Alien Warrior legendary scale bust

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I think the size is spot on... The teeth and tendons not so much. And now that im hearing its hollow i feel a tad ripped off. If the teeth were chromed and the tendons not so tacky looking i wouldnt mind the price. But the way it sits its looking like a max $300 piece. But i will reserve final judgement until tomorrow when i recieve mine.
This it's not a right angle and you know it but..oh look, now it got bigger than the predator too!congrats!

I haven't ordered it yet.Right now I'm waiting engineer and big chap lsb. Sometime later I will, but that doesn't change the fact that SS this time made fool on us. At least on me..

Yeah! How dare they not inform us of the size of this product...

I never said they didn't inform us. I just said they wrongly sell it as an overpriced lsb.
Either read my lips, or keep posting until you convince yourself. Cheers mate!
Unless Sideshow updates the weight of the Big Chap LSB, it'll be hollow too. They have it listed at 15lbs at the moment.
I haven't received mine yet but from pictures the tendons (thought those were muscles of mastication?) appear to be made of the same material as 1/4 scale alien queen bust. It's certainly the same color. I have no complaints with that so hopefully 1/2 scale warrior turns out fine too.
Still never got any notice as a contest winner.
Hoping I did not or do not miss it.

If you were the winner of the Alien Warrior Legendary Scale Bust on the site you should have received an email regarding the final steps of fulfillment of your prize. It was sent out earlier this afternoon. :)

I'm curious as to how the shipping notice/confirmation plays out for contest winners. I won the Predator Masked Hunter LSB a while ago, and it doesn't release until April 2015. Despite getting an email when I won saying that they would contact me close to the ship date, I am a tad bit skeptical on how smoothly that works for contest winners. Hope we don't get forgotten!

Contest winner's that won a Pre-Order prize are notified via email either right before or a little after an item has started to ship to customers. How do I know this? I'm the master keeper of the huge Sideshow contest winner list/document, so I'm constantly keeping tabs of contest winners (especially those that won Pre-Orders) to ensure they are contacted at the right time. :)

Can't believe people are surprised this is hollow. Isn't just about everything Sideshow makes these days hollow to make them lighter for shipping? I remember Avengers Hulk being hollow as well, as well as their 1:2 scale Iron Man.

Anyway, personally, the more pics I see of this the less I'm liking it. The tendons and teeth really look bad. Mine arrives tomorrow, but I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it. As for the size, personally I think it's fine. If people really want to be sure, take measurements of it, then compare to the measurements of the 1:1 scale piece.
Has anyone else noticed that the inner jaw is crooked? It's definitely not alined with the tilt of his head.
Hmm mine is aligned properly, are you looking at the pics that were posted where the mouth was accidentally inserted upside down?

lol, No. A few pictures looked off to me. Thought perhaps it was an issue.. Glad it's not, since mine will be here today
If you were the winner of the Alien Warrior Legendary Scale Bust on the site you should have received an email regarding the final steps of fulfillment of your prize. It was sent out earlier this afternoon. :)

Contest winner's that won a Pre-Order prize are notified via email either right before or a little after an item has started to ship to customers. How do I know this? I'm the master keeper of the huge Sideshow contest winner list/document, so I'm constantly keeping tabs of contest winners (especially those that won Pre-Orders) to ensure they are contacted at the right time. :)

Haha you are awesome man! :hi5: I had no idea how that all worked. Sorry if that post was a bit pessimistic. I've won a contest in the past (not sideshow) that was for something not yet released, and I never received what I won. So I was just a little weary of that. Thanks for putting my mind at ease! :)
I agree with sleepybee. I hope sideshow alex can chime in on the differences for us. I understand the prototype pics are not the final product... But when the one major complaint from day one was chromed teeth.. and the pics portray that.. you would like to believe that sideshow would take heed and keep that on the final pieces.
I'm wondering with the teeth if either just dry brushing diluted black india ink over the existing pant job, or adding a tiny drop of it to chrome paint would work. To me the teeth in the prototype photos have a sort of "dirty" chrome look to them. Not shiny and polished like the chrome of a sports car. I think darkening it up a bit would be the way to go. I've worked quite a bit with india ink in various formats so that's why my mind is going to that.