

I could keep going there's so much more but I'll stop haha.

please keep going
I saw it and actually enjoyed it. It's a fine follow-up to The Force Awakens. Problem is The Force Awakens (IMO) is a terrible follow-up to the original trilogy and thusly so is The Last Jedi. This just couldn't have been helped really. Knowing that going in I was able to have a bit of fun.

I think kids will love it and this will be Star Wars to them, they'll be able to accept all of it where I cannot.

Me I'll have to make do with the OT, Rogue One and I'll pretend that the Zahn trilogy of books is the real continuation of Luke, Han and Leia. These sequels are an enjoyable alternate universe (or timeline) if Star Wars did that.
Yeah, Johnson and Lucasfilm wasted what could have been a great character. Same goes for Luke and Phasma and pretty much everything in this piece of **** movie.

Actually what you came up with was better. But I knew snoke was gonna be just some generic palpatine wannabe.
On the upside, at least we got to see her use the Force, which was in doubt after TFA squandered her Jedi future.

Regarding the casino planet, I would have preferred it to have been on a space station like in the old Marvel comics:


Without a doubt mate but the manner in which she used it was just so ridiculous!
Ok so here's my full review after one Midnight Showing

The Great:

Kylo Ren's entire arc. Rian Johnson really made me love this character, something JJ couldn't quite nail besides the look and odd attitude, and something Lucas couldn't even grasp with Anakin in the prequels. The Temple scenes with Luke and Kylo, that's how paint grey area in Star Wars, George. I was on the edge of my seat the entire film trying to figure out if he would really turn or not, and the way they executed that was spectacular. I understood where Luke and Kylo could both see this moment as entirely different, and gives reason as to why Kylo would turn. The way he and Rey communicated was really cool. Really loved the part where he sees the drop of rain on his glove.

The Force and the way they reintroduced the Force as a living thing and not some weird Tom cruise ****. They actually eradicated mediclorians in this. The Force is back, baby!

The Throne Room scene. Holy ****balls, I've heard complaints about no saber v saber battles, but that scene completely filled that void. The intensity of that scene is off the charts. When Kylo catches Luke's saber and essentially head-shots that royal guard, the theater went nuts.

Rey/Luke relationship. Exactly what I was hoping for and expected out of Luke coming out of TFA. Him deciding to give Rey lessons to prove why sometimes Legends like the Jedi, aren't always the ideal way of doing things was a great switch up on things and very fresh. Also, the "Dagobah" scene was very trippy, I loved the imagery there.

The space battles, particularly the lightspeed kamikaze and the opening sequence. Wow, somehow they topped RO in this department. That shot of Hondo(?) blasting through the destroyer was breathtaking, and will always be a watershed moment in Star Wars. Crazy how much of a pay-off that felt like compared to another Death Star or something like it.

The pay-off for Luke Skywalker in this, for me, was perfect. I didn't expect it at all. In fact, the entire last act of the film on Crait is probably Star Wars at it's best. This is what I imagined when I heard we were getting new Star Wars movies, everything great about the OT action and design, with updated visuals and fast paced editing.

My favorite part of the film was for sure Luke V Kylo. Kylo's emotion when he sees Luke was awesome. "Fire everything we have on that man!" Their entire encounter had me on the edge of my seat. That sweet, sweet, pay-off though. That Luke wasn't even there. That honestly is probably the biggest deal breaker for a lot of people, but for me, it worked on every level. That **** was ****ing awesome, and easily would have topped a regular saber battle. This flick sent Luke off in the most bad ass way.

A few other things I absolutely loved:
-Yoda, a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
- R2 and Luke reunion. Tears man.
- Chewy and Luke reunion, and his reaction to Han's death.

The Good:

The Leia scene was really cool, the bait and switch got me, I thought they killed her off right there. Her coming in Superman style was a little odd but it was cool to finally see her use her powers. The music in that scene was great, and was my GF's favorite part of the entire flick.

The Humor, and surprisingly the Porgs. As many here know, I hated those little ****ers the entire lead up to this flick, It was more the idiot meme culture that took with them and ran with it. Glad to know they weren't just Force minions, and a small part of the film.

Poe was great and I was happy to see he wasn't taking dicks up the butt (yet) and that they gave him more to do.

Del Toro was good, though I need to see it one more time at least to figure out if he was really even needed. Interesting choice of a character.

Finn's battle with Phasma with the ship imploding around them was really cool.

The Bad:

Not so bad, but Rosie. I felt like at times she felt forced and didn't have much to do but make us like Finn more. I get this movie theme's is really about heroic actions of the little dewds, but this was drove home annoyingly hard with her character at times. She was just too SJW for me.

Rose and Finn kiss, I loved the moment up to that, I really thought Finn was a goner. But the way that wrapped up bugged me.

Tit Juice.

Luke throwing the saber over his shoulder irked me, but they still got a LOL at it. It will bug me on repeat viewings though.

The Ugly:

Space horses, what the hell. There was one cool shot in that sequence that I remember, but they should have cut that out. The entire sequence wasn't needed and felt like a quick PSA in between all the emotion in the A and b story lines. They looked terrible, riding them was dumb as ****, same with the hole "u free now go seabisquit" moment. They should had made this sequence a high rollers Pod Racing sequence instead of ****ing horses. That would have made it more gritty and fun to watch. The slave kids thing could had easily been written into it as well. Overall, a bit lazy.

The D'qar (casino planet?) was just too Hunger Games in design. Come on, give us troopers, not these nerdy space mall cops chasing Finn. The buildings, the peoples outfits, the whole ambiance was way off for Star Wars.

I probably have forgotten a few things that I liked and didn't quite like, but that's the gist of it. I'll be seeing it again in a few days, and cannot look more forward to it. 9/10 Easily for me now, I guess time will tell now.

My Star Wars Ranking as of today:

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. The Last Jedi (did not expect it to be this high)
3. A New Hope
4. Return of the Jedi
5. The Force Awakens
6. Rogue One
7. Revenge of the Sith
8. Attack of the Clones
9. The Phantom Menace.
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