Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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You really don't understand middle ground at all do you?

What part of wanting Luke to have a satisfying lightsaber fight demands that he "jump around like a monkey"?

so you want what they gave you then? :dunno

there’s really no pleasing some of you.

But I don’t want a luke duel with flipping and spinning!

*The Last Jedi has a very rewarding and romanticized duel between kylo and luke without flipping and spinning with a great end pay off.*

Never seen "Hate" in a movie review thread so many times.

Count me amongst the haters.

everyone complained about how negative the justice league thread was, some people even got their panties in a bunch crying about that :lol
yet this is looking up to be one of the most hate filled movie threads of this year :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

this thread is going to be a salt mine with all the hate lol. at least the hate on justice league was funny and had memes. this is just full on angry rage
every new clip i see of the movie makes me cringe a little bit more. They must of had a bit of contempt for luke to treat him this way.......whatever i guess

I walked out of the film without much anticipation for the next film which is a contrast to the excitement I had for this film leaving TFA.

Yup same here. Despite it's flaws, I thought TFA did a great job establishing some dynamic new characters and bringing back the spirit and energy that was sorely lacking from the prequels, and I was really excited to see where it might all go...

But even though I didn't detest TLJ like many others here, it still left me underwhelmed and a bit deflated, and not feeling all that excited for the next one. Especially with Luke out of the picture now. Maybe if Kylo had actually fully turned like it seemed he was going to, that would have piqued my interest a lot more, but now that he's just another angry, raving villain there's nothing very interesting about him anymore.

This movie was so bad that I'd rather watch the prequels over it again

Do you guys think we'll get a Broomkid figure?

O. M. G. It just hit me....


Rian Johnson is a genius.
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Idk. I blame everyone. Johnson for writing this crap. Kennedy for approving the script. Even Abrams for not wanting to direct hence why Johnson was hired.

Now I understand why Abrams completely threw out Trevorrow's draft of IX. It was probably a direct continuation of Johnson's cluster**** and impossible to work with.

I wouldn't be surprised if IX takes place a decade later with Leia now dead from old age. Distancing it as much as possible time-wise might be the only way to make IX watchable.

I still don't give a **** though. I love Adam Driver and will watch him in anything but he's just not cut out to be a Palpatine. A grand overlord.

And you were so sure that vampire snoke was a thing. I know you were lying but yea it’s still funny to see you wrong again

Lol. Thats brilliant and I couldn't agree more with MH. Fair enough he's on board now, he has to tow the line for the sake of his contract but so much honesty is spoken in the heat of the moment.

After a couple of viewings TLJ isn't getting much better for me personally. I went to see TPM & AotC a few times as disappointing as they were, they still felt like Star Wars. TLJ feels like a mash of Harry Potter, Dr Who and every other weak multi-million $$$ blockbuster.

Maybe I'm just upset that Ackbar is dead, Nien Numb wasn't used at all.Leia's space walk was dumb etc. Or was it the fact that most of the film wa spent watching the Rebellion on pretty much one ship, no wonder the kids were a bit bored, even the big bad super door-destroyer gun ex-death technology couldn't get them excited. I wonder why?

I'm still processing it and need to see it again but first impression was about 7/10...maybe.

Things I liked :
• Snoke. A lot more interesting than I thought and CG was great.
• The opening sequence
• Yoda force ghost return (Although not the CG on this one as much)
• Rey's storyline (for the most part)
• Cinematography

Things I didn't like :
• The whole Canto Bight story - seemed like a pointless plot line to give Finn something to do.
• Rose
• Why would they think small craft wouldnt be noticed leaving the transport?
• The FO seem like a bunch of bumbling idiots
• The fight against the guards - looked way too choreographed

Oh, and the literal deus ex machina that was BB-8 ( and I loved him in TFA)

And maybe I blacked or during the explanation, but WHY couldn't the star destroyers just get closer to the fleeing resistance ships to shoot them down?!

I loved TFA, borrowed storyline and all. This just didn't advance any main character for me. But I'm willing to give it another view.
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I love the alternate universe in this forum where people are in complete denial that this movie is a bona fide hit. Everyone out in the real world seems to be raving about it. Also, I'm totally happy with all my pre-orders.

I'm the biggest SW fan of my friends, and several other friends who saw it had similar issues.

I might get Illusion Luke. I'm still not sure how I feel about the whole movie, but it was cool seeing him in this updated ROTJ look.
He was such a badass in that scene. Until...

I would buy an illusion Luke. I'd honestly just think of it as an EU old Luke.

I'm still trying to figure out how disney got all the pro critics to score this so well. Even if you think this is a great movie, 90%+ seems like an odd score for this.

I don't blame johnson, what was pre visualized and story boarded probably was shot correctly, there isn't any camera movement that I find offensive, and I thought the acting was just fine. I also have to applaud the editors for this, because this is basically a 2 and a half hour trailer for episode 9, but the continuity is fine, I can make some sense of why the story is where it is, there is no way disney is going to sink millions of dollars into shots that an editor will eventually cut, so if there is something cut, it's going to be a dialogue scene.

The problem is the story itself, this is what happens when a lot of people who don't have a clear idea of the story they are telling try to make something. It doesn't help that the producers are probably not people who grew up with star wars (kennedy), for them Its just a commercial item to exploit.

I am hoping I'm way off the mark because I really want to dig new star wars stories.

Johnson wrote the movie; I definitely blame him.
This movie just proves the rebels are out to destroy the galaxy, Rose proved it, oh she didnt like the wealthy guys because guess what they made their living off selling arms to the empire boo hoo, lets destroy them and ruin them, and everyone though they were the heroes...

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And you were so sure that vampire snoke was a thing. I know you were lying but yea it’s still funny to see you wrong again

:lol:lol:lol the movie being bad made this worth it :lol just so that all his speculation would fall on his face :lol

Lots of TLJ hate and disappointment here...which is everyone's right. As a life long Star Wars fan I am perhaps in the lucky minority that can say that I loved the latest Star Wars movie so whatever Rian Johnson did certainly worked for some of us. Thing is when you read a couple of chapters in a book and the story does not go the way you though it was going you don't get upset you simply realize the book is not for you and you stop reading and move on to something else. Maybe it's time for some folks who thought they that they were going to like Star Wars to accept that it was not meant to be.
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