Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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I wish murder was legal just for 24 hours.

Did I just watch a ****ing movie whose sole entire premise was built upon the fact that the BAD GUYS WERE UNABLE TO CATCH UP TO THE GOOD GUYS!

Did they really keep cutting back to the dumbest chase in cinema history!

But Disney's awesome, right?

Agreed Kylo was one of the best parts of this movie.
I can’t believe they outdid phantom menace yoda. Looked like a rubber sock puppet. I got really excited when I saw the back of his head and then my jaw dropped. I seriously have no idea what he said to Luke because I couldn’t stop staring at how hideous it was.

Apparently they have meth in "Force spirit world".

how about we look past our own fan fiction fantasies and objectively talk about the film.

You play by the rules set in previous movies: Luke is the *only* one who sees good in Vader. Luke is going to murder his nephew in his sleep. W.T.F.

What a wonderful smell I discovered lastnight.

Nice :duff

It felt like Johnson was blatantly trolling the audience throughout the entire movie.

You think I'll have Snoke be a powerful Dark-sider? Wrong.

You think I'll give Rey a meaningful origin and journey? Wrong again.

You think I'll give you a BADASS Luke Skywalker? Sooooo wrong.

You think I'll take it easy on the comedy and Porgs? Tragically wrong.

You think I'll actually give Phasma something to do? Painfully WRONG.

You think you'll like this movie? HAHAHAHAHA wrong, baby. Wrong.

EXACTLY how I felt leaving Iron Man 3, like I'd just gotten a huge middle finger in my face.
Apparently they have meth in "Force spirit world".

You play by the rules set in previous movies: Luke is the *only* one who sees good in Vader. Luke is going to murder his nephew in his sleep. W.T.F.

Nice :duff

EXACTLY how I felt leaving Iron Man 3, like I'd just gotten a huge middle finger in my face.


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The damage is already done but Kathleen Kennedy ought to be fired and Rian Johnson should never be allowed near anything Star Wars ever again.

I think my son said it best when he said, "It was an OK movie but not a good Star Wars movie." We expect more from this special franchise and as far as I'm concerned, the new sequels haven't provided that. It had it's moments but came across as ideas thrown into a hat and taped together.

This movie just didn’t feel like part of a trilogy. It felt like a one-shot. Really liked the Rey Kylo sequences. That had a lot of potential.

'Oh wow, I wonder who Snoke is and where he's from. Oh, I guess he's dead.'
'I wonder who Reys parents are, the previous movie made it seem like a big deal. Oh, they're nobodies.'
'Last movie ended on a cliffhanger with Luke, I wonder what he'll say to Rey. Oh, he does a funny.'

I really hated how the movie ****s all over the mysterious that were built up in the previous one. And that stupid beginning scene with Hux and Poe just made me cringe...The only scenes I liked were the ones with Kylo and Rey. Kylo is the only thing I like from the ST.

All of this, right on the money.
Actually as an OT purist I would have to side with noisetrigger on this.

I’m still working on my very lengthy and thorough review but yes there are elements that made no freaking sense while there were elements that were astonishing to behold.

There were times where the movie fully derailed but then got back on track.
I’m just trolling there’s alot I absolutely did LOVE in this movie.

It actually got alot more right than wrong but the wrong are definately head scratchers.

Dude, it sucked donkey *SS.

I cringed soooooo many times. I haven't cringed during a SW movie since threepio at the Battle of Geonosis during AOTC.

This is the guy they gave the keys to to make a new Trilogy as well?:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
I don’t have a problem with Luke having a moment of weakness when he ignited his lightsaber in Bens hut. It showed that while Luke is a Jedi Master he also can have a moment of weakness. I thought it was a great way to show how Ben could have views that moment of weakness and we as an audience can see the situation from his point of view.

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all you guys and your head canon being demolished. just because it didn’t go the way you think it would doesn’t mean it’s a bad movie. some you guys really need to let go and just enjoy these movies and stop expecting another Empire. That won’t happen.

god I love this, I really enjoyed this flick, but not as much as some of the meltodowns in here.


It felt like Johnson was blatantly trolling the audience throughout the entire movie.

You think I'll have Snoke be a powerful Dark-sider? Wrong.

You think I'll give Rey a meaningful origin and journey? Wrong again.

You think I'll give you a BADASS Luke Skywalker? Sooooo wrong.

You think I'll take it easy on the comedy and Porgs? Tragically wrong.

You think I'll actually give Phasma something to do? Painfully WRONG.

You think you'll like this movie? HAHAHAHAHA wrong, baby. Wrong.

No one was "trolling" you. All I got from this breakdown is that you seemingly like predictability in your films.

Rotten Tom has 60K audience reviews - currently at 61%. :rotfl

I came out of the theater liking the movie, but I feel it was far from perfect. Like others, I feel that this film is about as good as ROTS.

What I liked:

- John Williams score. The music in Star Wars films have always been spectacular, and I think the soundtrack is one of the few redeeming qualities of this film, same as the prequels.
- Set design, costume design, ship designs. Everything was visually amazing in this film. I love all of the new spacecraft we saw in this movie.
- Snoke. I thought he would be a mysterious and interesting villain for this trilogy, but I am pissed that he was wasted like Darth Maul. The first thing that really stuck out to me was how amazing Andy Serkis was. I loved how he used a voice and cadence similar to Jack Palance, wether it was intentional or not.

What I didn’t like:

- The way Luke was portrayed. I wanted to see an older version or the Luke we saw in ROTJ. This wasn’t the Luke we were looking for.
- The Leia - Mary Poppins sequence. Did anyone else immediately think of Guardians of the Galaxy?
- Canto Bight/Casino/DJ the codebreaker. This whole part of the film should have hit the “cutting room floor” to trim 20+ minutes off this film.
- Snoke’s death. As mentioned above. What a waste of an interesting character. So now the only villains left are Kylo Snape and Hux?
- The Poe Mutiny. What a waste of time. This should have been cut from the film.
- the Kamikaze light speed sequence. Really cool idea and well visualized on screen, but minimizes the sacrifices of previous movies. Why didn’t the rebels do this to the death stars and star killer? It should never have been included.
- The last scene with the slaveboy on Canto Bight. I understand why it was there (to show the audience that there are more force sensitive individuals), but it was out of place as the last scene before end credits. They should have ended the film with Luke staring at the sunset and dying.

There are many other things I liked or had issues with which have probably already been mentioned. I will say this: I have a greater appreciation for Rogue One. All of the characters were treated respectfully, it had a great story, and to me is more cannon than this ST.
Actually screw my lengthy review here it is in a nutshell.

Based on the fact that there are only two perfect Star Wars movies, ANH/ESB, this movie faithfully continues the tradition since ROTJ of Star Wars movies being a mixed bag.

That simple.

TFA/TLJ/RO have more positives than the PT though.
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