Xbox One System Discussion

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Damn, 500 euros is a lot. It comes with a lot of stuff though and i really liked everything they showed. I'll see what sony brings to the table and then i'll decide but xbox one gave me a pretty strong first impression.
I was really impressed. Dead Rising 3 , Rise and Titanfall were the stand outs for me. The price is steep but pretty much what I expected. I doubt I'll buy one at launch but I'll definitely be getting one.

All this trade in crap needs to be touched upon though , did I miss something or have they just ignored everyone in regards to clearing that up ?.
All this trade in crap needs to be touched upon though , did I miss something or have they just ignored everyone in regards to clearing that up ?.

That was the only disappointing part for me, they touched up on....none of that. They're talking about that as well on spikes post show.
Ryse and dead rising 3 look interesting, everything else I can live without.The price is reasonable, we pay $350 - $400 plus tax and shipping for Pf and some guys even pay double that for custom 1/6 dolls.The Xbox one is like a powerful computer dedicated to playing games. As for the controversy I don't lend my games and rarely buy used games.
What happens if you let your Gold membership lapse, do you keep the 2 free games you got during the months you had a membership, or do they go away (ala PS+)?
I hope the Xbox one won't experience anything like the rrod.I still game on my fat 60gb ps3 with no problems.
Conference was okay I give them credit for only talking about games, but they should have taken 10 minutes to clear up their polices on used games and such. The exclusives nothing really jumped out at me, there was a time I'd have cared about Killer Instinct but that time has passed. They proclaimed they would kill Sony at E3 or at least one MS executive did, Sony doesn't have to do too much to at least tie them.

Dead Rising, yeah great it's an exclusive only problem is with Capcom that doesn't mean very much. Dead Rising was exclusive to 360 then it sold like crap in Japan and they eventually ported it to Wii.

Free Games for live, about time they did this to match with PS+, wonder how it will work. PS+ they are yours as long as you have PS+ and have them bound to your account. Wonder if any of Sony's other PS+ deals will be brought to Gold.

499.99 It's more then some were predicting but it makes sense. I expect Sony to come in around that price they claimed they were not going to have the same price as PS3 at launch so anything over 500 is going to hurt them.
The games were all great, but I think it was big problem to still have the other issues looming over everything. It seems people were really negative about each announcement because of that.
I just don't see Sony matching the $500 price tag. If they do they'll be eating some serious cash on the system and I don't think their shareholders will like that in their current financial state.