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Xbox 360 Update Will Add USB Storage Function
Written Friday, March 19, 2010 by Richard Walker

Sick of your measly 64MB and 512MB memory cards? Running short of space on your Xbox 360 hard drive? Well, fret no more friends, because support for USB Memory devices is reportedly on the way for Xbox 360.

According to documentation gleaned by Joystiq, "USB Mass Storage Device Support on Xbox 360" is planned to arrive in an upcoming update this year. The document was penned by a senior software development engineer at Microsoft apparently, and reasons that due to "increased market penetration of high-capacity, high throughput USB mass storage devices, a 2010 Xbox 360 system update" will enable 360 owners to save and load game data from a number of USB devices when it hits in Spring 2010. That's if the reports - backed up by two seperate sources - are to be believed.

The update will also allow you to download Xbox Live Arcade games, Xbox Live Indie games, Games on Demand, DLC and other updates to a USB storage device, which are generally of much greater capacity than your standard Xbox 360 memory card, which currently stands at a maximum of 512MB.

What's more, you'll also be able to install your games to a USB storage device to really save on hard drive space, although you'll obviously still need to have the disc in the machine to play a game as usual.

This is great news especially for people that have the older hard drives.
totally Im still running on a 20 gig drive with about 9 gig left on it. Im always having to clean stuff out and watch what I save.
This is very good news! I'm still using my 20GB HD and I've only got about a gig left on it (I always install the game I'm currently playing to the HD because my CD drive has issues). I was planning to pick up a 120GB HD, but I may wait and just pick up a large capacity external later in the year.
I still have like 60 gigs free, but like Bagels said, it will be a nice option when the time comes. I still won't be happy until the storage gets like PSN.....where you can use a normal hard-drive instead of an inflated priced xbox HD
well im on my 4th xbox thanks to my best buy warranty. It dies i walk in get another and walk out, no prob.
My Xbox Died!!! :rock:rock:rock:rock:rock:rock

:lol:lol:lol funny thread.

I just received my replacement 360 back yesterday and it was another 2005 version. Oh well I went ahead and picked up a MW2 one so i'm not worried and at least now I have a back up.