Xbox One System Discussion

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With the family thing is it, you can play on your copy of the game and your can play at the exact same time on the cloud shared copy, so you could be playing with him with only 1 copy of the game?
Had the xbox and then the 360 but I think microshat have forgot about the most important thing and thats the consumer Ps4 for me this generation.
Dumb just dumb. As of right now the PS4 looks like it'll win the next war with MS handicapping their system. A lot of blowback coming MS way.
As a huge fan of the 360, I am horrified in regards to these XBOX ONE requirements.

Allowing publishers to determine used games rates? Strike one
having to have their damn Kinect camera? Strike 2
have to have an online connection once a day? meh

So, in my eyes - two stikes and a meh -

Not buying this day one, that's for damn sure. If the PS4 is more gamer friendly, I will buy that first
Terrible decision by Microsoft. If Sony is smart, they'll maintain the old model and destroy Microsoft without even trying. It's very possible MS will see the error of their ways and call an audible after getting all the negative feedback, but they already have seen the unadulterated hatred of these ideas all around the net and seem unphased. They can't even come up with good lies about the advantages we the gamers get from this structure. They're just shrugging and saying "yeah, it's a money thing...sorry. Please buy this piece of $&$1 anyway."
It'll be very interesting to see the way Sony goes.
Guarantee if they're not planning the same stuff already then game publishers will be pressuring them behind the scenes to do it.
What parent or kid is even going to remember all these crazy and confusing requirements.

Parents are just going to get frustrated with all the rules and hidden costs.

Way too freaking complicated MS, we just want to play games.

Whole bunch of very well educated business men making horrible decisions.
All this to control used game sales? I wonder how much they think they are losing in used game sales?
I like the idea of cloud gaming and have your games digital and easy to download in different places , but hate the idea that you dont own anything and if Microsoft closes down its game division or decided to abandon gaming, you lose all the games you invested in.

Sounds like even if you buy the disc version, you still dont own the game but only "right to play" which can be taken away from you at anytime for any reason.