Your most wanted DC PFs

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Super Freak
Nov 20, 2008
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I've looked for a thread along these lines and I couldn't find one. So, I figured...why not start a thread where we can all post our most wanted DC PFs? Too often I've seen other threads get clogged up with our wish list so let's just post them here. Mods, if a thread like this already exists, feel free to merge away. So, here's my most wanted list. All classic versions (unless SSC is willing to release and Arkham Origins Deathstroke) for me. No New 52.

5.)Ra's al Ghul

Of course there a TON of DC PFs I'd like to see made but I'm going to limit my list to my 5 most desired and ones that I would add to my collection without hesitation. We can all make a list a mile long but which ones do you want on your display shelves and willing to shell out $400+ for?

A quick break down:

1.) Slade is such a cool and bad ass looking character. One of my faves and all but ignored in statue form. I want him most of all!

2.) Darkseid is f'n Darkseid. One of the most powerful villains ever and a universal threat.

3.) OK, I'm going to admit that there probably aren't a lot of Flyod Lawton fans out there but I love the character.

4.) Harvey needs a PF. Mixed media was made for characters like this. Also, he's a serious Bats baddie.

5.) The Demon's Head would also look good in mixed media and has been a major adversary for the Dark Knight. Switch out sword a must.

Well, there you go. Let's hear your thoughts and see your most wanted.
It's funny because they already put out three of my top 5 so Instead of doing the normal thing I'm going to do Top 5 PF's I want that probably won't get made.

1. Ras Al Ghul, He is the very definition of maniacal and ruthless. He gets put on the back burner way too often.
2. Batgirl (Cassandra Cain), Besides Barb she is the best Batgirl and she is much beloved by many a fan. She needs a PF, but this one I'm truly doubtful on.
3. Simon Dark, I don't why but I love this character, he was awesome and I think they gave up on him way too soon. Speaking of maligned characters...
4. The Creeper, A fun character no one seems to get.
5. The Question, who doesn't love a faceless conspiracy theorist detective? He's been a DC mainstay for ages.
You guys and gals can put down whatever you want. Top 5, top 10, etc...
I only ask that lists be reasonable. If peeps want to list 50 characters, that's cool with me. However, are these peeps really going to order all or most of the characters on their list? I kept my list to 5 because without a doubt (so long as they look good) my 5 will be displayed in my collection. If I haven't mentioned it before, Deathstroke tops my list. :lol
Rest of JLA (Flash, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter)
Museum pose Green Lantern
Green Arrow
Lex Luthor
Booster Gold
Black Adam
I'm basically just waiting on...

Green Arrow

After that I'm not really worried about any of the others.
I am huge on the female end of statues only (cause heroes get more love, figure I go with the underdogs)

1. Batgirl - preferably a Babs, but if they made a line also including Cassandra and Stephanie, I'd grabbed all three.

2. Robin - this is a general any Robin, a combo as all 4 male ones, or as their respective ego like Nightwing, Hood, and Red Robin.

3. Talia Al Ghul - just an arabic themed base with this deadly princess holding the cowl and cape, and a sabre in the other hand -sexy and deadly and no doubt would look beautiful.

4. Starfire (with or seperately with BlackFire) - Poison Ivy is sexy, and I would say with the new 52, Kori blows that sexy completion away! You could do so much, either a battle scene sculpt showing her full force with exotic flames, or even just a casual pose. BlackFire also would be as wonderful.

5. Raven - AH did a good job with her but honestly more could be done for better justice.

6. Star Sapphire - if they made her like Hal's PF, this would be a must have.

7. Jesse Quick - where is love for the Flash? Let alone the Speed Force! Maybe Flash on CW kicks off as well as Arrow.

8. Mera - my all time favorite DC female! I mean she deserves something! The way wonder woman has been shown, I think they can do something similar.

Im sir I have way more, but I would without a doubt, pre-order and grab each of these.
1. Nightwing
2. Killer Croc
3. Two-Face
4. Mr. Freeze (would be super cool in PF)
5. Robin (D1ck Grayson) or Batgirl (Barbara Gordon)
1) Captain Marvel (I ain't calling him Shazam)
2) Black Adam
3) Kingdom Come Superman
4) Darksied
5) Huntress or Power Girl
In no particular order:

1. Mr. Freeze
2. Darkseid
3. Bane (animated series)
4. Killer Croc
5. Raven
6. Doomsday
7. Lex (battle suit)
8. Metallo
9. Batwoman
10. Nightwing
Robin (Tim Drake in his classic costume, or Damian Wayne, happy with either)
Red Hood (Jason Todd)
Azrael (Jean Paul)

I know they're all Bat characters, but I don't care :nana:
Nightwing and Tim Drake Robin are the only ones I'm really waiting for.

The others I can wait for. I am desperately waiting for SSC to pull a Nightwing soon, DC's greatest leader needs a PF immediately.
I've got Joker and Harley, a perfectly matched pair, and I think I'm done.

As a huge and lifelong DC fan who genuinely loves far, far too many characters, it would be so easy for me to fall really deep into Sideshow's PF lineup, but I've been trying to avoid triggering that urge, as I just don't have the space any more.

That said, I don't think I'd be able to resist a Grell inspired Green Arrow, Hawkman and Hawkgirl (or Hawkwoman) have the potential to look pretty amazing, villains like Deathstroke and Scarecrow would be a tough pass, as would Aquaman, and I'd absolutely love a really well done Jonah Hex.

So far I'm sticking to the plan (though I'm still sorely tempted by Wonder Woman), but I'm sure they'll lure me in with something else eventually.